

Value Analyses of Lawyer’s Right in Criminal Suit

【作者】 沈毅

【导师】 李浩;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 市民社会与政治国家的二元并立社会结构,奠定了近现代辩护制度的社会基础。律师刑事诉讼权利就是二元并立社会结构这一事物的法的本质和一定物质生产所产生的利益和需要的表现。二元并立社会结构下,市民社会要求参与司法,主要是通过陪审团和律师辩护来实现。在不实行陪审团制度的国家,辩护律师介入诉讼更具意义。市民社会参与刑事司法既是为了维护其单个成员利益免受国家刑罚权的不法侵害,更在于通过这种维护来防止国家对市民社会的威胁。因此,律师刑事诉讼权利实质上是市民社会对其成员的帮助权、刑事司法参与权、对国家权力的制约与监督权。由于是市民社会决定和制约政治国家,这就决定了法律制度应确立权利本位,实行宪政来制约国家权力,以保障公民的权利。同时,为了使市民社会与政治国家各自在自己的利益界线内活动,还要求保持二元并立关系。在刑事诉讼领域,这些要求主要是通过辩护律师诉讼权利的行使所形成的对权力制约、抗衡来实现的。律师刑事诉讼权利也因此获得了它的伦理价值。现代刑事诉讼三角结构所体现的对国家刑罚权的制约、刑事诉讼应当实现的程序和实体公正,是二元并立社会结构应然关系的要求。辩护律师作为诉讼结构的基本方,其权利直接关系着结构的稳定和结构功能的实现,因而它对控审分离、控辩平等和审判中心和司法至上都具有直接的支撑作用。在程序和实体上,律师刑事诉讼权利对司法公正的意义则是显著的。此外,律师刑事诉讼权利存在及行使本身又体现出它的独立价值。本文在对我国律师刑事诉讼权利几个重要内容作出分析后,就其改进提出了个人意见。

【Abstract】 It lays the social basis for the criminal defence system of modern times that the binary society structure of civil society and political state exist side by side. The lawyer’s right in criminal suit is the expression of the essence of law of the binary society structure that is as a thing, and the interests and the needs that the material production engenders. Civil society has the power to take part in the criminal judicature through the jury and lawyer entering into the case because the binary society structure requires that civil society should decide the political state. The lawyer’s role has very great significance to civil society without the jury in criminal suit. Civil society participates in the criminal judicature in order to preserve its member from illegal infringing of state and protect itself by the preservation. Therefore, the lawyer’s right is in fact the power of civil society helping its member in criminal suit, the participating, restricting and supervising power to the penal power of state in criminal judicature. In such a social structure, the right departmentalism should be established in the legal system and the constitutionalism should be practised so that the state power is restricted for safeguarding the citizen right, and at the same time, the relationship of the binary society structure should be maintained so as to keep the action bounds between civil society and political state, which is realized through the restriction that the lawyer’s right is exercised to create to penal power. The lawyer’s right just gets its moral value from above functions .The restriction that the triangular construction of modern criminal suit reflects to the penal power and the justice that should be brought about in procedure and substance ofpenal judicature are the demands of ideal relation in the binary society structure. The defender is a basic part in the suit construction and his right plays a very important role in its stableness and function. So, the right directly supports the separation of accusation and judgment, the equality between procurator and defender, the judicature supremacy and centralism of judgment. The lawyer’s right of criminal suit is of obvious effect on the procedural and substantive justice. Besides, the lawyer’s right has independent value, which just shows at its existing and exercising in criminal case. In the article, the author has given some analyses to the present condition of the lawyer’s right in criminal suit in China, and has made some proposals on its improvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】139

