

The Introspection and Prospect of Writing Teaching in High Schools

【作者】 叶黎明

【导师】 汪莹;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 作文是个人知识储存、思想情感、智能和语言的综合作用和表现,是衡量学生语文水平的重要尺度。作文教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,应当十分重视。 但是,作文教学却是语文教学中相当薄弱的一个环节。本文试图通过分析当前中学作文教学的现状,总结作文教学存在的弊端,分析问题背后的根源;当然,仅对问题进行反思是不够的,借鉴经验,比较优劣,博采众长,有助于迅速地匡正弊端,因此,本文介绍了古今中外一些富有启发性的作文教学经验,着重对当前几种作文教学体系做一番述评,赞其优点以资借鉴,惜其不足以期完善。最后,在反思的基础上,探讨新世纪中学作文教学的趋向。全文共分五章。 第一章 中学作文教学现状的反思 本章主要揭示当前中学作文教学中存在的种种弊端,指出作文教学主要存在三方面的问题,一是教学中对学生主体的忽视;二是教学与生活相背离;三是作文教学中存在许多不科学的做法。这些都是中学作文教学中普遍存在的问题,应该引起广大教师的重视。只有正视这些问题,才能找准教改的突破口。治标还须治本,作文教学的痼疾,是一种“并发症”。本章最后深入问题的背后寻找根源。 第二章 中国传统的作文教学经验摭谈 我国的写作活动有着十分悠久的历史,在漫长的历史中前人给我们留下许多指导作文的宝贵经验。本章选取了两点予以简述,一是有关放胆文和小心文的作文教学经验,一是关于作文模仿的偷字、偷意、偷气的说法。之所以选取这两点,是有针对性的。前者针对当前中学作文教学中存在的僵化的训练方式而言,旨在提倡作文教学应放手让学生写,让学生放胆写;后者针对实际教学中将模仿混同于抄袭等错误做法而言,旨在强调仿写训练要有层次性和科学性。 第三章 国外作文教学动态 作文教学是世界性的难题,各国都在探索。“他山之石,可以攻玉”。本章粗略地介绍了日本的生活作文教育、美国的段落教学,这些教学方法,或强调作文与生活的紧密联系,或追求作文教学的简易速效,这些恰恰是我们作文教学中存在的弱点,因此,作文教学应在横向比较中博采众长。 第四章 当前几种作文训练体系的述评 为了匡正作文教学的弊端,国内许多语文教师作了大胆有益的尝试。本章对作文教改中出现的几种有影响的作文训练体系加以述评,如“作文三级训练体系”、“快速作文训练体系”、“读写结合训练体系”、“分项作文训练体系”及文体训练体系。通过述评,一方面总结作文教改的先进成果,为广大教师提供作文教改的范例,另一方面也指出其中存在的不足,表明作文教改任重而道远。 第五章 新世纪作文教学的前瞻 21世纪是全面实施素质教育的世纪,作文教学面临着时代的挑战。本章着眼于未来,探讨新世纪作文教学的趋向。指出在新的时代,作文教学必须以生活为中心,高举为人生的旗帜:作文教学必须关注时代变化,重视实用。作文教学必须突出学生的主休性,促进学生素质的全面提高。

【Abstract】 Writing have the comprehensive function and expression of storing personal knowledge, emotions, intelligence and language ability. It is art important standard to measure the students’ proficiency in language. We should pay much attention to it, Which is the important part of Chinese language teaching.However, writing teaching is a quite weak link in Chinese language teaching, this article tries to summarize the drawbacks existing in writing teaching and analyze their causes by analyzing the present situation of writing teaching in high schools. Of course, it’s not enough to just conduct a self-examination towards it. It will help to remove the drawbacks quickly by using the experiences of others, comparing the good With the bad and adopting good advice from all source .So this article recommends us some enlightening experiences about writing teaching, tt emphatically comments on several present writing teaching systems, Using its advantages for reference and examining its disadvantages for improvement, finally, it also explores the trend in high school writing teaching in the new century on the basis of self -examination, the whole article is composed of five chapters.Chapter one: Introspection of the present writing teaching in high schools.this chapter mainly reveals all sorts of drawbacks existing in high school writing teaching and points out three major problems: 1) the ignorance of the students’ individualities in teaching; 2) the deviation of teaching from life; 3) many unscientific practice existing in writing teaching, these common problems should draw teachers’ great attention, and we must face them squarely in order to find out the breakthrough accurately, to effect a permanent cure is more important than merely bring about a temporary solution, the malady in writing teaching is a chronic complication. And this chapter probes into the problems to find out its roots.Chapter two: the talk about Chinese traditional experiences in writing teaching.Our writing movement has a very long history, through which the predecessors have left us many valuable experiences, with which we can direct our writing teaching, this chapter chooses two viewpoints of them and gives writing teaching a simple comment. One is about the teaching experience on writing boldly and carefully, the other is about the statement of imitating in composition such as copying the words, the meanings and the spirit. And it has its own aims, the former is in view of the rigid training pattern in present high school writing teaching. It aims to leave the writing to the students, let them write boldly and with confidence, the latter is in view of the wrong practice of mixing up imitating and plagiarizing, aiming to emphasize that imitation should have its good arrangement and scientific quality.Chapter three: the writing teaching movements in foreign countries.the writing teaching is a worldwide issue, which all other countries are exploring. "Stone carved can be tuned into jade." This article roughly introduces to Us the life writing teaching in Japan, the paragraph teaching in USA. Among these methods, Some emphasize the close connection between writing and life; some seek for thesimplicity and quick results of writing teaching while these happen to be out weak points iti writing teaching. So writing teaching should adopt good advice from sources by comparing horizontally.Chapter four: The review of several present writing training systems.In order to correct the maladies in writing teaching, some native Chinese teachers have made some bold and Useful attempts. This chapter makes a review on several influential writing teaching systems existing in the reformation of writing teaching method, such as " Three Steps in Writing Training System", "Fast Writing Training System", "The Combination of Reading and Writing Training System", "Separated Writing Training System" and "Literary Form Training System", from the review, it Summarizes the advanced achievements in the reformation of composition on one hand. OH the

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