

Exploit a New World of Reading Instruction

【作者】 王艳

【导师】 周震和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 阅读教学在语文教学中是至关重要的一个组成部分,但在教学的实际过程中,却存在着诸如重视讲解、轻视阅读,以“析”代“读”、以“听”代“读”;以认读代替阅读;以肢解分析代替整体把握;忽视学生主体性的发挥;忽略学生创造性思维的培养等许多问题。为此,语文教师应该改变观念,用新的理念、理论充实自己,为阅读教学中现存的困境寻找出路,并力图在教学中有所创新。通过学习与思考,笔者发现接受美学中的许多观点和概念对阅读教学有不少有益的启示,如果能将接受美学的思想运用到我们的阅读教学中去,可以改变目前教学中的一些不尽如人意的现状。接受美学理论是六十年代从联邦德国兴起的一种美学流派,它对作者、作品、读者之间的关系作了重新认识,将长期被忽略的读者在阅读过程中的地位和作用提到了前所未有的高度。论文尝试借鉴接受美学中的观点和概念,把它们应用到语文日常教学中,探索阅读教学的新途径,开拓阅读教学的新天地。具体探索三方面的内容:第一,结合接受美学对读者主观能动性的重视,反思在阅读教学中长期存在的教师唱主角的现象,探索如何将学生视为平等的读者,恢复他们作为读者所应有的自己阐释、阅读作品的权利。第二,“空白与具体化”的概念对传统的“掰开揉碎”的阅读教学模式造成很大的冲击,启发教师探索如何引导学生发现作品在结构、人物性格、细节、心理描写等方面存在的空白,调动学生们自身的阅读经验,做富有个性色彩的具体化,从而使阅读成为每个学生主动参与的活动。第三,利用“期待视野”与“否定”的概念,探索对学生和教师阅读底蕴的新要求,同时帮助学生在对“期待视野”不断“否定”的过程中实现自我的提高。

【Abstract】 Reading instruction is one of the most important parts of Chinese instruction, but there are some problems in instructing problems such as attach importance to explain rather than read: listening instead of reading; reading exteriorly instead of reading between the lines; ignoring students’ participation; analyzing word for word instead of grasping meaning of the whole article and lack of cultivating creative thinking. As teachers of Chinese language and literature, we should change our mind, put new theories into the teaching practice in order to find out new ways of instructing. It is found out that some ideas and concepts are quite useful to us. if we apply them to the reading instruction, those unsatisfactory situation of reading instruction may be changed.Aesthetics of reception and reception theory initiated from Germany in 1960s, it had new ideas of relationship among authors, texts and the readers, and paid more attention to readers.This dissertation tries to make use of concepts and viewpoints of Aesthetics of reception and reception theory, to explore new ways of reading instruction and to carve out new fields of it, details are as follow:Firstly, readers are keys in the activity of reading, the main idea of Aesthetics of reception and reception theory, urges us to think over the role of teachers in reading instruction and how to regard students as normal readers who have the rights to read and comprehend articles by themselves.Secondly, the concepts of "Blanks and embodiments" challenge the model of instruction in details from traditional way of reading instruction. Students should be enlightened to find out those blanks and embody those blanks based on according to their knowledge experiences and personalities.Finally. "Expecting eyeshot (pre-structure) and denial," ask for more inside preparation from both of teachers and students. Students will improve themselves in the process of denying expecting eyeshot.

  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】269

