

【作者】 容伟杰

【导师】 闻毅声;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 情报学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 网络经济作为新经济的主要特征,又称是新经济的运行模式,与工业经济和农业经济有着本质的区别,它是随着科技的发展,特别是计算机业、通信业的发展而孕育出的新型经济,具有很强的科技性。在网络经济模式中,谁最先将网络与传统业务良好结合起来,并在此基础上最先提供有别于竞争对手的更优质、便捷、个性化的服务,谁就能在该领域中占据举足轻重的地位。网络经济在证券上的应用表现在网上证券交易、网络承销、网上个人理财、网上资产管理、网上投资银行等,其中网上证券交易的发展更迅速,更引入注目。网上交易作为一种全新的交易方式能够在极短的时间内迅速发展,一方面是由于近年来国际互联网的飞速发展以及与证券经纪业务的有机结合;另一方面是和网上证券交易相对于传统的交易方式具有众多优势密切相关的。本文以国外网上证券交易情况为背景,论述美、日、韩三国网上证券交易的市场竞争格局、管理制度和典型模式之后,分析我国网上证券交易的发展现状和优势,以及制约我国网上证券交易发展的诸多因素,提出建立以客户为中心的服务理念,建立一个理性服务平台,构造一个从投资计划到投资策略、投资风格以及最后的投资效果评估的一整套服务体系,使越来越多的投资者能够看到证券公司比较理性和认真的基本面分析。享受专家的一对一服务,包括对客户进行买卖指导,账户管理、风险控制和信息传递。从而从根本上改变目前证券公司和投资者普遍认为的网上交易只是增加交易方式、提供便利的交易手段的认识误区,真正树立起以客户为中心的服务理念。指出我国的网上证券交易应先信息竞争后价格竞争,网上交易业务技术模式必须满足可运行、可锁定、可扩展三个目标,网上证券交易可采取证券营业部登记注册,网络为交易平台;银行证券公司合作;完全以网络交易平台为依托,实现网上注册、网上交易、网上资金划转等业务三种运行模式。券商应针对其实际情况,选择网上交易的合理模式,逐步建立起以独具特色的网上交易以及极具个性化的咨询服务和投资理财为市场竞争核心的竞争力。我国的网上交易尚处于初级阶段,为了更好的促进其健康发展,我国政府及券商应从多方面,多角度来推动、完善它。

【Abstract】 As a creative revolutionary factor, Internet causes a strong impact on traditional economic development mode. In finance area, online securities transaction-trie joint of Internet and traditional securities transaction is a typical instance. It provides a new development mode for securities business, which is based on the compound of computer technology, Internet technology and information technology. And the mode has the advantage of fastness, convenience, high efficiency and productivity. In the Internet economic mode, competition barrier does not seem so difficult to overcome. That means that anybody who can combine Internet and tradition together well and then provide superior and particular service will gain a big share in the market.As a new trade mode, securities trading online has a rapid development in a short period; On the one hand, the reason is the prompt development of the international Internet and the propriety combination with securities business. On the other hand, relative to the traditional business modes, there are many advantages to do online.This paper’s background is the foreign securities trading online. Through the analyses of the present situation and the advantages and disadvantages of the securities business online in china, the author points out that Chinese online securities trading business must go through the way from information competition to price competition, the trend ofcomprehensive finance will forward the deepening of business, and the reform of commission system is imperative under the situation.Under the condition of business models becoming more alike among securities businesses, how to guarantee the customer-oriented service for online trading customers, and how to secure special characteristics, are the key problems to be tackled for the establishment of future online trading business in the information competition strategy of securities business.

【关键词】 互联网网上证券交易模式
【Key words】 Internetonline securityexchangemode
  • 【分类号】F832.5
  • 【下载频次】331

