

【作者】 崔晓文

【导师】 张静波;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 情报学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 参考咨询是图书馆主流的、核心的业务活动,是衡量图书馆发展水平的重要标志之一。参考咨询服务在图书馆开发文献资源、培养公众的信息素养、为读者深层次服务上发挥着巨大的作用。自1876年美国的S.S.Green提出参考咨询这一概念以后,引起了图书馆界的高度关注和浓厚兴趣,有关参考咨询服务的实践探讨和理论研究日渐增多。100多年来,参考咨询服务的工作内容不断扩展,服务手段不断更新,社会影响也在不断增强。19世纪末,图书馆提出并形成参考咨询,以手工操作为主;20世纪40年代,计算机技术产生并被引入图书馆参考咨询;60年代,参考咨询开始向自动化网络化方向发展;70年代国际联机检索出现并在参考咨询中应用;80年代光盘资源和检索技术引入参考咨询;到了20世纪90年代,网络技术高度发展,尤其是因特网的普及,促使图书馆的参考咨询服务发生了更大的变化。参考咨询服务从形式到内容都有了很大的发展,特别是数字参考咨询服务成为网络环境下图书馆参考咨询服务的主流发展方向,参考咨询服务真正进入了一个数字化、网络化时代。但是,目前国内全面和深入研究网络环境下如何开展参考咨询服务的文献尚不多见。本文在广泛调研文献的基础上,概述了国内外图书馆传统参考咨询服务的发展历程,着重论述了网络环境下数字参考咨询服务的现状和发展,并通过分析和比较研究,提出了网络环境下我国参考咨询服务的发展对策。全文分六个部分来分析和阐述。第一部分为概论,主要概述图书馆参考咨询服务的含义与特点。第二部分对国内外图书馆参考咨询的发展进行了阐述,分析了传统参考咨询服务的不足。第三部分论述了网络环境给参考咨询带来的机遇和挑战。作者认为,一方面,网络信息和资源的使用极大地增强了图书馆的资料来源和服务范围,使传统的参考服务受到冲击;另一方面,网络环境也为参考咨询服务创造了机遇,因为用户需要参考咨询人员的知识导航,以有效地使用网络信息资源。传统参考咨询服务走向数字参考咨询之路,既是其自身发展的需要,也受计算机技术发展与因特网普及的推动,还受用户需求变化发展的影响。 第四部分阐述了数字参考咨询服务的基本类型和特点,包括常见问题解答(FAQ)、基于电子邮件的参考咨询服务、基一于实时交互的参考咨询服务。文章提出,网络环境下参考咨询服务旱现出新的特点,即数字化、智能化、个性化、合作化。 第五部分为数字参考咨询服务的比较研究。文章对图书馆参考咨询服务在传统和网络环境进行了比较研究,详细阐述了数字参考咨询与传统参考咨询在咨询信息源、咨询服务手段、咨询服务方式、咨询服务内容、咨询服务对象、咨询服务人员等方面的区别。 同时,作者认为,与国外图书馆相比,我国图书馆的数字参考咨询服务还存在不小的差距。文章对网络坏境下中外图书馆参考咨询工作进行了比较研究,通过国内外图书馆的一些实例分析,提出我国图书馆数字参考咨询服务手段与方式尚处于初级阶段、各地区及各类图书馆参考咨询服务发展很不平衡、人员素质亦有待提高的观点。 第六部分提出了网络环境下我国参考咨询服务的发展对策。文章在理论研究和比较分析的基础上,对变化发展中的参考咨询服务的多个方面,包括网络化环境建设、数字参考咨询服务平台构建、数字资源建设、用户教育、网络导航服务和协作数字参考咨询服务运作模式等提出了自己的观点和借鉴。文章还进一步对参考咨询岗位的设置、学科馆员和参考馆员制度的建立、深化决策服务等进行了论述。作者提出要依靠参考咨询人员的知识、智慧,既要注重提供个性化服务,深入揭示信息资源,准确了解用户的信息,为用户定制知识信息,同时要为非网络用户提供信息资源,兼顾传统服务,全面提升参考咨询服务的水平。

【Abstract】 The reference service is one of the core and mainstream operations of a library. It is also an important symbol of the quality of a library- The functions of reference service-are: developing library resources, promoting public information literacy, offering high-level services for users, and so on. The library society had paid much attention to and had a great interest in the concept of reference service since 1876, when an American, S.S.Green put it forward. And there are more and more practices and theoretical researches on reference service.The reference service has been continuously extending its content, renovating its method and enhancing its social effect for over 100 years. The reference service was brought forth and established in the library in the end of the 19th century, when it was performed manually. In the 40s of the 20th century, the computer technology appeared and was used in reference service. In the 60s of the 20th century, reference service was developed at the direction of automation and network. In the 70s of the 20th century, online retrieval appeared and was applied to reference service. In the 80s of the 20th century, CD-ROM retrieval technology was used in reference service. In the 90s of the 20th century, fundamental changes have taken place in reference service from form to content due to the development of information technology, especially the popularization of network. Digital reference service becomes a main trend. But there are few intensive and comprehensive articles on how to carry through reference service in a networking environment in China.Based on investigating relevant research findings, the paper summarizes the history of traditional reference service and discusses present situation of digital reference service in China and other countries. This paper also puts forward some countermeasures for China by analytic and comparative study.This paper analyses and discusses reference service comprehensively and systematically in six parts.The first part is an introduction, mainly about the definition and characteristics of reference service.The second part is about the background of reference service in China and other countries, and analyses shortages of traditional reference service.The third part presents that the network environment brings chances and challenges for reference service. On the one hand, traditional library resources and services have been augmented by network resources. It represents a threat for reference service. On the other hand, it opens up many possibilities for reference service, because users need to improve their basic information skills with the knowledge navigator of reference librarians in order to use network information resources more efficiently. The author thinks that the transformation into digital reference service (DRS) is an inevitable response to the self-improvement of traditional reference service, the development and popularization of Internet, and the changes of user demands.The forth part is on the content of digital reference service. This paper introduces various forms of digital reference service, including FAQ, E-mail and real-time reference service. With the changing of outside environment, as the core of the library services, reference service takes on some new developing trends which are digitalization, intelligent, personalization and cooperation, etc.The next part discusses the differences between digital reference service and traditional reference service in reference resources, reference service measures, reference service modes, reference service objects, reference librarians, and so on.The author thinks that reference service in China has a long way to go while compared with those abroad. This paper gives a comprehensive comparative study of library reference service between China and foreign libraries under the networking environment. Through cases of some libraries, the paper thinks that digital reference service in China is at a simple phase and disparate development, and should improve

  • 【分类号】G252.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】695

