

【作者】 胡瑜

【导师】 孔克勤;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 寄托儿童是寄托这种新教育现象的产物,是我国在新时期出现的儿童群体。他们的出现已引起社会广泛的关注和争论。他们生活在自己的老师那里,接受老师的辅导,同时他们也与其他寄托儿童一起活动和交往,但很少与自己的父母交流、交往。他们的发展到底如何?他们有什么特点呢?这是家长、教育者和社会所关心的话题。为了全面了解寄托儿童的心理特点,本研究采用中小学团体智力筛选测验、艾森克人格问卷(儿童版)、学生团体主题统觉测验(G—TAT)和症状自评量表(SCL—90)四个量表对温州市152名寄托儿童和一般儿童进行调查分析,结果表明,寄托儿童已经形成了自己的特征。在智力发展上,他们处于平均水平,他们没有性别差异,也没有城乡差异。在人格特征上,寄托儿童的精神质比较明显,内向,情绪不稳,掩饰性不强,他们的权力、爱情、承认、归属和独立等方面的需要并不强烈,他们的需要主要来自家庭和社会,他们采取消极的态度,他们对生活感到幸福。男孩的精神质显著低于女孩,掩饰性高于女孩;男女寄托儿童在需要、反应和对人生的态度几方面均没有差异。乡村的寄托儿童比城市寄托儿童的精神质明显,他们的独立的愿望要强烈,他们更多地体验到幸福,而来自城市的寄托儿童对未来的不确定性要比乡村的寄托儿童大。在心理健康方面,他们基本处于正常水平,他们没有性别差异,也没有城乡差异。我们还考察了寄托儿童与一般儿童的差异,结果发现,在智力发展方面,寄托儿童与一般儿童没有差异,寄托男童与一般男童没有差异,寄托女童与一般女童的智力发展也没有差异。在人格特征上,与一般儿童相比,寄托儿童的精神质倾向不明显,掩饰性倾向要强,攻击反应要强烈,他们来自家庭领域的需要要少。寄托男童的承认需要没有一般男童那么强烈,家庭领域里尚来满足的需要比一般男童少。与一般女童相比,寄托女童更加内向,掩饰性要强,归属需要更加强烈、对生活更多体验不幸、来自社会领域尚未满足的需要更多,对未来的想法更明确。在心理健康方面,寄托儿童与一般儿童处于同一水平,寄托男童在睡眠及饱食症状上明显多于一般男童,寄托女童与一般女童没有明显差异。我们也尝试分析了寄托儿童独特心理特征形成的原因。我们认为,寄托儿童与老师、同伴和父母三个主要的社会交往方面均发生了变化。这三方面的变化又各自对寄托儿童产生影响,这些影响不是独立进行的,而是相互联系、相互制约的,它们共同影响着寄托儿童的发展,致使寄托儿童形成自己的特征。

【Abstract】 Fosterling in teachers’, a whole new group of children in modern China, are the products of fosterling education which is also a newly-developing outcoming of our society. The appearance of this group calls for large concern and aroses hot debate of the whole society. They board at the teachers’, accepting the teachers’ guidence, playing and exchanging with other boarders at the same places, which results in a lack of exchanging with their own parents. How about then: quality and characters? This is just what the parents, educators and society concern.In order to analyze their psychological characteristics comprehensively, the research was carried out on 152 bearing and unboarding children in Wenzhou,which adopt Group Intelligence Test for Students, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ),Group Thematic Test for Students(T-TAT) and Symptom Checklist 90(SCL-90).It is shown that these children has developed their unique characteristics. Among all the foster children, they are average without gender and residential difference hi intelligence; they are obviously squeamish, introverted, humorsome in characteristics as well as an unstrong sense of concealing; they are in great demanding of family and society instead of power, love, admitting, belonging, and independence. They take a negative attitude toward anything while they feel happy about life. Boys are obviously less humorsome than girls but tend to stronger sense of concealing. Whereas they make no difference in their demanding, reaction and attitude toward life. Suburban foster children are more squeamish than urban foster children,and they have strong desire of independence and they expirence more happiness. But the urban foster children have a more uncertain future than suburban foster children. As to the mental healthy, they all are normal without gender and residential difference.As to the foster children and common children, it is shown that not only the foster boys but also the foster girls make no difference in intelligence with the common group respectively. The foster children are no more squeamish than the common children but they have stronger sense of concealing and stronger reaction of attack, additionally a lack of demanding from the families. As the foster boys have less desire of admitting,than the common boys, their demands.from family are less. While foster girls are more introverted and have more sense of concealing than common girls. They have stronger sense of belonging and demanding, they expirence more misfortune about life and they have more unsatisfied desire from the society and an clearer conception of future.Foster children have the same mental health as the common children, the foster boys have more symptom of adequate diet and sleep than the common boys, whereas there is no differences between foster girls and common girls.We alse attempt to analyze the cause of their unique psychological characteristics. We hold on the view that the social communication among the boarding children, teachers, campanions and parents has changed a lot. And those changes have effect on those children respectively. The effect won’t happen individually but connectively and restrictedly. They all affect the development of foster children so that the unique characteristics of foster children come into being.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】409

