

【作者】 许玥

【导师】 潘英;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游是一种具有重大经济与文化意义的活动,它的发展与社会经济的发展密切相关。目前,旅游业是我国的重要产业,在增加居民收入,改善产业结构,推动区域经济和社会进步方面,发挥着日益重要的作用。新疆地区区域辽阔,旅游资源独特而丰富,具备了发展旅游业的条件和可能,是我国旅游业跨世纪大发展的主要后劲所在。首先,旅游业是当今世界最大的产业,它具有相当强的抵御风险和恢复经济的能力,由于其就业门槛低、劳动密集及关联度大等特点,旅游业的发展有利于扩大就业,促进相关产业的发展。在传播现代文明,促进人类社会文化的发展方面,起着积极的作用。目前,旅游业已成为促进新疆经济起飞的先导产业和优势产业。旅游业的发展将有助于新疆地区产业结构的调整、加速城镇化进程、增加各族群众的收入,加强各民族间的文化交流,进而促进民族团结,维护边疆稳定和祖国统一。其次,新疆地区拥有得天独厚的自然及社会人文旅游资源,是中、东部所不具有的。未来的五大时尚旅游是生态旅游、沙漠旅游、探险旅游、文化旅游和海洋(水体)旅游。这些资源新疆都拥有。未来20年,中国将从亚洲第一旅游大国跃升为世界旅游强国。成为世界第一旅游目的地国和第四旅游客源输出国。由于新疆旅游大环境的特殊吸引力——粗犷、原始和神秘融为一体,必然会使相当部分国内外游客向新疆分流。加上西部大开发的机遇,使新疆旅游业具备了跨越式发展的可能,这是新疆发展旅游业的优势。而基础设施薄弱、远离客源市场、旅游旺季短,文化资源相对薄弱等硬件因素,及观念不到位、人才缺乏、知名度低等软件方面的因素,又使新疆发展旅游业受到一定的制约和束缚。第三,新疆地区旅游资源方面的优势和经济落后、生态环境恶劣等劣势,决定了发展新疆旅游业必须实施政府主导型发展战略、可持续发展战略和跨越式发展战略。原因在于:新疆的市场发育及成熟度低,旅游业起步较晚,若单纯依靠市场调控来发展旅游业是不现实的,政府还需在相当长的一段时间内发挥主导作用;由于新疆的生态环境差,旅游业要实现快速、健康地发展,必须处理好保护与开发的关系;新疆的旅游业若按常规发展,其地位很难提高,作用不易发挥。因此,发展新疆的旅游业,必须实现两个超前:一是超前于新疆国民经济的发展速度;二是超前于全国旅游业平均发展速度。 此外,为加快新疆旅游业的发展速度,必须采取各种科学合理的对策,鼓励多种经济成份参与旅游资源的大开发;打造有新疆地方特色的旅游文化产品;合理构建旅游网络系统,实施信息化管理;通过各种教育培训,提高人才素质,进而提升旅游服务质量。使新疆成为中国旅游业21世纪大发展的后备战略基地。 目前,新疆旅游业正面临前所未有的发展机遇,新疆地区应进一步解放思想,更新观念,利用新疆的区位和资源优势,努力实现从旅游资源大区向旅游强区的跨越,促进新疆地区经济的整体发展。

【Abstract】 Travel is a kind of activity, which has important economy and culture significance, its development is close related with the development of social economy. At present, travel industry is an important property of our country, in those aspects, such as, increasing residents’ income, improving industrial structure, promoting district economy and society progress, it develops an increasingly important function. Xinjiang has a vast area, its travel resources are rich and unique, and it has possessed terms and possibilities of developing travel industry and in the main delayed effect place of the big development of our country’s travel industry.First, travel industry is nowadays a biggest property in the world, it has a very strong ability of resisting risks and resuming economy, because of its characteristics, such as, low threshold, intensive labour and big connection degree, the development of travel industry benefits to extend employment, promotes the development of related properties. At the aspects of spreading modern civilization, promoting mankind society culture, it raises a positive function.At present, travel industry has become a first and advantage property of promoting the development of Xinjiang economy. The development of travel industry will be beneficial to the industrial structure adjust of Xinjiang, accelerate the course of cities and towns, increase the income of people of all nationalities, enhance culture exchanges of each race, and then promote race solidarity and defend the stability of the border areas and the unity of motherland.Secondly, Xinjiang owns abundant natural resources and the travel resources of society humanities; they don’t have them in the middle and east. The future five big travels are ecosystem travel, desert travel, adventure travel, culture travel and ocean (water) travel. In the future 20 years, China will leap to the big travel country of the world from the first big Asian travel country and become the first travel destination country and the fourth travel guest output country of the world. Because of the special attraction of big travel environment of Xinjiang-rude, primitive and unique, inevitably quite a lot of domestic and international visitors will come to China. Plus the opportunity of western region big development, Xinjiang travel industry has possessed the possibility of striding over type development; this is the development advantage of Xinjiang travel industry. However the hardware factors like the weak infrastructure, being far away from guests, the short busy travel season, culture resources, and the software factors like the backward sense, being short of talents, and low popularity, the development of Xinjiang’s travel industrial is restricted and constrained in a certain degree.Thirdly, the advantage of travel resources and disadvantage of the backward economy and bad ecosystem environment come to a decision that the development of Xinjiang travel industrial must put government into practice predominance type development strategy, can keep on development strategy with stride over type development strategy. The reasons consist in: Xinjiang market’s growth and mature degree is low, the travel industry starts much late, it is not realistic to develop travel industry if purely depend on market adjust, the government still needs to developpredominance function in a quite long period of time; because of bad ecosystem environment, the travel industry of Xinjiang, that wants to realize the quick and healthy development, must deal with the relationship between protection and development; its position is difficult to increase and its function is not easy to develop if Xinjiang’s travel industry develops according to normal regulation mode. Therefore, the development of Xinjiang travel industry must realize dual leads: one is run before the development speed of Xinjiang national economy; another is run before the average development speed of the whole nation travel industry.In addition, in order to quicken the development speed of Xinjiang tr

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1055

