

【作者】 黄文

【导师】 谭影慧;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 私营企业的发展是中国经济改革中最重要的内容之一,过去的20年中它使中国的经济和社会改变了面貌。在国有企业长期亏损、被迫进行战略调整,集体企业后劲不足、经济贡献率持续下降之际,私营企业异军突起、快速发展,对国民经济持续稳定发展发挥着重要的作用。私营企业的存在与发展,有利于我国GDP的增长和社会科技的进步,它的资金投入,有利于我国西部大开发的顺利进行和解决我国投资主体单一的问题,同时,由于私营企业的不断壮大提供了大量的就业机会,极大地缓解了因为下岗失业带来的社会矛盾。这些都说明私营企业确确实实已成为我国社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。但是,私营企业的发展并不是一帆风顺的。在私营企业的发展过程中,来自政府部门的体制环境制约至今依然存在。首先,政府主管部门难以在短期内完全调整其思维方式、法规政策和行为规则,因而不能给私营企业一个符合市场经济规则的“公开、公平、公正”的体制环境,使得私营企业与国有企业、外资企业在市场竞争处于不平等的地位。其次,由于法律法规方面歧视性条款的存在,国家对私有财产缺乏与公有财产同等的宪法保护,损害了私营企业的经济利益。再次,我国目前现行的金融机制所实施的政策,很不利于私营企业的发展,私营企业要想通过正常渠道融资获得扩大再生产的资金非常困难。再加上我国当前产业发展现状对私营企业进入存在的制约,使得私营企业要想在诸如石化、电信、航空、外贸、银行、证券、保险等产业部门有所发展困难重重。这些制约因素都严重地阻碍了私营企业的持续发展。当然,私营企业自身在发展过程中也存在着一些致命的“短板”。不少私营企业缺乏科学决策,容易闯入投资误区,在条件不成熟的情况下盲目实现多元化;管理方面,私营企业中家族化粗放式管理现象普遍,忽视知识管理,没有强有力的技术研发机制,难以形成有效的核心竞争力;私营企业还往往缺少完善的财务管理,导致企业成本提高利润降低,等等。这些缺陷都是导致私营企业走不出“短寿”怪圈的主要因素。 怎样刁’能使私营企业拥有持续发展的生命力呢?对于政府部门而言,要维护私营企业在中国经济中的作用与地位,必须按照“公平、公正、公开”的原则来调整政策和制度的取向,尽快转换政府职能以弱化行政二}一预,实行公平的税赋制度、财会制度和金融市场准入制度,为私营经济的发展营造一个良好、宽松的体制环境。而私营企业作为一个经济实体,则应注意调整企业的产业结构,明确产业定位,突出主业,实行以专业化为主的经营发展战略,切实落实工业化生产标准,加快高新技术产业化的步伐;同时要敢于打破产权界!;良,积极构筑利益共同体,打造企业文化.调整企业的人才结构,建立一整套利·学的企业管理机制,以强化企业的竟争能力,求得在市场经济中的持续发展,使私营企业真正成为中国二十一世纪经济发展的重要力量。

【Abstract】 The development of private enterprises has been of vital importance in China’s economic reform , which has improved national economy and social situations .At the times when state-owned enterprises are enduring long-term loss and forced into strategic adjustment , and when collective enterprises are attaching less significance in its contribution to national economy due to its comparatively poor stamina , the mushrooming private enterprises are playing an essential role in the successive and stable development of national economy . Their existence and development are beneficial to the growth of GDP and the progress of social technology ,their investment is beneficial to China’s " Western Exploration" and it is one of essential supplementary financing methods in national economy . Moreover ,offering large quantities of work chances , the private enterprises which has been developing continuously have relieved the social problems caused by unemployment . Those all definitely show that private enterprises have become an important part of socialist economy in China .However , the development of private enterprises doesn’t go well all the time . In the course of the development of private enterprises , the restriction from the systems in government departments still exists . Firstly, government authorities feel difficult to adjust completely their thinking ways , behavior rules and laws in short terms , so it is impossible to give private enterprises a system which accords with market economic rule "Openness , Equity , Honesty" so that private enterprises , compared with national enterprises and foreign capital enterprises , stand in the unfair position in the market competition . Secondly .discrimination in legal terms .which causes the result that the nation lacks the fair protection to private possession compared with public possession andhence the harm to the benefit of private enterprises .Thirdly , the policy accomplished according to the current financial systems does harms to the development of private enterprises , so it is extremely difficult for private enterprises to get funds to expand the producing through allowable channel . Finally , the present situation of the enterprises’development restricts the development of private enterprises so that it is difficult for private enterprises to develop in such fields as petrochem .telecom .aviation .foreign trade .banking .security exchange , insurance and so on .Those restrictions are pulling legs of the private enterprises for their development .There are absolutely some, fatal "obstacles" in the development of these enterprises .Quite a few of the enterprises tend to fall into financing errors and make themselves pluralistic blankly when time is improper . In management, such problems are the major factors which shorten the span of enterprises as innate deficiency of family enterprises in rough management , lack of knowledge-based management , weakened research system .deficiency in core competition and confusion in financial management which result in a decrease in profit rates .How can a private enterprise become vivid in the sustainable development .On one hand , in accordance with the principle of "Openness .Equity .Honesty" , government authorities should adjust the goals of policies and systems .convert their functions .weaken the administrative interference and start an impartial taxation system , financial system and financial market permission system so as to maintain the role of private enterprises in China’s economy , while on the other hand , as an economic existence , the private-owned enterprise should pay attention to adjusting industrial structures , clarify its industrial orientation ,focus on the main industry , carry on a business strategy centered on specialization , carry out industrialized productionstandards .quicken the pace in hi-tech industrialization .break through the difference between the operation right and property right , adjust structures of human resources and establish a scientific business manage

  • 【分类号】F276.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】562

