

The Study of Innovation on Ideological and Political Education in the New Situation

【作者】 江波

【导师】 缪克成;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 思想政治教育是我军思想政治工作的重要组成部分和主要内容之一,是加强军队各项建设、完成各项任务的中心环节,是增强部队凝集力、提高战斗力的重要保证,也是我军的传统优势所在。但在新的形势下,部队思想政治教育面临着一系列前所未有的新挑战,传统的思想政治教育的理念、思维、机制、内容、手段和方法均难以完全满足时代发展的要求,这就需要我们进行大胆的创新。要创新,需要回顾我军思想政治教育的创新史。文章的第一部分以丰富的史料与实事求是的态度,对我军思想政治教育创新发展的过程进行了认真的回顾与研究,尤其着重探讨了十一届三中全会以来我军思想政治教育的创新发展情况,并将其分为三个阶段,其中1978年至1981年为揭开新篇章阶段,主要是完成了思想政治教育指导思想上的拨乱反正;1982年到1992年为确定新目标阶段,主要是规定了思想政治教育的内容及发展方向;1992年至今为迎接新挑战阶段,主要是赋予了我军思想政治教育强烈的时代气息。要创新,需要明确新形势下部队思想政治教育面临的新挑战。文章的第二部分着重分析新形势下部队思想政治教育面临的五个方面的挑战。即社会价值取向的多元化,增加了思想政治教育的复杂性;社会发展趋向世俗化,消解了思想政治教育的神圣性;社会不良风气的存在,降低了思想政治教育的有效性;社会生活的迅速变动,削弱了思想政治教育的稳定性;大众传播媒介的普及,破除了思想政治教育的神秘性。要创新,需要在思想政治教育观念的更新上有突破。文章的第三部分对此进行了认真的探讨,认为观念的创新是思想政治教育创新的前提,并提出要进一步解放思想,树立开放的教育观;加强政治文明建设,树立平等的教育观;保持与时俱进的良好状态,树立发展的教育观。要创新,需要在思想政治教育的机制、内容上下功夫。文章的第四部分认为机制、内容的创新是部队思想政治教育创新的重点,并对机制、内容的创新进行了大胆探讨。一要构建统分结合的组织领导机制,确保内容的系统化;二要构建面对现实的社会教育机制,确保内容的热点化;三要构建适应需要的网络教育机制,确保内容的信息化;四要构建关注个性的人本教育机制,确保内容的层次化。 要创新,需要在思想政治教育的方式、方法上有改进。文章的第五部分提出力一式、方法的创新是部队思、想政治教育创新的依托,认为要{、民据不同的教育内容灵活采取多种方式、方法。其中,课堂教育主阵地要与其他教育形式紧密结合,有意识教育与无意识教育要形成互补,同时思想政治教育的效果评估也要推陈出新

【Abstract】 The ideological and political education is the significant component and substantial content of our army’s work of political thought. It is the key link to strengthen various buildings and complete various missions. It is the guarantee to unite the troops and improve their combat capacity. The education of ideological politics always has its traditional preponderance in the army. However, under the new situation, it is facing a lot of challenges. The traditional way of thinking, mechanism, substance, and means all cannot meet the demands of developing times. Therefore, as modern army officials, we should make bold creation.First, we need to learn the history of our army’s innovation in ideological and political education. In the first part of the paper, with rich historical material and political attitudes, it looks back and analyzes carefully the process of creative development in our army’s ideological and political education, especially, the circumstances after the 3rd Plenary Session of the 14th Congress of the Communist Party of China. From then till now, it can be divided into three phrases: 1) 1978 till 1981, a phrase to turn a new page, primarily completing the process from turmoil to normalization; 2) 1982 till 1992, the phrase to make new goals, mainly stipulating substance and developing direction; 3) 1992 till now, a phrase of confronting with new challenges, chiefly filled our army with vigor and vitality of ideological and politics education.For innovation, we should know clearly the new challenges we will face in ideological and political education of the army. In the second part of the paper, challenges of ideological and political education on the five aspects are mentioned. 1) The diversification of social values increases the complexity of the education. 2) The secularization of social development decreases the sacredness of education. 3) The harmful social mood of human beings cuts down the validity of the education. 4) The medium popularization gets rid of the mystical quality of the education.For innovation, we should make a breakthrough on educationalviewpoint of ideology and politics. The third part of the paper fully expresses that viewpoint creation is the prerequisite of the innovation in ideological and political education. It advocates for an open view of education through idea liberation, for equality between instructors and instructed soldiers through intensifying the building of political civilization, and for a developing view of education with the pace of times.For innovation, we should put emphasis on the mechanism and substance of ideological and political education in the army. It is thought in the fourth part that mechanism and substance are the priorities of creation, and some bold explores have been made or discussed: 1) to build organizable leading mechanism with the connection of unity and division in order to guarantee the content systemization; 2) to build educational mechanism facing the social reality for the purpose of keeping its content hot pots; 3) to construct the network of educational mechanism according to times’ demand therefore to ensure the content informational; 4) to build human-oriented educational mechanism through taking care of individuals so as to make the content with multible levels.For innovation, we should further improve the forms and methods in ideological and political education of the army. In Part Five, the paper poses that the methods and means are the support to innovation, and that flexible and diversified forms and methods must be taken according to different substance. Among them, class education, as a main form, should connect closely with other means of education; conscious education may integrate with unconscious education; at the mean time, the evaluation of effect can be changeable in the education of ideology and politics.

  • 【分类号】E221
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】735

