

Establishing the Fundamentality of Social Morals

【作者】 刘继勇

【导师】 余玉花;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 社会公德是社会生活中最简单、最起码、最普通的行为准则。社会公德从适用范围上讲,它具有普遍适用性,每个公民都有遵守的责任和义务:从功能上讲,它具有公共性,维护的是社会的共同利益和全体公民的整体利益;从内容上讲,它具有广泛性,涵盖了人与人、人与社会、人与自然的关系。随着社会的进步、科技的发展,社会分工的越来越精细,人与人、人与社会、人与自然间的互动日益频繁,公共生活的领域越来越扩大。特别是市场经济的开放性打破了过去人与人之间分散孤立和封闭的状态,广泛的社会分工、统一市场的形成促进了人与人之间的交往和联系。因此,维护公众利益的准则越来越成为人们的切身需要。社会公德都处于道德规范体系中的最低层次,它是敬业、奉献、牺牲等更高道德境界的基础,是一个社会文明进步的重要标志。而且文明的行为方式、良好的公德意识对于维护公共利益和公共秩序,建立良好的人际关系,形成良好的人与环境的关系,促进社会的健康稳定发展具有前所未有的重要意义。所以,弘扬社会公德是精神文明建设的一个必不可少的前提。本文将社会公德立意于社会道德的底线来论述社会公德建设。主要分为三部分:第一部分着重论证社会公德是社会道德的底线。从道德的内容和道德的发生学来看,道德是有层次的。社会成员接受道德规范是循序渐进,由低到高的。文章首先根据道德的层次性对“道德底线”和社会公德进行界说。发现“道德底线”和社会公德的内涵完全一致,都是人们在社会生活中应遵循的最简单、最起码、最普通的道德准则,是每一个社会成员都应当自觉遵守的最低限度的道德规范。在这个基础上,文章从社会公德的产生和社会生活三大领域中的道德比较进一步论证了社会公德是社会道德的底线。第二部分是分析社会公德存在的问题及其原因。文章在肯定改革开放以来,我国的精神文明建设、社会主义道德建设取得了可喜成绩的前提下,客观地看到一些最基本、最起码的社会公德受到了不应有的冲击,社会公德仍然出现了许多问题。这些问题的产生,主要有社会凸显出来的功利主义倾向,重私德轻公德的习惯,规则意识的缺乏,社会道德机制乏力,不注重社会道德教育等五个方面的原因。第三部分是论述社会公德建设的思路。文章提出,加强我国社会公德建设,最重要的是要培养遵守和维护公共规则的意识和习惯;建立和形成社会公德监督激励机制;加强公德规范的法规化,对违背社会公德的行为进行强制禁止以及开展全民社会公德教育。

【Abstract】 Public morality is the most fundamental, most common and the simplest behavioral principle in the social life. From the prospect of its applicability, public morality is most common because it has responsibility and obligation that all people should comply with. Viewed from its function, it has the characteristic of publicity because it guards the comm.on interest of the whole society and all the people. In content, it has wide coverage, because it covers all the relationships between people and people, people and society as well as people and nature. With the progressing of the society and development of science and technology, the division of the social labor is more and more detailed and the interaction between people and people, people and society as well as people and nature is increasingly all the same. Especially, because of the open characteristic of the market economy, the relationship between man and man has been broken, and the detailed labor division and the united market help promote people’s contact and relationship. Therefore, a norm of maintaining public interest is becoming one of people’s most important necessities.Public morality is the base of those more advanced morals such as commitment, contribution and sacrifice as well as an important sign of progress is civilization. Moreover, a civilized behavioral model and good public morality consciousness are of unprecedented importance in protecting common interest and good social order, establishing good inter-person relationship achieving good relationship between man and nature and guaranteeing a healthy and steady development of the society. Thos, to carry forward public morality is a necessary premise in constructing spiritual civilization.The thesis discusses the public morality construction based on the idea that public morality is the most fundamental of social moral. It is divided into threechapters.Capter one stresses that public morality is the fundamentality of moral. From its content and origin, morals are graded. Citizens in a society accept morals only step by step,firstthe lower morals then the higher. This thesis begins with the explanation of "moral fundamentality" and "public morality" based on the gradation of morals ,with the conclusion that "moral fundamentality" and public morality have the same connotation, and that they are the most basic, the most common and the siplest moral norms which every citizen of the society should abide by.Based this idea, this thesis further proves from the discussion of the origin of social morals and the comparison of three important field of social life that public morality is the most fundamental of social morala.Capter two analyzes some problems with the public morality in our country and their reasons. On the one hand, this thesis affirms the great achievement in the construction of public morality and spiritual civilization since the reformation and opening to the outside world, and on the other, it also shoes some obvious yet unreasonable challenges on the public morality, with the conclusion that there still exist some problems with the public morality. These problems have their reasons in the upgrowing utilitarianism, the habit of stressing private morals and neglecting public morality, lack of consciousness to preserve rules, inability of moral mechanism, and in the lack of emphasis public morality education.Capter three discusses the train of thought in the public morality construction in our contry. This thesis points out that in order to strengthen our public morality construction, the most important thing is to nurture a good habit and consciousness in preserving and maintaining public rules, and to establish a powerful supervising moral mechanism, and to strengthen the legislation of public morality norms, and to open public morality education among people.

  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】737

