

【作者】 李清华

【导师】 缪克成;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 恩格斯说过:“当技术浪潮在四周汹涌澎湃的时候,最需要的是更新、更勇敢的头脑”。同其他一切领域的变革一样,军事变革不仅是武器装备的更新和作战样式的演进,更重要的是思维观念的革命以及在新思维指导下的行动。“努力完成机械化和信息化建设的双重历史任务,实现我军现代化的跨越式发展。”这是党的十六大报告中提出的军队建设发展战略。信息化是当代科技革命、社会变革最重要的推动因素,也是新军事变革的本质和核心内容。实现军队建设跨越式发展,必须坚持以信息化为主导。军队院校作为培养现代新型军事人才的摇篮和科技创新的基地,是推进中国特色军事变革和现代化建设跨越式发展的重要力量。军队院校思想政治工作肩负着确保院校坚定正确的政治方向和培养高素质新型“政治合格”人才的历史重任,应该而且必须站在信息时代发展的前沿,率先实现思维观念的变革,更好地发挥思想政治工作的先导作用,做到育人先育己。因此,适应新军事变革发展的要求,审视和探索信息环境下军队院校思想政治工作的运行机制、实现方式,分析研究军队院校思想政治工作信息化建设面临的主要矛盾,深入探讨军队院校思想政治工作信息化的发展对策,势在必行,意义重大。

【Abstract】 Engels once said that as some technology waving round us, what we need should be a newer and braver brain. Just as the reform in the other fields, military reform focuses not only on the innovation of equipment and the fighting mode, but, more important, on the conception revolution and the actions under a new thoughts.Trying to realize the historical tasks of mechanization and informationization so as to make the spurting of our force, this is the force’s developing strategy mentioned in the 16th CCPC report. We know that informationization is the pushing element for the present tech revolution and the social development, further more, it is also the core of the new military reform. In order to realize the force’s spurting development, we should stick in it as the main guiding policy.The military academy, as the base of raising modern military talents and science-tech creativity, is an important stimulation which pushes forward the Sino-characterized military reform and modernization. The political thought work in it shoulders an importance of ensuring a right educational political direction of the newly hi-qualified cadets. So, it should, as the pioneer of the information-times, firstly make the conception reform with the purpose of making full uses of the guiding. Say, teaching others, me first.In general, to fit for the demand of the military reform, we should carefully observe and study the running mechanism, realization mode of the military academy under the information circumstances, and as well, analyze the major contradiction implying in the informationization construction, deeply dive into the research of the developing strategy for the informationization of the political thought work of the military academy.

  • 【分类号】E221
  • 【下载频次】283

