

【作者】 孙秀玲

【导师】 邱伟光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当代中国正处于一个变革时代,同历史上任何一次伟大的变革一样,在社会转型期,必然要重视人的全面发展问题,人的主体性问题已成为当今时代精神的突出问题,而“主体性德育思想”也正成为我国德育理论界研究的热点问题与难点问题。 高等学校处在面向国际竞争和科学技术、文化发展的前沿,经济全球化、科技国际化、文化多样化、信息多元化,对高校德育提出了更新更高更全面的要求。高校德育直接面对社会开放和价值多元的现实,在市场经济逐步建立的过程中,在多元文化的背景下,学生思想更加活跃,主体性、选择性明显增长,同时文化的差异使学生在思想道德上的困惑将更为加剧,这些事实昭示,高校德育如果依然我行我素,不顾学生的发展现状,无视他们主体意识的彰显,忽视学生的内在需求,将会使德育导致失去实效性,流于形式的境地。因此,现实需要我们把握时代发展的脉搏,拓宽视野和思路,站在教育创新的高度,以与时俱进的科学态度认真研究当前高校德育工作面临的挑战,进行高校德育的自身改革。 马克思主义关于人的全面发展学说的观点认为,人的全面发展与社会的发展是相关的,一方面,社会在生产着人,另一方面,人也在生产着社会。因而,主体性德育势必既要满足社会发展的需要,又要满足人的全面发展的需要。江泽民反复强调:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂”,发展是“党执政兴国的第一要务”。高等学校在竞争过程中惟有创新、发展才是唯一出路。这既是市场经济体制的要求,也是现代科学技术迅猛发展的要求。十六大报告通篇贯穿解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、开拓创新的思想,为我们德育理论的创新提供了正确的思想指导和科学的思想方法。 主体性德育体现了以人为本和人的全面发展的现代教育理念,也是德育理论与实践创新的新举措。它强调以教师为主导,以学生为主体,依据德育的目标, 尊重学生的需要和选择,在德育的过程中发挥学生的主动性、能动性、创造性,其最终目标是促进人的思想品德的全面发展,推动社会全面进步,实现人的全面发展。 本篇论文从四个方面对高校主体性德育的构建进行了探索性研究。第一部分从阐述德育的基本涵义入手,对主体性德育的概念、基本内涵及特征进行了论述;第二部分针对传统德育观念的弊端,论述了主体性德育的提出是德育观念创新的前提,是德育实践和德育改革的必然要求和必然成果;第三部分是论文的核心部分,论述了主体性德育提出的理论依据,对主体性德育的内容和目标体系的设定进行了研究和探讨:第四部分从培养学生的主体意识、主体行为能力、进行思想品德课教学改革和以学生为主体的德育实践等方面论述了高校主体性德育的推进。 主体性德育的研究是当今德育界处于探索性的比较新兴的课题。作为对传统灌输式德育的扬弃,主体性德育变革了受教育者在德育中的被动性,而倡导参与和体验,变革传统德育的社会本位倾向,从追寻道德的人性意蕴入手,重构道德的生命性和德育的生活价值。与传统德育相比,主体性德育以一种新的形态,体现了以人为本的现代教育理念,代表着一种与传统德育截然不同的教育方式、观念和思维方式,体现了与时俱进、开拓创新的教育思想。因此研究高校主体性德育对于高校德育改革和德育理论创新具有理论价值和实践意义,特别是对克服传统德育形式主义、教条主义和一般化倾向,从而提高德育的时代感、针对性、主动性和实效性有重大现实意义与指导意义。 本文着重对主体性德育的构建研究进行了初步探索,在德育实践中如何培养学生的主体意识,如何充分发挥学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用,使我们的教‘育目标和要求通过学生的具体实践与体验,经过个体自觉自为的转化,努力使学生成为时代思想品德原则和规范的自觉遵从者、倡导者和创造者正在成为创新和改进高校德育工作的一个关键问题和主体性德育垦需研究解决的课题。

【Abstract】 It is the same that Chinese abstract present China is being in a any transform with great once on transform times and same history, in social transition issue will inevitably want to pay attention to person develop problem all-sidedly, the mainness problem of person has become the outstanding problem of present times spirit, and difficulty problem and the hot problem of * the mainness thought of moral education * that is also becoming the theoretical circle research of our country of moral education.Higher school is in the forward position that faces international competition and science and technology and cultural development, economic globalization, the internationalization of science and technology, cultural variation and information diversity , has put forward for college moral education to update higher more overall requirement. College moral education directly face the reality with open society and multivariate value, in the market economic course of establishing step by step , it is under the background of multivariate culture , student thought is more active, mainness and selectivity increase obviously, at the same time cultural discrepancy make student in ideological morals on perplexed will aggravate more, these facts declare publicly , college moral education if act as own wish still, disregarding student develop present situation, disregard their main consciousness clear show , overlook the inner demand of student, will make moral education cause to lose effect, flow in the condition of form. Therefore reality needs us to hold the pulse of times development, make rubbing wide field of vision and train of thought, station is being high as education creats, so as develop with time goes the scientific attitude study the now college face of moral education carefully the challenge that faced , the self who carries out college moral education reforms.The relapse of Jiang Zemin is emphasized: " innovation is a soul of national advance (1) ( the speech on the 1995 nation-wide meetings of Jiang Zemin of science and technology ), developing is " party is in power the first important or urgent business of mood country (2) ( the NO sixteenth report of Jiang Zemin November 2002 ). Higher school creats and develops only in competing course, is just only way out. This is not only the requirement of market economic system, but also the requirement of the modern swift development of science and technology. 16 big reports clear run ’through to emancipating the mind, practical .develop with time goes, the thought of developing innovation, for the thought of our theory of moral education that innovation has offered correct ideological guidance and science method.It is founded on people that mainness moral education has embodied with the modern educational concept of the overall development of person, it is also the new move of the theoretical and practice innovation of moral education. It emphasizes that is taking teacher as dominant, so as student is main part, respects option and the needs of student according to the goal of moral education, develops creativity, dynamic role and the initiative of student in the course of moral education, its last goal is the overall development that promotes the ideological morals of person ,promote the social overall development that advances all-sidedly and realizes person.Paper from 4 aspects for college mainness moral education found to go on advanced research. The first minute from elaborate the basically culvert justice of moral education start with, for basic intension and the concept of mainness moral education and feature discuss; It is second and partial to aim at the abuse of the traditional idea of moral education, have discussed mainness moral education put forward is the prerequisite of the idea innovation of moral education, it is inevitable accomplishment and the inevitable requirement of the practice of moral education and the reform of moral education; The part of 3th is the key part of paper, have discussed mainness moral education the theoretica

【关键词】 主体性德育构建研究
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】346

