

【作者】 李浩

【导师】 袁朝辉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 自二十世纪80年代以来,情境认知与学习理论正成为一种基于“学习是知识的建构”隐喻,能提供有意义学习,并促进知识向真实生活情境转化的重要学习理论,并成为当前学习理论领域研究的主流。本文主要是对基于该理论的生物情境教学模式的设计与实施作了一个较为系统的研究,希望成文后能为广大中学生物教师开展素质教育提供切实的帮助。 论文共分为七个部分,第一部分从情境认知与学习理论提出的背景、几个主要名词的界定、理论的主要内容、历史发展轨迹、和建构主义的关系等五个方面对情境认识与学习理论进行了全面的概述。第二部分介绍了国外最为成熟而且被普遍接受的两种基于情境认知与学习理论的教学模式—抛锚式教学模式和认知学徒模式的研究与实施情况。第三部分对生物情境教学模式作了深入全面地探讨,重点阐述了该模式的特征及实施程序。第四和第五两部分主要从学科角度出发,详细阐述了各种情境创设的方法、合作学习策略和反思策略,这些策略都将为该教学模式的普及和推广提供了极具操作性的案例。论文的第六部分是评价部分,首先阐明了评价原则,然后介绍了一些具体的评价方法以供实际教学中运用。第七部分是生物情境教学模式的实践探索。为了探索该模式的作用及可行性,本人运用了等组对照的实验方法进行了一年的实践研究,结果证明这种教学模式是具有一定的优越性的。最后对中学生物教学中如何推广实施生物情境教学模式提出了自己的一些思考和建议。

【Abstract】 Since nineteen eighties, the perspective of situated cognition and learning has become a theory based on the metaphor that knowledge is constructed, which can provide meaningful learning and promote the application of knowledge into real situation. It has proved to be the main trend of current theoretical research. I have made a thorough study of the design and practice of the situational teaching model of biology through this thesis, which I hope can be of practical benefit to biology teaching aiming at students’ level of competence.This thesis contains seven chapters. Due to the fact that the perspective of the situated cognition and learning is a brand-new theory, Chapter one gives a general discussion from the following five aspects: the background of the theory, the dividing lines of five main definitions, the main contents of the theory, the orbit of its historical progress, and the relation between the constructivism and the situated cognition and learning. Chapter two gives an introduction of the research and practice of the two advanced and universally-accepted international teaching models, that is anchored instruction and cognitive apprenticeship, on the basis of the perspective of the situated cognition and learning. Chapter three presents an extensive study on the situational teaching model of biology, emphasized on the features and procedures of this model. Chapter four and five is the focus of this thesis, with a detailed description of various approaches of designing situations, the methods of co-operative studies and reflections from the aspect of the subject with the purpose of utilizing this model in the teaching of biology. These methods can provide practical cases in the application of this model. Chapter six puts forward some principles of evaluation and some practical evaluating methods. Chapter seven is about the practicalresearch of the situational teaching model of biology. In order to research the function and feasibility of this model, I have applied the experimental method of comparison of similar groups for a whole year, which has proved to be of certain advantages. In the conclusion, some ideas and suggestions are put forward, aiming at the promotion of popularizing of the situational teaching model of biology in middle schools.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】708

