

【作者】 白宁

【导师】 都培炎;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 从某种意义上来说,全球化无异于一场革命,它在影响经济生活的同时,对各国的政治生活、文化生活和社会生活也产生着深刻的影响。在全球化时代,国家界限相对打破但意识形态并未淡化。相反,激烈的国际竞争反而强化了国家民族意识,使全球化与民族化成为相互联系的两种发展趋势。这就引发我们以开放的观念,全新的视野思考当代大学生爱国主义教育所面临的新问题。 当前,国内理论界对这一问题的研究多集中在对爱国主义教育内容的部分充实方面。因此,本文的特色在于,从对全球化时代国情、世情的分析出发,阐述当代大学生爱国主义教育的必要性和紧迫性。同时在更深的层面上发掘、探索现代大学生爱国主义教育的全新内容并尝试采用更符合青年学生需求特点的手段来强化大学生爱国主义教育,试图从理论上探讨全球化进程中民族化与全球化的矛盾,试图从理论上研究当前爱国主义教育中的几种关系,试图发掘爱国主义教育的与时俱进问题是本文的创新之所在。全文共分四个部分。 第一部分主要分析强化爱国主义教育的时代性因素。笔者认为,应该使大学生认识到,当前的国际竞争主要表现为包括民族凝聚力在内的综合国力的竞争,而爱国主义是民族凝聚力的主要特征和思想基础。要对西方国家在全球化进程中显露出来的经济霸权、政治强权和文化殖民保持高度的警觉,在认同民族文化价值内涵的基础上坚持民族文化的个性特征,因为只有坚持民族化才能更好地参与全球化。同时,应树立坚定的国家民族意识和正确的主权观念,对全球化进程中出现的经济主权的部分让渡能够清醒地看待。 第二部分主要探讨全球化条件下爱国主义教育内容的深层次拓展问题。当前,爱国主义教育应该适应时代的进步而拥有更为广阔的思维空间和更深刻的内涵。不应将爱国主义教育功利化和实用化。爱国主义教育在本质上是要培育年轻一代的民族素质和民族精神。应借鉴中国传统文化中的人文精神,并在吸收人类一切先进文明的基础上大胆创新以增强我们民族文化的生命力。应对传统的国家安全观念进行更新,培养当代大学生的全球意识、现代意识并加强大学生适应全球化时代要求的国家安全意识。 第三部分主要尝试运用互联网作为大学生爱国主义教育的新载体。全球化时代,一方面,互联网成为西方国家进行意识形态渗透和传播文化垃圾的新型工具。另一方面,也成为我国青年表达爱国主义情结的舞台和乐园。高校教师和思政工作者应该充分把握机遇,主动承担网上引导者的重任,利用互联网这一大学生普遍关注和接受的新载体开展爱国主义教育。 第四部分主要阐述全球化时代大学生爱国主义教育中应处理好的几种关系,应该使大学生明白:爱国与爱社会主义本质上的一致性决定了建设有中国特色社会主义是当代中国爱国主义的鲜明主题,大学生应克服狭隘民族主义情绪,树立国家利益、民族利益、民众利益至上的价值观念。把个人前途和国家发展联系在一起,将爱国热情体现在报国行动之中。

【Abstract】 In a sense, globalization is a revolution. While influencing the economic life, it has a deep influence on the political life,culture life and social life of the various countries. In globalization era, the national boundaries are broken relatively, but ideology has not been ignored. On the contrary, the fierce international competition has strengthened national consciousness, making the globalization and nationalization become the two kinds of development trends connected with each other. This causes us to think the new problems that the education in patriotism to university students face with open ideas and brand-new field of vision.At present, domestic theories concentrate on the parts of content by circle study on the education in patriotism. So, the characteristic of this text lies in explaining the necessity and urgency of the education in patriotism to contemporary ’university students from the national conditions and globalization. At the same time, we will further explore and examine the brand-new contents of the education in-patriotism to modern university students, try and adopt the means of demand characteristics of the young students to strengthen the education in patriotisms to’university students. The innovation of this text is to solve the contradictions of the nationalization and globalization in globalization process, to solve several kinds of relations in the education in patriotism and to solve the problems of the education in patriotism growing with each passing hour. The full text is divided into four parts altogether:The first part is to analyze the factors of era that strengthen quality of the education in patriotism. The author thinks that we should make university students realize that the present international competition is shown as the competition of the overall national strength including nationality cohesiveness. The patriotism is the main characteristic of the national cohesiveness and thought foundation. We should keep strong vigilance to economic hegemony, political power and culture colonizing when the western countries appear ni the globalization process. We should adhere to the individual characteristic of national culture while admitting the national culture value. Because only we insist on nationalization we can participate in globalization better. Besides, we should establish firm national consciousness and correct ideas of sovereign right and soberly treat the parts of economic sovereignties enfeoffed in globalization.The second part is to examine the content of the education in patriotism under globalization terms and carry on profound level. The author thinks that the education in patriotism-should meet the progress of era and we should have wider thinking space and deeper intension. We should not make the education in patriotism utility. The education in patriotism should cultivate younger generation’s national quality and national spirit in essence. So, we should draw lessons from the humane spirit in China’s traditional culture and innovate bravely on the basis of absorbing all mankind’s advanced civilizations iip order to strengthen the vitality of our national culture. We should upgrade the traditional national security ideas and train contemporary university students’ global consciousness, modern thinking andstrengthen the consciousness of national security for university students to meet the needs of globalization era.The third part is to explain several kinds of relations we should handle well in the education in patriotism to university students in globalization era. The author thinks we should make university students understand: it is the consistency in essence of loving socialism with loving homeland that has made it a distinct theme of the education in patriotism in contemporary China to build a socialism with Chinese characteristics. University students should overcome narrow nationalism and establish the highest values of benefit of the country, national interests, and people’s interests. They should link personal futures and national de

【关键词】 全球化大学生爱国主义
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】918

