

【作者】 魏晶晶

【导师】 都培炎;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 高等医学院校应加强人文关怀教育是当前理论界研究的一项重大课题。现代医学发展要求高度重视人文关怀教育,要培养全科医学人才必须加强医学生的人文关怀教育。本论文的特色与创新之处在于考察、分析国内外高等医学院校人文关怀教育现状的基础上,提出了医学人文关怀教育对提升医学生素质的作用,探讨了当代中国医学人文关怀教育的特征和构建医学人文关怀的教育体系。论文共分四个部分。 第一章论述了人文关怀教育是时代发展的需要。自然科学的发展和医学模式的转变,要求医学院校加强人文关怀教育。以英、美、日为例考察了国外高等医学院校的人文关怀教育,剖析了我国对医学院校人文关怀教育的现状。 第二章分析了人文关怀与医学人文关怀的内涵。论述了人文关怀应是通过知识、情感、心理、环境氛围体现以人为本、温馨服务和人文精神的关怀活动。医学关怀是以人为中心的理念关怀,科学关怀中应体现人文关怀的思想。根据马克思人的发展应当是全面发展和江泽民强调人的全面发展程度是逐步提高、永无止境的历史过程,医学生只有全面教育、全面发展,才能适应时代发展的需要。实现这一目标有赖于人文关怀教育而人文关怀教育直接推进医学生素质的提升。 第三章阐述了当代中国医学人文关怀教育的特征,主要体现在三个方面:第一,必须体现社会主义医学人道主义的价值取向;第二,应当弘扬中华民族传统医学人文关怀的优秀思想;第三,吸取借鉴世界医学人文关怀的完美医德。 第四章提出了构建医学人文关怀教育体系的对策即必须确定人文关怀教育理念,提倡以学生为本的服务宗旨,树立人文关怀教育的学科体系,营造终极关怀的人文环境。 总之,随着医学模式由传统的纯生物医学模式向生物—心理—社会—环境现代医学模式的转变和世界高等医学院校人文关怀教育的发展趋势,只有全面加强医学生的人文关怀教育,才能培养出全科新型面向21世纪的现代医学人才。

【Abstract】 Advanced Medical Universities should enhance Humanities Concern which is the very subject important in modern academic field . The development of modern medical is needed to pay much more attention to Humanities Concern .We must strengthen the education of the Humanities Concern to train all-rounder medical major students . The creation of this paper is that the Advanced Medical Universities in china should pay more attention to Humanities Concern. Based on investigating and analyzing the education of Humanities Concern’ s of internal and external Advance Medical Universities, put forward the foundation of the education of Humanities Concern to improving the quality of medical students, inquire into the characteristic of medical Humanities Concern in contemporary China and construct the educational system. The thesis includes four parts.The First Chapter discusses Humanities Concern Education is the need of the development of the time. With the development of natural science and the change of model of Medicine, Advanced Medical Universities should enhance Humanities Concern Education. Take UK. US. JP as an example, inspect foreign Advanced Medical University much attention to Humanities Concern Education, and excavated the present situation and problem of Humanities Concern Education, in the Advanced Medical Universities.The Second Chapter analyses Humanities and Humanities Concern’ s connotation .The Humanities Concern which is emphasized by students embodies the activities of warmly service . for Human Humanity Spirit by knowledge, emotion. psychology and environment .Main pointed that the human’s development should be all round. Jiang Zeming also stressed thatpeople should be developed both in ideology and cultural life step by step. Only the Medical Major student were all round educated and all round extended, then they could fit the development of the time .To accomplish the work depends on Humanities Concern Education.The Third Chapter expounds the characteristic of education of China Modern Medical Humanities Concern which mainly gives express on 3 respects. Firstly, it must reflect the attitude of the value of the socialist medical humanitarianism. Secondly, it should advance and enrich the ideology of Chinese traditional Medical Humanities Concern. Lastly absorbing and drawing from the international medical Humanities Concern.The Fourth chapter puts forward building up the system of medical Humanities Concern Education must fix the way of Encouraging the service which aims at the students, building the system of Humanities Concern Education. Building up the Humanism surrounding of final care.Above all ,with the Model of traditional Medicine changing from biology -only -model to biology -psychology- society- environment -modern medical model and the development tendency of education Humanities Concern in foreign advanced Medical Universities , only , we can develop the new style of all round trained students to face the 21centry’ s modern medication.

  • 【分类号】G648
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】509

