

【作者】 张寿芝

【导师】 卢娟;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆是我国多宗教、信教群众较多、较集中的地区。伊斯兰教、佛教、基督教、天主教、东正教和道教等六大宗教目前均有数量不等的信众,萨满教在民间也有一定的影响。伊斯兰教为维吾尔、哈萨克、回、柯尔克孜、乌孜别克、塔吉克、塔塔尔、东乡、保安、撒拉等10个民族所信仰,人口总数超过千万,约占全疆总人口的60%。在家庭熏陶和周围环境的影响下,新疆少数民族大学生信仰宗教的比例较高,而这些大学生是各少数民族的未来和希望,是民族传统文化继承、传递、批判、创新中最为活跃、最有生气的力量。如何引导这部分人群科学地对待宗教和党的有关宗教政策,不仅关系到大学生精神素质的培育,而且关系到新疆少数民族精神文化的构建。因此,了解新疆少数民族大学生的宗教信仰状况,关注他们的宗教观和信仰观,对弘扬民族文化,加强民族团结,维护祖国统一,促进社会主义精神文明建设具有重要意义。笔者通过发放调查问卷、抽样调查、统计分析、查阅资料、理论研究等方法,对新疆少数民族大学生的宗教信仰进行了调查,并提出了一些问题及解决的思路和对策。本文分三个部分进行阐述和论证。第一部分:主要通过问卷调查的方式,了解新疆少数民族大学生宗教信仰的现状和表现的特征。首先,设计了“你是否信仰宗教?”等13个问题,从他们的回答中可以考察新疆少数民族大学生的宗教信仰的基本情况。其次,在问卷调查的基础上,分析新疆少数民族大学生在宗教信仰问题上呈现出的三个显著特征,即:群体化与盲目性;理性化与情感性;理想化与虚幻性。第二部分:通过问卷调查和理论分析,寻找新疆少数民族大学生信仰宗教的缘由。从调查分析的结果上看新疆少数民族大学生信仰宗教的缘由主要有:一是受自然经济为基础的社会形态的影响;二是受宗教传统以及宗教管理工作中存在的问题的影响;三是受自身心理需要和价值追求不能充分满足的影响;四是受社会转型和市场经济体制不够完善的影响;五是受科技力量造福于人类的向往、追求以及对难于控制其后果的担忧的影响。第三部分:对策研究。通过分析与思考,要改变传统宗教对新疆少数民族大学生信仰的影响,帮助他们树立科学的信仰观,就需要采取积极措施,首先,积极贯彻和实施党中央关于西部大开发战略,全面建设小康社会,提升满足建构科学信仰的基础条件;其次,要加强与改善高校思想政治工作,提高“两课”-教学的创新性、有效性,充分发挥“两课”的主渠道和主阵地作用,尤其是对少数民族大学生围绕着如何进行终极关怀教育上下功夫。并且通过开设宗教学课程或讲座,让他们更多的了解和学习宗教学的有关知识;同时,积极开展丰富多彩的党团组织活动,从而使少数民族大学生逐步形成正确的宗教观,树立科学的信仰观,筑构自己的精神家园,实现“追本求真达善向美”人生追求目标

【Abstract】 Xinjiang is abundant in religions such as Islamism, Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism, Orthodox Eastern Church, Taoism and so forth .The number of believers is various. Samanism also is popular among the people, Islamism is worshipped by the Uygurs, the Kazaks, the Huis, the Khalkhas, the Ozbeks, the Tajiks, the Tatars, the Dongxiangs, the Bonans, the Salars, with a population of more than 1 million, making up about 60 percent of Xinjiang’s total population.Under the influences of their families and the world around them, the proportion of believers among Xinjiang minorities college students is quite high. These college students are the future and hope of their nationality, for they are tire most active and dynamic force in carrying on, transmitting, criticizing and creating their traditional culture. Therefore it is important to guide them to adopt a scientific attitude towards religions and the Party’s religious policies, for it not only touches on the development of their spiritual quality but also the establishment of spiritual culture of Xinjiang’s minorities. Therefore it is extremely necessary to understand their situation of religious belief, paying close attention to their religious viewpoint and outlook on belief, for it is very significant to carry forward ethnic culture, strengthen ethnic unity, defend our country’s unification, and promote the construction of socialist spiritual civilization .The author uses many ways to investigate the religious belief ofXinjiang minorities college students: such as questionnaire, sample survey, statistical analysis, literature-consulting , theoretical research and so on .By all these methods , the author advances some questions and counter-measures to solve them .This paper will be set forth and proved in three parts .The first part The author tries hard to understand the current situation and manifestation characteristics of the religious belief of Xinjiang minorities college students. First, the author designs 13 questions, take "Do you believe in religion?" for an example. From their answers, the author finds out the primary situation of their religious belief. Second, on the basis of questionnaire, the author makes an analysis of the three outstanding characteristics of their religious belief: worship in groups and blindness in action; rationalism and emotionalism; idealism and illusionism.The second part By questionnaire and theoretical analysis, the author finds out their reasons to believe in religion. Judging from the results of investigation and analysis, the author discovers that the main causes for college students to believe in religion are as follows; first, they are influenced by the natural economic formation of society; second, they are influenced by their traditional religion and problems in the management of religion; third, they are influenced by their own psychological needs and dissatisfaction in value-seeking; forth, they are influenced by the transformation of society and imperfect market economy system; fifth, they are influenced by their longing for science and technology that have brought happiness to mankind and their worry to their results difficult to be controlled.The third part: Research on countermeasures. By careful analysis and consideration, the author holds that if we want to change the traditional influences on the belief of the college students among Xinjiang minorities, we should adopt the following positive measures. First, we should positively carry out the party central committee’s development strategy for the western regions, building a completely well-off society , promoting basic conditions for satisfying scientific belief; second, we should strengthen and improve the ideological and political work in institutions of higher learning, enhancing the creation and effectiveness of "The Two Courses" in teaching, bringing the main channel and position of "The Two Courses" into full play, especially the ultimate concern education. It is necessary to give religious course or lectures to let the students compreh

  • 【分类号】D635
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1811

