

The Design and Implementation of Integrating Heterogeneous Information Platform Facing to Read-Only Application

【作者】 胡帅来

【导师】 杨季文;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类进入信息社会以及现代计算机技术和通讯技术的应用和发展,计算机技术已经大量的渗透于各行各业的事务管理中。技术的变革随之带来了管理模式的变革和新应用需求的出现。对于大型的企业、机构和学校而言,客观上要求将分散的数据管理,变为以依靠计算机网络为基础的集中式管理,同时又需要保持原有数据源的自治性。 文章在上述背景下,论述了联邦信息系统(Federated InformationSystems,FIS)和多层应用框架(N-tier Application Framework)的技术背景和相关理论。并以苏州大学档案馆电子档案检索系统为实例,详细地介绍了在FIS应用框架内,运用以组件为核心的多层应用框架实现面向只读应用的异构信息集成平台的具体实现技术。 文章详细介绍了该实例平台的主要设计思路和相关的需求背景,重点讨论了若干关键点和相应的解决方案,包括如何从Domino/Notes中获取数据信息、信息获取方式和分布查询等等。并依此总结出该平台的一般应用框架及其现实指导意义,以及该应用框架对设计异构数据集成系统的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of advanced research in computing and communication, computer technology has been applied into transaction procession, information systems and workflow management in all kind of businesses. This development also leads to the revolution in the management model and new requirement in the emerging applications. For some special needs in global characteristics, it’s necessary to integrate distributed, heterogeneous, autonomous and evolutional information components into a uniform platform, which has the transparent access mode for all these components.We firstly introduce the background and fundamental theory of Federated Information Systems (FIS) and N-tier application framework. Secondly we take Digital Archive Retrieval System (DARS) of Soochow University as an example to describe how these technologies have been used into the implement of the heterogeneous information integration platform. Furthermore, we discuss some themes about DARS, such as how to access information that stored in Domino/Notes, the methods to obtain information according to different components, distributed query,. etc. We also show the general application framework, which is deployed in DARS. The conclusion is given in the last part.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【下载频次】71

