

Legal Thinking of Some Problems in the Course of the State-owned Enterprise Transformation to Modern Corporation

【作者】 苏团

【导师】 周安平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在当代中国,“国有企业改革”问题是具有重要现实意义的课题。国有企业在我国国民经济中占有突出重要的地位和作用。公司制度是理论界公认的国有企业改革的目标模式。然而,我国大多数国有企业并没有因改制为公司而成功地转换经营机制和提高经济效益,故有必要分析其原因,以便提出一些立法上的建议和对策。 国有企业改制为公司主要涉及两方面的重要问题:一是产权制度;二是法人治理结构。产权制度是公司存在的物质基础和前提;法人治理结构是公司有效运转的重要保障。文章从宏观与微观相结合的角度对“国有企业改革”中的产权制度和法人治理结构进行了分析。从宏观方面来说,由于国企改革是一个系统工程,“只见树木不见森林”的改革思路只能把国有企业改革引入歧途。故本文力图反映国企公司制改造的全貌,对国有企业的产权制度和法人治理结构这两大问题都有所涉及,还涉及到了公司的外部环境问题;从微观方面来说,文章对一些未有完全定论的难点问题作了较详细的论述。本文涉及到的公司产权制度方面的难点有:建立有效的国有资产管理体制问题;对“国有股减持”若干问题的探讨。本文涉及到的公司法人治理结构方面难点有:完善董事的义务与责任问题;完善对中小股东利益的保护机制问题。为保证重点突出,我们对这些难点问题的分析也仅仅限于其与国有企业改革密切相关的方面。我们希望通过对这些突出难点问题的分析,从而能为国企改革的深入进行做出一些有益的探索。

【Abstract】 In modern China, The state Enterprise’s Reform is a practically significant task . The State Enterprise occupies a dominant position in our country’s national economy. Company system is a generally accepted target for The State Enterprise’s Reform by theoretical circles. However, most State Enterprises haven’t changed their management and improved their economic benefit. Therefore, we must analyse the reasons so as to put forward some legislation suggestions.There are two important issues involved when The State Enterprises are transformed into company. First, property system; second, Corporate Governance. Property system is material base and premise of company’s survive. Corporate Governance is important guarantee for company’s effectively operating. This article analyses State Enterprise’s Property system and Corporate Governance form the macroscopic and microcosmic angle .In the macroscopic angle, because The State Enterprise’s Reform is a system engineering, the thinking of "see the part, neglect the whole" will lead The State Enterprise’s Reform to a branch road. Therefore, this article attempts to reflect the full view. This article involves Property system and Corporate Governance, also involves company’s outside circumstances. In the microcosmic angle, this article emphatically analyses some difficult problems. This article involves two problems of Property system. First, setting up effectively state-owned property’s managing system. Second, Talking about some questions of "decrease stocks owned by state". This article involves two problems of Corporate Governance. First, perfecting the director’s duty and responsibility. Second, perfecting the mechanism of protecting middle and small shareholder’s interest. For the sake of standing out the focal points, we only analyse the aspect of these problems which interrelating The State Enterprise’s Reform. Through the analysing of these problems, we hope to make some useful researching for The State Enterprise’s Reform.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【下载频次】243

