

On the Constitution of the System of Provisional Injunction in Civil Procedure

【作者】 左翠莲

【导师】 张永泉;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,民事诉讼法中的临时性救济措施有两种样态:即财产保全和先予执行,没有设置针对客体为行为的临时禁令制度,这不能不说是我国民事诉讼立法体制的一个缺憾。所幸的是在2000年修改的《专利法》以及随后修改的《商标法》和《著作权法》中相继对临时禁令做了原则性规定。随后,最高人民法院于2001年6月5日通过的针对专利权的《关于对诉前停止侵犯专利行为适用法律问题的若干规定》中对诉前临时禁令做了较为详细的规定,使得抽象原则的法律条文具有了可操作性、司法实用性。时至今日,全国利用这一诉前措施处理的专利侵权案件已有很多起,并收到了良好的效果。在接下来的2001年12月25日,最高人民法院又针对新修改的商标法的第57条做出了《关于诉前停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为和保全证据适用法律问题的解释》,规定商标权人或者利害关系人在向人民法院提起知识产权侵权诉讼前,或者在人民法院审理侵权案件的过程中,可以提出先行停止侵权行为并可以进行证据保全的规定,此举进一步完善了知识产权立法,成为知识产权人维护权利的有力武器。 的确,与世界上很多国家已延续很多年的比较完善的禁令制度相比,仅仅是处于起步阶段,亟待完善。当侵犯民事权益造成难以弥补损害的情形发生时,权益人无法在起诉前得到合法有效的救济,而只能依靠财产保全、先予执行和法院的最终判决,使得权利人在发现侵权行为至法院立案后采取临时性救济措施或做出判决的这段时间里,权利人只能眼睁睁地看着其权利遭受损害而无计可施。笔者认为:作为对民事权利人先行救济的临时性措施中没有临时禁令制度是不完整的,缺少临时禁令的民事诉讼立法体例也是不健全的,因为现实生活中有很多的侵权行为,单纯靠现有的救济手段无法使受害人得到充分有效的救济。应当在现有的比较丰富的知识产权执法经验的基础上,尽快建立、健全和完善临时禁令制度,并将之适用范围扩展到对整个民事侵权行为的临时性救济中,而不仅仅只局限于知识产权侵权案件。 本文从我国法律中关于临时性救济措施的立法和司法的现状出发,指出其已经与国际形势、国内政治和经济的发展以及人们日益增长的民事权益保护意识不相适应,亟待发展和完善;文章接着介绍并评析了世界上有代表性国家的临时性禁令制度,着重阐明其对我国建立健全临时性禁令制度的可借鉴性;在此基础上分析了在我国新形论民事诉讼法中临时禁令制度的构建中文提要势下构建临时禁令制度的紧迫性与必要性;最后重点论述了如何在我国民事诉讼法中建立和健全临时禁令制度,并提出自己的看法。

【Abstract】 For a long time, there were two kinds of provisional remediational measures in our code of civil law, which were property preservation and advance execution, there was no system of provisional injunction, and this was a big pity for our legislative framework of civil action. Fortunately, there were some fundamental regulations in new exclusive law and subsequently in new brand law and new copyright law. On June 5, 2001, the supreme people court passed some statutes of how to apply clauses to stopping the infringed behave of patent right before lawsuit, which endued those abstract and fundamental items with maneuverability and practicability. There were many patent cases which utilized this preceding measure to deal with all over the country until today, and received good effect. On the followed day of December 25, 2001, aiming at the 57th clause of amendatory brand law, the supreme people court made an explanation of how to apply clauses to stopping the infringed behave of the special right of registered trade mark before lawsuit and how to save evidence from damage, which ordained before the litigation of intellectual property, or during the people courts was hearing the cases, the owners of trademark or the relative individuals might bring forward requisition to stop the behave of infringements and might save evidence from damage. In fact, these regulations perfected the legislation of intellectual property further, and for the owners of intellectual property it was a trenchant weapon to protect their rights.Certainly, comparing with a good many nations which have comparative perfect system of injunction, ours is still locating at the first step and needing perfection urgently. When torts are happened and bought on much damage that difficult to remedy, before going to court obliges have no way to get legally redress, they depend only on systems of property preservation, advance execution and the final sentence. During the time of from obliges find tortuous behavior to the civil courts take a brief and adopt some provisional remediational measures, obliges have no way but look on helplessly. If there is no system of provisional injunction, in my opinion, the provisional remediational measures will behalf-baked and the system of civil procedural law will be distempered, for there are many infringed behaviors in our life but the existing punitive means can not ensure those victims from sufficient and effectual relief. We should constitute and perfect the system of provisional injunction on the base of the existing relative ample experience in the area of intellectual property as soon as possible; we should expand its applicable area to the whole provisional redress of tort and not only in the area of intellectual property.Begin with the actuality of legislation and judicature of provisional remediational measures, this paper points out that ours has already not fit with international condition , national politics , economic development and the increasing consciousness of protecting civil rights and interests of people, and should be developed and perfected urgently ; the paper introduces and comments on some representative systems of provisional injunction all over the world, and stresses its using for reference to ours; it also analyzes the urgent and the needful to construct the system of provisional injunction in the new times; at last, this paper emphasizes discusses how to construct and perfect the system of provisional injunction in our code of civil law, and put forward my opinions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】356

