

Initial Research on the Digital Archives and the Copyright

【作者】 贾姝

【导师】 张照余;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 面对因特网表现出的高速、准确和完美的复制性能,以及对利用者而言日益提高的“自主性”和全球性,一方面,人们担心著作权是否还能真正保护权利人利益;另一方面,人们也担心网络著作权的过度保护会违背网络自身所包含的“信息共享”与自由发展的精神。数字档案馆作为网络的参与主体之一,也一直处于这一矛盾漩涡的中心,并且由于它所提供的内容涉及档案这一特殊信息形式,以及档案馆作为国家文化事业单位的特定地位,其著作权问题更趋复杂化:馆藏档案著作权状态不一、数字化权与网络传播权归属不明、档案数据库的弱保护、著作权集体管理组织尚未成熟、网络合理使用范围高度弹性化、相关法律法规限定内容互有交叉,等等,各种难点纷至沓来。网络可以是免费的乐园,但决不是盗版的天堂。笔者在本文中,试图分析、探讨数字档案馆建设与服务中的著作权问题,并以此为基础,略呈一家之言,希望可以有益于其发展。

【Abstract】 With the reproduction performance of the Internet, high-speed, precise, perfect and increasingly enhancing of "autonomy" and "globalization" to the users, on the one hand, we’re suspicious about the Copyright’s protection ability, on the other hand, we’re also anxious about the destruction of over-protection to "resource sharing" and the spirit of free development.As one of the main participators on the Internet, the Digital Archives are in the center of the contradiction all along. Moreover, because of the special status of archive information and all the national archives, this conflict tends towards complication: different Copyright conditions of holdings, obscure attribution to the digitization right and the network transmission right, weak protection for the archive databases, immature of the Copyright collective administration organization, high-degree flexibility of the "fair use" in the network, inconsistent of the terms in the relevant legislations or regulations , etc , all the difficult points turn up . The Internet, not a piracy paradise, only can be a free amusement.In this article, I make attempts to analysize the Copyright in the process of construction and service of the Digital Archives, and make initial research on it with deep expect to be useful.

【关键词】 数字档案馆建设服务著作权
【Key words】 the Digital ArchivesConstructionServicethe Copyright
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】G270.7;D923.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】373

