

The Study of Historiography of Wang Shi-zhen--Discuss the Personnel History Compilation in the Midst and Late Ming Dynasty Simultaneously

【作者】 王燕

【导师】 张承宗;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 专门史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 明代中后期的私人修史在中国史学史上有着重要的地位,而王世贞是明代中后期私人修史的代表人物。本文选择王世贞史学研究为切入点,研究明代中后期的私人修史。前半部分从王世贞的史学思想,史学编撰特点及其史学影响三个方面对王世贞史学进行研究,并对王世贞的史学地位及其史学所反映的时代特点做简要评述。后半部分从整体角度论述明代中后期私人修史的五个特点(私人修史之风大盛、当代史的写作成为主流、严肃与谐趣两种史学流派、私人修史中的因袭与创新、史学思想新旧交错、相互斗争。)产生的原因与影响,并综述明中后期私人修史在中国史学史中的地位与影响,进而揭示传统史学在传统社会末期的发展轨迹与困境。

【Abstract】 Wang Shi-zhen was a representative of the personnel history compilation in the midst and late Ming Dynasty which possessed important status in the Chinese historical history ,. So this thesis chooses the study of historiography of Wang Shi-zhen as a breakthrough to study the personnel history compilation in the midst and late Ming Dynasty .The former half part studies historiography of Wang shi-zhen from three sections: the historical ideology, the characters of historical compilation and the historical influence ,and comments briefly the status of the historiography of Wang Shi-zhen in the Chinese historical history and the characters of the time which the historiography of Wang Shi-zhen reflected. The latter half part discusses the five characters (the personnel historical compilation flourished extremely, the compilation of contemporary history became the main current, two schools of seriousness and amusement , the phenomena of following old practice and breaking new ground, the new and old historical ideologies were alternate and struggled.) of the personnel historical compilation in the midst and late Ming dynasty , Analyses the causing reason and influence of them and summarizes the status and the influence of the personnel history compilation in the midst and late Ming Dynasty in the Chinese historical history ,and then reveal the track of development and the straits of the Chinese traditional historiography in the final phase of Chinese traditional society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】K092
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】569

