

The Renewal of Traditional Waterland Settlement in Shaoxing

【作者】 姚红梅

【导师】 单德启;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 1996, 硕士


【摘要】 传统民居集落是历史上建立在一定的经济和社会结构基础上的传统文化、生活方式和社会意识形态的载体,是千百年来人与自然的融合和历史的积淀;它有着悠久的历史、浓郁的风情和独特的建筑空间环境,充满着迷人的魅力。然而,随着时代的变迁,乡镇工业的兴起和社会经济的迅猛发展,传统民居集落因不能适应现代社会的需求而面临严峻挑战,在经济发达地区这一矛盾尤为显著。因此,及时对传统民居集落进行保护与更新,激发其内在活力以适应现代社会需求,已成为当前迫切需要研究的课题。本论文选择了处于经济“热地”长江三角洲的全国经济“百强县”之一的绍兴传统水街民居集落作为研究对象,从现实的矛盾和冲突出发,通过直接参与绍兴传统水街民居的建设实践,并结合调研、分析、综合提高等动态研究方法,试图探索对传统水街民居集落切实可行的保护与更新“模式”。全文共分四部分:第一部分简述了绍兴传统水街民居集落的悠久历史和传统文化,分析经济结构的变更对集镇形成和发展的影响,并展示了绍兴地区独特的水乡集镇格局和建筑空间环境。第二部分阐述了由于现代工业文明的兴起,导致了传统水街民居集落与现实的种种冲突,并以绍兴的两个历史文化名镇东浦和柯桥在这种现实与传统冲突下不同的命运为例:一种是在经济大潮中被“建设性破坏”的柯桥,一种是传统风貌保存尚好,但面临衰落危机的东浦。针对这两种命运本文从多个角度进行了探究、分析与比较。第三部分针对东浦和柯桥传统民居集落的不同命运,结合东浦水街和柯桥古运河沿岸的保护与更新实践,提出传统水街民居集落保护与更新的不同对策。第四部分主要是在实践的基础上对传统民居集落的进一步认识和总结。强调了保护与更新的迫切性和重要性,指出村镇结构正从“同质同构”向“异质异构”转变,所以只有从区域角度看待传统民居集落的保护和更新,才能达到真正保护的目的。最后,本文还就动态保护与有机更新作了一些探讨,并从保护与更新的价值、内容、方式三方面阐述了保护与更新的多元性。

【Abstract】 The traditional settlement .which is deeply rooted in the traditional culture,life style, social idealogy, economical and social construction, is not only a link of the mankind and the nature, but also an accumulation of the history for thousand years. It is full of the charming characters with it’s long history,strong traditions, and special architectural environment. However,the traditional settlement is facing the great challenge for not fitting in with the needs of the modern society with the rapid development in township industries and vigorously development of the social economy, especially in modern development.So,it is becoming an urgent task of research to have the traditional settlement renovated so as to stimulate it’s inner activity fitting in with the modern society. In the thesis ,the author choose the traditional settlement in ShaoXing as the study object which is one of the "most powerful countries"in "lively area"--YiangZi River Delta. Basing on the practices and the dynamic studying methods as investigation, analization, synthesis , the author trying find the realistic "pattern" of the traditional settlement renewal from the conflict between the reality and tradition. The thesis is divided into four sections:In the first section,the author exames the long history and culture of the traditional settlement in ShaoXing. Having analyzed the effect of the economical structure changing to the form and development of the town,it is expressed the special structure of the waterland and the architectural enviroment in ShaoXing.In the second section, the author looks at the conflict between the traditional waterland settlement and the realities of modern industrial civilization. In the thesis, the author also give two examples:KeQiao and DongPu,both famous histories and culture resulting in two different fates . One is KeQiao,which has been "destructive construction" in development ;the other is DongPu,which has been preserved well but facing the crysis of decline. After that ,the author studies these two fates.In the third section, basing on the practices of waterland renewal in DongPu and the ancient cannels renewal in KeQiao,the author puts forword the diffirentway to the renewal of the traditional waterland settlement.The fourth section exclude some theories about the traditional settlement renewal. In this thesis,the author emphasizes the importance and the urgency of renewal,and points out that the regional structure is turning from the "consistent" to "inconsistent" . Only through the regional planning,can we protect the traditional settlement well. In the end,after discussing the dynamic conservation and the organic renewal, the author explord the pluralist concept from the value,content and pattern of the renewal.Yao HongmeiDirected by prof. Shan Deqi

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU241.5
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】899

