

The Cooling Tower Design of Jianfeng Thermo-Power Plant

【作者】 龚长寿

【导师】 潘永亮; 刘百齐;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 化学工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 冷却塔是现代工业基本设备之一。本文简要介绍了国内外冷却塔技术的发展过程,典型的横流塔和逆流塔等塔型的优缺点,点滴填料与薄膜填料等典型填料的优缺点。本设计结合厂区气象条件、循环水水质参数,拟定选用逆流薄膜冷却塔。 根据循环水系统的循环水温、循环水量,推出了冷却塔需达到的主要技术参数是进塔水温度43℃,出塔水温度32℃,单塔处理水量2300t/h,总处理水量6900t/h。在冷却塔设计中,采用焓差法进行热力性能计算,同时需对冷却塔进行阻力性能计算。 结合国内外冷却塔技术和市场状况,并根据冷却塔计算结果,完成了冷却塔塔内主要部件的设计和选型:采用逆流式组合方形钢筋砼结构,各塔之间用现浇钢筋砼隔板隔开,各塔的填料底部至集水池水面的中轴线用现浇钢筋砼隔板隔开,塔四周围护板为玻璃钢壁板;淋水填料为WS型,装填高度1.50m;采用动能回收型玻璃钢风筒,直径8.00m,高4.75m;采用玻璃钢管配水系统和ABS材质三溅配水喷头;采用PVC材质的S型收水器;配用φ7.70m风机,风量190×10~4m~3/h,电机功率90kW。 热电联产使用循环水和冷却塔每年可节水47196000吨。 本塔与其他同类塔相比,具有整塔结构稳定、阻力低、配水配风均匀、塔型结构完善、耐腐蚀性能好、检修和运行安全等特点。

【Abstract】 Cooling water tower is one of the basic facilities in modern industry. This paper has simply introduced the development of cooling tower technique, both at home and abroad. The advantages/disadvantages of typical acrossflow tower and counterflow tower, the advantages/disadvantages of splash packing and film packing. The design of Jianfeng Thermo-power plant has chosen the counterflow cooling tower incorporated the local atmospheric environment and the parameter of cooling water quality.According to circulating water flow and temperature, it concludes the cycle inlet water temperature is 43℃ and outlet temperature is 32℃, cooling water flow is 2300 m3/h each tower and total flow is 6900m3/h. In the design of cooling tower, the eathalpy difference method has been used to calculate the thermal performance, meanwhile the resistace performance of cooling tower also be calculated .After combination of the cooling tower technology at home and abroad, the cooling tower market and the result of thermal calculation, it finishes the general layout and arrangement of each main components of cooling tower, which uses reinforced concrete in site, counterflow and rectangular distribution, each cooling tower is separated by separating wall of reinforced concrete in site, each cooling tower’s middle section from the top of sump to the top of cooling tower is separated by separating wall of reinforced concrete in site, cooling tower wall is surrounded byfibreglass reinforced plastic. The shower water packing is WS type, the packing height is 1.50 meter. It uses velocity recovery fan cylinder made by fibreglass reinforced plastic, diameter 7.70 meter and height 4.75 meter. It uses distribution system of fibreglass reinforced plastic pipe and three-way spray nozzle of ABS co-polyners. It uses S type drift eliminators PVC. It self-contains a fan each tower, diameter 7.70 meter and wind flow 190X104 m3/h. the power of motor is 90 kilowatts.Jianfeng Thermo-power Plant will be save 47196000 ton water to use circulating water and cooling tower.In comparison with other similar towers, this tower is characterized by stable whole structure, low resistance, uniform distribution of water and wind, improved tower type and structure, good corrosion resistant, safe to maintenance and operation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TQ053
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】373

