

On Hedges in the Uniform Commercial Code-Sales

【作者】 樊明科

【导师】 曹进;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 美国统一商法典—买卖编作为美国统一商法典的典型代表,不仅是美国国内从事经济贸易活动的法律保障,而且随着美国成为全球经济最发达的国家,已经产生了世界性的影响。近年来,它所确定的重要规则,不仅在许多国际条约中得到体现,而且还成为各国制定法律的重要借鉴。例如,我国在制订《合同法》时,就借鉴了美国统一商法典—买卖编中的“预期违约”等相关制度。随着我国与美国之间经济往来的增加,许多美国企业与我国建立了经济贸易关系,这就决定了我们有必要全面了解美国统一商法典—买卖编的主要内容,而要了解它的内容,首先要立足于对其语言的学习。人们普遍认为,立法语言应该清楚、明白、准确。对于模糊语言,尤其是模糊限制语在立法语言中的使用情况,人们了解甚少。有关模糊语言在立法语言中的使用情况已开始有人做了一些相关研究,但总体来看,还不够具体、系统,或深度尚有欠缺。 美国统一商法典—买卖编作为立法语言之一,是否能够完全彻底的排除模糊限制语的使用呢?回答是否定的。本文作者根据Prince et al.以及Channell等人对模糊限制语的分类,对美国统一商法典—买卖编中的模糊限制语作了详尽的语料分析,目的是想了解模糊限制语在其中的语言表现形式、分类、作用以及使用原因。分析结果表明,作为立法语言之一的美国商法典—买卖编中,不仅允许模糊限制语的使用,而且还依赖于它的使用体现表述的准确性。 本文包括七个部分: 第一部分简述了此研究的目的、意义、范围以及必要性。 第二部分介绍了国内外关于此研究的研究现状。 第三部分阐述了Prince et al.以及Channell等人对模糊限制语的分类,并对一些法律原理和基本概念进行了必要的说明。 第四部分介绍了此项研究的目的、对象、内容、具体的研究步骤及方法和研究结果。 第五部分针对第四部分的结果作了系统的分析,指出了在美国统一商法典—买卖编中模糊限制语的主要语言表现形式,作用以及使用原因。 第六部分提出了本研究对法律英语教学以及立法和司法工作的启示。 第七部分对全文作了总结,指出了模糊限制语在立法语言中存在的重要意义。同时,作者对教师如何在法律英语的讲授中使学习者意识到模糊限制语的重要作用,以及立法者和司法者掌握模糊限制语的重要意义,提出了一些建议,并指出了一些尚待解决的问题。

【Abstract】 The Uniform Commercial Code-Sales, are not only the legal protection for business in America, but also have world influences in international business communications. Recently, most of the rules in it have been borrowed in international treaties, and in some countries’ domestic laws. For example, the rule of "anticipatory repudiation" has been borrowed in Chinese Contracts Law.With the developing of business communications between China and America, it is necessary to learn American major business law -the Uniform Commercial Code-Sales firstly. To learn the Uniform Commercial Code-Sales, we should begin with the characteristics of the language in it. People believe that legislative language should hold clarity and precision. Some researches on vague words/hedges in legislative languages have already been carried out, however, the researches on it, especially the researchers on hedges in legislative language, are very limited, besides, the only few researches on it are neither complete nor concrete.As one of the legislative language-the Uniform Commercial Code-Sales, whether the hedges could be excluding from it? The answer is not. Based on a detailed corpus analysis of the hedges in the Uniform Commercial Code-Sales, the author attempts to further explore the major linguistic realizations, the aim of using them and categories of hedges in it. The thesis concludes that hedges could be used in the corpus, and appropriately using of hedges could improve the accuracy of the expressions in it. This thesis is divided into seven parts.Part One begins with the necessity, purposes and significance of the present study. Part Two describes the present situations of the studies on hedges and vagueness in law. Part Three introduces the rationale of the present study.Part Four describes the present study, which includes its purposes, subjects, contents, results and findings of the corpus analysis.Part Five concerns general discussions based on the results and findings from Part Four. Part Six is about the implications of the present study.Part Seven draws the conclusion of the present study. It also points out some limitations of the present study and puts forward some suggestions for further research in this field.

  • 【分类号】D90-055
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】223

