

Modern Educational Technique and the Cultivation of Creative Ideation

【作者】 陈金梅

【导师】 刘志伟;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 如何培养学生作文的兴趣,是当前作文教学的一大任务;如何使学生的作文有创新,是当前作文教学的另一大任务,也是本实验要解决的问题。 本人在自己多年的教学实践和科研成果的基础上,按照“四步五练”的步骤,所谓“四步”,是指“多媒体展示观察信息(信息输入)——多媒体引导加工信息(信息加工)——多媒体指导整理信息(信息输出)——多媒体辅导反馈信息(信息反馈)”;“五练”是指“唤起相关表象、加工写作材料、具体形象表述、习作的批改、习作的二次加工”,构建了一套以现代教育技术为手段,以创新思维能力为横线,文体写作知识为纵线的实验。力图解决当今写作教学中的以上的两个难点,从而实现写作能力的训练、创新能力的训练的最优化结合。 实验表明,这一训练体系,作为一个完整而有序的过程,帮助学生解决了一系列的写作难题:多媒体展示观察信息,唤起相关表象,有效的解决了“没的写”的难题;信息加工,有效的解决了“写什么”的难题;具体形象表述,解决了“怎么写”的难题;习作的批改,解决了“怎么改”(他改)的难题;习作的二次加工,解决了“如何改”(自改)的难题。这些难题的解决,既提高了他们的写作能力,也提高了他们的创新能力。

【Abstract】 How to cultivate the students’ interest in composition is an arduous task in composition teaching; How to spur the students’ creative desire in composition is another mission in composition teaching. These are also the problems this experiment wants to resolve.I summarize a teaching system named "four steps, five practices" on the basis of my many years’ teaching practice and scientific research. The so-called "four steps" are: "using multimedia equipment - to display the observational information (information input) - to lead to process the information (information processing) - to guide to neaten the information (information output) - to instruct the feedback of information (information feedback)". "Five practices" include: "to arouse the related envision, to process the composition material, to describe the concrete image, to amend the composition, to reprocess the composition". By using the above teaching system, I launch an experiment to improve the students’ interest and creativity ability in composition by using modern education technique. Through doing this experiment, I try to resolve the two problems mentioned above, and want to promote the students to combine the composition ability practice.Experiment shows that this training system, as an whole and orderly process, helps the students very much in resolving composition problems: The process of (multimedia) displaying the observational information and arousing the students’ related envision solves the problem of nothing to write; the processing of information solves the problem what to write ; the description of the concrete image solves the problem how to write; the correction of the composition solvethe problem how to amend the composition(by others);the reprocessing of the composition solves the problem how to modify the composition by oneself. The settlement of the problems improves the student’ ability of composition, and at the same time, increases their ability of creativity.

  • 【分类号】G40-057
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】462

