

A Study of the Textual Practice and Development of Reading Ability and Technique

【作者】 黄海峰

【导师】 曹进;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 培根说:“阅读使人充实,写作使人严谨。”阅读对每个人来说是很重要的。几乎对所有的学生来说阅读是学习科学知识的工具,所以对外语学习者来说阅读尤其重要。因为阅读不仅有利于语言的习得,有利于扩充学生的词汇量和促进写作技巧,而且有利于提高更高水平的阅读能力和技巧。阅读是读者和作者进行交流的一种交互解释的过程。没有任何篇章可以和读者分开来考虑的,即读者和语篇结构之间有一种连续性的交互过程。 本项研究的目的是:(1)阅读中通过加强语篇结构训练培养高中学生的阅读能力和技巧;(2)培训高中英语教师在课内外指导和教授学生通过建构语篇结构进行有效阅读;(3)为学生将来的阅读奠定坚实的基础。 本项研究的主要问题是加强语篇训练培养学生英语阅读能力和技巧。本项研究共有由六个部分组成。第一部分介绍了本项研究的目的和意义,解释了语篇结构及部分相关术语的概念,并简单介绍了有效阅读和阅读技巧。第二部分介绍了国内外语篇结构与阅读研究的现状。第三部分主要介绍了本项研究的理论基础,重点介绍了由上而下(Top-down process),由下而上(bottom-up process)综合模式理论(Analysis-by-synthesis model)等阅读理论。论文在第四部分详细且重点介绍了本项研究中被试,测量工具,实验设计,数据统计和分析,分析结果等。此部分收集了所有相关的实验数据并通过社会科学统计软件进行数据分析,报告了数据统计分析的结果及相关的讨论。数据分析分以下几步进行:(1)用独立样本T检验分析了实验班与对照班的阅读能力和技巧方面在前测,中测和后测中的差异性;(2)利用配对样本检验分析了实验班与对照班在前测,中测和后测中内部的的差异性;(3)利用相关分析确定了语篇结构训练对英语阅读能力和的显著性影响。第五部分对以上数据分析得出的结论进行了全面讨论,并在第六部分介绍了本项研究的不足和对今后研究的建议。 因此,本文试从语篇结构的训练,通过实证方法的研究证实了语篇理论和阅读能力与技巧培养之间的关系。

【Abstract】 "Reading makes a full man and writing an exact man" (Francis Bacon). Reading is important for students and a great deal of school reading seems to be informational. Reading, for almost all the students, is a learning tool in science, social studies, language arts, mathematics and so forth so that it is the royal road to knowledge. Any review of the literature on the teaching of reading techniques to EFL students has to include the seemingly infallible aphorism that reading is an interactive and interpretive process (Williamson, 1988: 7). No text can be considered separate from the reader; there must be a successful interaction between the reader and the texture to be processed. As John (1986) has stated, the degree to which the meaning and structure of a text are made apparent to the reader depends largely on whether the reader-selected schemata, or expectations, are consistent with the text. Reading, according to Widdowson (1979: 174), is "an interaction between the reader and the writer," which cannot be done without an insight into the texture of the target language.Therefore, the purposes of the research are: (1) to develop the senior students’ reading ability and technique by reinforcing the texture practice in reading materials; (2) to train the Senior teachers of English to teach and instruct English reading effectively on constructing the texture in and out of class; (3) to lay a firm foundation for their further study.The issue of the thesis is that students’ English reading ability and technique would be developed by enforcing textual reading practice. And the methods that are used in the experiment are the processing methods ?in which the emphasis is on the process of reading - the generation of ideas and development of logical and effective presentation - with considerable time and attention spent on peer review and feedback. The thesis consists of six parts. Part one starts with a brief introduction to the purpose and significance of the study, followed by the explanations of the "texture" and the "text" and some other relative terms involved. Part two presents the recent studies at home and abroad on texture and reading. In part three, we mainly introduce the reading theories of top-down process, bottom-up process and analysis-by -synthesis model. The forth part of the thesis provides some information of subjects, procedure and scale, as well as data collection and data analysis, etc. Part five discusses the results of the data analysis. Part six includes the conclusions and implication of the research as well as the suggestionsfor further research, limitations of the study are also presented in this part.Thus the present thesis is an experimental study of the texture and reading comprehension with Chinese learners of English as subjects. Data on independent variable texture and dependent variable EFL reading ability and technique are collected and carefully analyzed. The results indicated that the students of English needed to reinforce the texture practice. The understanding of the texture is tightly and positively related to their reading ability and technique.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【下载频次】269

