

The Basic Applied Study in Five Species of Artemisia in Xinjiang

【作者】 张燕

【导师】 张继;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 植物学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对新疆五种蒿属植物—湿地蒿、黄花蒿、龙蒿、白叶蒿、北艾蒿进行了资源概况、比较解剖学、挥发性成分分析、浸膏含量比较、脂肪酸成分分析、总黄酮分析、芦丁含量及总黄酮含量比较、绿色素提取及其稳定性等方面的研究。根据比较解剖学研究可知:五种蒿属植物叶结构差异较大,其中龙蒿为等面叶,其它四种蒿为异面叶;茎结构、根结构在五种蒿属植物之间差异不大。首次采用气相色谱—质谱联用法对新疆五种蒿属植物挥发性成分进行了分析和研究,五种蒿属植物共鉴定出140种挥发性成分,其中27种化合物是它们共有的或分别共有的;五种蒿属植物挥发性成分中都有各自的优势成分,说明它们的主成分分布较集中;五种蒿属植物挥发性成分的种类和含量差异较大,在一种蒿中为主成分,在另一种蒿中可能为非主成分,充分体现了种间的差异性。五种蒿属植物浸膏颜色不完全相同;在取样相同情况下,果实和叶部位浸膏含量最高,茎浸膏含量次之,根浸膏含量最低,因此在提取浸膏时最佳部位可选择果实和叶部位;通过对五种蒿属植物全草浸膏含量比较可知:黄花蒿脂溶性物质含量最高,白叶蒿、湿地蒿、北艾蒿的脂溶性物质含量次之,龙蒿脂溶性物质含量最低。首次采用气相色谱法对新疆五种蒿属植物脂肪酸成分进行了分析,五种蒿属植物含多种脂肪酸,其含量因种的不同而有所差异。通过总黄酮的分析研究可知:五种蒿属植物茎中黄酮类化合物主要为黄酮类和黄酮醇类;首次采用双波长薄层扫描法测定了新疆五种蒿属植物茎中芦丁的含量;首次选用硝酸铝显色法,以芦丁做标品测定了新疆五种蒿属植物茎中总黄酮的含量,通过含量比较可知:五种蒿属植物茎中分别至少含黄酮3—4种;湿地蒿、龙蒿、白叶蒿、北艾蒿、黄花蒿茎中芦丁含量依次为0.262%、0.138%、0.131%、0.074%、0.066%;湿地蒿、黄花蒿、白叶蒿、北艾蒿、龙蒿茎中总黄酮含量依次为0.544%、0.491%、0.396%、0.339%、0.328%。首次采用溶剂萃取法提取了北艾蒿的绿色素,并对其稳定性进行了研究,通过研究可知:不同浓度的NaCl、Vc、K+、Mg2+、Ca2+、葡萄糖、蔗糖、柠檬酸对北艾蒿叶绿素的影响不很明显;Na2SO3对该色素有明显影响;该色素不耐氧化;该色素使用和保存时应避免和铁、铜制容器接触。通过上述分析比较为五种蒿属植物的开发利用提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 The author studies the five species of Artemisia in Xinjiang , A. tournefortiana Reichb. , A. annua L. ,A. dracunculus L. ,A. leucophylla (Turcz.ex Bess.) Clarke ,A. vulgaris L. in resource ,comparative anatomy ,volatility composition analysis ,extractive content comparison , fatty acid composition analysis , total flavonoids analysis , rutin content and total flavonoids content comparison ,extraction and stability of the green pigment and etc .According to the research of comparative anatomy , the difference of leaf structure of A. tournefortiana Reichb. , A. annua L. , A. dracunculus L. , A. leucophylla (Turcz.ex Bess.) Clarke , A. vulgaris L. is evident .Among them the leaf of A.dracunculus L. is isobilateral leaf , the ones of the other four species are bifacial leaves .But the structure of the stems and roots of the five species has no evident difference . For the first time the volatility compositions of the five species of Artemisia in Xinjiang are analysed and studied by GC-MS , the 140 components are identified , the 27 compounds are mutual among or between them .Each of them has individual superiority component in themselves compositions ,explaining that their main compositions distribute more concentratedly .The difference of sorts and contents of volatility composition of the five species from Artemisia is evident , and it is a main component in one species, and probably it is a non-main component in another species, having fully embodied difference between them .The extractive colour in the five species of Artemisia is not identical completely .Taking a sample under the identical circumstances ,the extraction content of the fruit and leaf is the highest ,that of the stern is the second place ,and that of the root is the lowest ,thus the position of the fruit and leaf can be selected in the optimum place when extraction is extracted .Through comparing the extraction content of the whole herbal of them ,the slush of Aannua L. is the highest ,that of A.leucophylla (Turcz.exBess.) Clarke, A.tournefortianaReichb., A. vulgaris L. is the second place, and that of A.dracunculus L. is the lowest .For the first time the fatty acid compositions of the five species of Artemisia are analysed by the gas chromatography, and there are many kinds of fatty acid components in them, the amount of them is different from different species . Through analysing the components of the total flavonoids ,it is known that compounds of flavonoids of their stems are the flavone and flavonol. For the first time the rutin contents of their stems are ascertained by the dual-wavelength thin layer scanning, and the contents of the totalflavonoids of the stems from the five species of Artemisia are determinted by the A1(NO3)3 color , and rutin as the standard pattern . It is known with contents ,the stem of the five species of Artemisia has 3-4 kinds flavonoids at least .The rutin content of the stems in A.tournefortiana Reichb. , A. dracunculus L. ,A. leucophylla (Turcz. ex Bess.) Clarke , A.vulgaris L. ,A. annua L. is 0.262% , 0.138% , 0.131% , 0.074% , 0.066% in turn .The total flavonoids content in A. tournefortiana Reichb., A.annua L. ,A. leucophylla(Turcz. ex Bess.)Clarke , A.vulgaris L. , A.dracunculus L. is 0.544% , 0.491% , 0.396% ,0.339% , 0.328% in turn .For the first time the green pigment of A.vulgaris L.is extracted by the solventing extraction, and the stability of it is studied too .The influence on the green pigment of A.vulgaris L. is not very clear from the different thickness NaCl ,Vc ,K+ ,Mg2+ ,Ca2+ ,glucose,sucrose and citric acid .There is a clear influence on the green pigment of A.vulgaris L. from Na2SO3 .The green pigment can not endure oxide .As using and preserving the green pigment ,it should be avoided contacting iron and copper container .It provides the science gist for the development and utlization of the five species of Artemisia in Xinjiang through the mentioned above.

  • 【分类号】Q949.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】347

