

Teachers’ Present Conditions、Problems and Countermeasure Research of Private Schools in Lanzhou

【作者】 李旭俦

【导师】 王鉴;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从全国民办中小学现状和问题的分析入手,主要以民办中小学的师资问题为着眼点,从师生比,退休教师,教师年龄、职称、学历状况,专任、兼任(代课)教师,挂编教师五个方面,通过对兰州市民办中小学师资状况与公办中小学的比较,论述了兰州市民办中小学的师资现状。 根据现状,分析了兰州市民办中小学的师资问题和形成原因。师资问题主要体现在:教师年龄结构不合理;教师队伍稳定性差;人事编制尚未理顺;教师来源渠道不畅通;社会保障系统不健全;缺乏有力的业务提高制度;教学效果欠佳。造成师资问题的原因主要是体制问题,即体制内不顺和体制外不顺两个方面。 针对兰州市民办中小学的师资问题和原因,笔者主要从外部和内部两个方面提出了解决民办中小学师资问题的对策。外部方面即:建立健全各项政策法规与制度的对策;内部方面即:科学合理管理的对策。 最后选取了一所民办学校进行个案研究,从学校几年来的概况、师资状况、师资队伍建设的交流与思考三个方面真实的再现了民办学校的发展,进一步印证了兰州市民办中小学的师资问题和成因。

【Abstract】 The thesis analyzes the teachers’ present conditions and problems of private schools all over the country. It mainly focuses on the teachers’ problems, including five aspects: the rate of teachers and students, retired teachers, the ages, the titles of professional posts and educational background of teachers, full-time and part-time teachers, the teachers of other schools’ staff. The teachers’ present conditions of the private schools are expounded through comparing with the public schools in Lanzhou.According to the present conditions of the private schools in Lanzhou, teachers’ problems and the causes of formation are analyzed. The structure of teachers’ ages isn’t rational. The ranks of teachers aren’t steady. Personnel establishment isn’t managed properly. The source of coming teachers isn’t unimpeded. The system of social guarantee isn’t perfect. The system of improving professional knowledge isn’t enough. Teaching effect isn’t good. The main reason of teachers’ problems is the system of organization, that is, both inside and outside it aren’t smooth.In accordance with the teachers’ problems and causes of private schools in Lanzhou, the author put forward the countermeasure of solving the teachers’ problems both in internal and external sides. The external side is countermeasure of perfectly establishing policy laws and regulations and systems. The internal side is countermeasure of scientific and reasonable administration.Finally, a case study was done in a private school. The development of private schools is reappeared from recent years’ general situation, teachers’ conditions, the exchange and thought of construction of teachers’ ranks. The teachers’ problems and the causes of formation of private schools in Lanzhou are further confirmed.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】387

