

The Study on the Mathematics Learning Strategies for Senior High School Learners

【作者】 刘兴宇

【导师】 傅敏;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 社会的信息化、经济的全球化,使每个人都面临知识经济时代的挑战,学习也就成了每个人终生面临的发展任务。随着我国素质教育的不断深化,在数学课堂教学中,如何提高数学教学质量,减轻学生的学习负担,让学生不仅“学会”数学,而且更重要的是“会学”数学,学会学习,为其终身的发展打好基础,也就成了每个数学教育工作者关注的问题。本文正是在此背景下,对高中学生数学学习策略进行探讨研究的。 一、本论文第一部分,首先在分析传统数学课堂教学缺点的基础上,针对人们在数学学习上的不正确认识及新一轮高中基础课程改革的需要,指出研究高中数学学习策略势在必行。并着重从素质教育的要求、终身教育的需要和改善学生学习现状、提高教学质量三个方面,详细阐述了研究高中学生数学学习的重要意义。 二、本论文第二、三部分运用文献法,在大量查阅有关数学学习策略文献资料的基础上,对国内、外学习策略的起源、学习策略的本质,以及数学学习策略的研究现状,进行了比较分析、总结论述。为了更进一步研究的需要,论文同时对学习策略,数学学习策略的概念进行了界定。并对数学学习策略的构成要素、主要特征进行了探索研究。 三、论文的第四、五部分,首先在参照、借鉴大量有关学习策略调查问卷的基础上,针对高中学生数学学习的特点,修改、编制了高中学生数学学习方法问卷表,数学元认知测查表,并采用分层抽样的方法,对定西地区的五所中学的部分学生进行了问卷调查,得到高中学生数学学习策略现状的第一手资料。在此基础上,以现代认知心理学理论为依据,结合自己多年来的教学实践,总结提出了优化高中学生数学学习策略应该遵循的原则:主体性原则、主导性原则、及时反馈原则、层次性原则、渐近性原则。并针对调查得出的结论,运用具体实例,详细阐述了改进高中学生数学学习策略的措施:1、改革传统的数学课堂教学模式,提倡自主性学习和合作交流学习。2、课堂教学中不失时机地向学生传授基本的数学学习方法。3、发展高中学生的数学元认知能力,提高学生数学学习的自我意识,自我体验和自我监控水平。

【Abstract】 Because of the development of social information and globalization of economy, everyone faces the challenges of the era of knowledge economy. Undoubtedly, learning , also, becomes a task of one’s life. With the development of deepening of quality education in our country, teachers of maths follow with interest the problem of teaching students ways of learning maths , and strategies of learning by means of improving teaching quality of maths , and lightening the learning burden of students. And it is in the very background that the author makes a study of the mathematics learning strategies.1. In the first part of the dissertation, the author wants to make it imperative that he deliberates the mathematics learning strategies in senior high schools on the basis of thoroughly analyzing shortcomings of traditional class reaching of maths , people’s prejudice in learning maths and the need of the new round in reforming foundational curriculum of senior high schools . At the same time, the author focuses on the significance of studying students’ learning maths from the following aspects: 1) the demands of quality education and lifelong education, 2) the improvement of learning situation of students and, 3) the heightening of teaching quality.2. Regard to the second and third parts of the dissertation, the author has done thorough research on the origin of learning strategies and the current situation of mathematics learning strategies by using mathematical literature on the basis of probing related materials of mathematics learning strategies. In order to satisfy the demands of the further research, the author has presented the definitions of learning strategies, and the concepts of mathematics learning strategies. Besides, the author has made a study of the constituents of mathematics learning strategies and their characteristics.3. The fourth and fifth parts consist of the firsthand materials about the mathematics learning strategies of the senior high school students ,obtained through questionnaires in five schools in Dingxi and neighbouring counties after the author referred to and used some of literature concerning mathematics learning strategies,and on this base, according to the characteristics of mathematics learning of senior high school students, edited and finally formed questionaires on the mathematics learning methods of the senior high school students, on mathematics metacognition. On the practical reseach,supported by the modern cognitive psychology, together with the author’s own experience in many year’s teaching ,a few principles are sumed up for optmizing mathematics learning strategies of senior high school students: student-centered conception,a teacher acting as a guide, opportune feedback, reasonable levels,and step-by-step approach. Three measures are recommended and fully expressed to better the learning strategies of the senior high school students: 1)reform the traditional approach ,advocate intercommunication among teachers and students,and encourage independent learners, 2)make use of every possible opportunity in class to impart basic mathematics learning strategies, and3)strengthen cultivation of metacognition of learners,and improve the students’ self-consciousness and self-monitoring in their mathematics learning.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】714

