

Language Retardation Screening and Diagnosing Scales for 1~3 Year Old in Beijing City

【作者】 王晓力

【导师】 曲成毅; 高成华;

【作者基本信息】 山西医科大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:语言发育迟缓是婴幼儿发育中较为常见的问题,是父母最为关注的问题之一。鉴于我国目前各地医疗条件不同,尚没有一套完整的检查手段用于早期发现语言障碍儿童,从而延误了干预的最佳时期,不仅影响了儿童的一生,同时也给家庭和社会造成了不可估量的损失。为了早期识别、诊断幼儿语言发育迟缓,制订一套适用于小年龄儿童言语发育的筛查量表是有良好的临床效益和社会效益的。 本量表适用于1.3岁儿童,由五个分量表组成,包括听觉、言语理解、言语表达、社会性发展、运动能力,该量表不仅适用于正常儿童,也适用于听力障碍、单纯性语言发育迟缓、孤独症等患儿的筛查。我们着手制订这一量表,并建立北京市常模。 方法:根据2000年北京市人口普查资料,对北京的各个城区、儿童年龄、性别、母亲职业等因素按比例分层抽样的方法,共抽取了582例1-3岁儿童,样本人群中上述几个因素的构成与北京市人口资料相吻合,具有较好的代表性。由经过专门培训的调查员入户调查,并核实由儿童的父母或看护人所填写的问卷是否属实。量表返回我处经审核无误后,录入计算机,用SPSS10.0统计软件包进行统计分析。 结果:各个条目及总量表具有适当的难易程度;量表的项目定位基本合理,对于个别顺序倒置的项目进行调整;信度和效度研究显示各分量表及总量表具有较高的信度(0.695~0.992)和效度(0.667~0.992),山西医科大学不沉d二演开究生毕习七论文符合心理测量学的要求。采用主轴因子分析法对量表进行多因素分析,结果显示:根据原变量对应的最大因子负荷,将原变量分为五类,与量表设计的五个因素完全符合,说明该量表的区分效度较高。 结论:小儿语言发育迟缓筛查量表具有良好的信度和效度,临床上可以使用该量表筛查出语言发育迟缓儿童并对他们进行鉴别诊断,值得在北京市内推广使用并作为全国常模研制的参考。

【Abstract】 Objective: Language retardation is the one of most serious diseases resulting in human being all over the world. In present, we haven’t got a kind of screening tools that can be used for the early diagnosis and intervention of language retardation. Working out a kind of mental development scales suitable for language retardation diagnosing is obviously very important. This kind of mental development scales is suitable for 1-3 year 0ld, and consisted of six subscales. It can assess the child’s ability in hearing, understanding speech, expressing speech, personal-social, locomotor. Therefore, we set about drafting the scale and establishing the urban norm of Beijing.Method: In the light of the Beijing statistics yearbook(2000), the samples consisted of 582 children aged 1-3 years old were collected in a stratified and random way according to city rank, age, sex, paternal occupation. Each subject was tested individually and filled in a form. In the end, all the forms were analyzed applying in SPSS 10.0 For Windows.Results: The sample had better representation. Ttem analysis indicated that the scale had suitable difficulty and highly discriminating function. The scale had high reliability and validity. The component analysis result of the scale shows that the 5 factors are necessary.Conclusion: Screening and diagnosing language retardation scales have ideal reliability and validity. Apart from using in the intelligent assessment in Beijing, it can be used extensively through the country.

【关键词】 语言发育迟缓筛查量表常模年龄常模信度效度
【Key words】 ScaleNormReliabilityValidity
  • 【分类号】R174
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】317

