

【作者】 刘锋

【导师】 王谊;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 2002年中国民航进行了大重组,原西南航空公司并入了国航集团。重组后在国航集团内部正酝酿着一场机构和运行体制的改革,原有的运营、维护结构将被打破。西南维修基地将改制成独立核算的飞机维修企业,参与到激烈的航空维修市场的竞争中去。另外随着中国加入世贸组织(WTO),中国民航维修企业到了发展的关键时刻。民航维修市场是中国加入WTO后对外全面开放的行业之一。这意味着,今后将会有更多的国外航空维修厂商到中国开展航空维修业务。加上现有的国内民航维修企业,中国航空维修业市场竞争将更趋激烈。由于长期受计划经济环境的影响,国航西南维修基地在管理思想、水平和市场开发程度上距离行业内的领先企业还存在一定的差距。企业的整体竞争力有待进一步提高。面对日益激烈的市场竞争环境,国航西南维修基地如何应对?如何在民航维修这一行业生存下去、发展壮大?就目前的情况看,西南维修基地还没有进行系统的论证,更没有制定出可行的发展、竞争战略。而本文正是要针对这一系列问题进行探讨。全文以市场营销、战略管理和人力资源管理等经济学理论为指导,对国内民航维修市场规模和主要民航维修企业竞争力进行调查分析。结合国航西南维修基地的自身实际情况,从战略的高度进行探讨,力求为国航西南维修基地制定出切实可行的竞争战略及其实施方案。论文的第一章中,我们简要介绍了西南维修基地的现状和面临的竞争压力。进一步指出进行战略分析的重要性和必要性。在第二章中,我们首先运用SWOT分析框架和竞争结构分析的框架对国航维修基地所处的竞争环境进行分析。逐一剖析民航维修的主要市场和竞争对手,明确国航西南维修基地在当前市场中的定位。在论文的第三章中,我们根据前面的分析,结合西南维修基地的发展目标,制定出正确的发展战略为集中发展战略与合并联盟战略。进而确定西南维修基地的竞争战略为集中化竞争战略和合并联合竞争战略。论文最后讨论如何实施竞争战略和在实施该竞争战略过程中应该注意的问题,从而保证西南维修基地总体发展战略的实现。论文从战略的高度为转型过程中的国航西南维修基地指出一条切实<WP=3>可行的发展道路。而本文的分析方法和结论对处于同样境况下的国内其他民航维修企业也具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 After entering in the WTO, China Civil Aviation Maintenance enterprises are meeting with a development focus. As one of the first opening trade, after entering the WTO, China Civil Aviation Maintenance enterprises will meet with more enterprises offshore, other than visible civil aviation maintenance enterprises, China Civil Aviation Maintenance trade competition will become much more serious. At the same time under the trade recombination circumstance, the front CSWA join in the Air China, the Air China are gestating a reform of organization and system, the old organization will be broken, the new Maintenance Base will be changed into independent enterprise to join in the maintenance competition.For many years, because of the influence of planning economy, the Maintenance Base has many problems compared with the advanced enterprises in management concept and market exploitation. The power of competition of the enterprise is prepared to be further enhanced . Under the serious circumstances, how to face the cases? How to survive, how to develop? The Maintenance Base has not supplied argumentation systematically and strategies of feasible development and powerful competition. This thesis is aimed at these problems.This thesis is guided by market management, strategy management, based on the analysis of civil maintenance market size and the power of competition of the majority enterprises, linked with the present situation of the Base. I want to discuss some problems from the strategy opinion. I try my best to plan feasibly competitive strategy and scheme.Firstly, I analyze the condition of the Base competition, and give particular anatomy of the majority markets and rivals to define the orientation of the Base. Secondly, connecting to the request of the group, I define the strategic development, that is, the concentration strategy and the merging strategy. Lastly, I discuss some advertent problems during the implementation process to assure the overall realization of the developmental strategy.

  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】197

