

【作者】 李玥

【导师】 张齐新;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 会计学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 研究背景在新旧世纪交替之际,我们看到了一个全新的字眼“知识经济”。与此同时,一个个与知识经济相关的新名词(虚拟企业、数字银行、电子商务等等)让我们目不暇接。这些令人眼花缭乱的名词并不是人们的观念产物。知识经济的出现是社会发展的必然,是生产力水平由低级向高级演进的结果。70年代以来,科技进步日渐成为经济发展的决定因素,世界的竞争已成为以经济为基础,以科技尤其是高科技为先导的综合国力的竞争。当今世界,以现代高科技为基础的新兴产业已在世界经济发展中占据了主要地位,推动和促进了世界经济的向前发展,创造了一个又一个奇迹。尤其是以计算机网络为代表的信息技术的迅猛发展,造就了生产力向前迈进的新趋势。正如“世界未来学会”(World Future Society)会长爱德华·科尼什所说:“信息革命对当今经济的改革,就如同工业革命对18世纪农业经济的改造。”人类社会正由工业社会向信息社会过渡,进入了以网络经济为代表的知识经济时代。知识经济时代,经济越发展,作为独立的经济评价和鉴证职能的行使者-民间审计将越来越重要。而网络财务、电子货币、电子支付、电子结算等的出现和普及也对现行的民间审计提出了严峻的挑战,民间审计的某些理论和方法体系会相应地发生变化。知识资源成为经济发展的主导型要素,这也意味着民间审计职业作为一个行业急需更新其行业旧知识。在这样的时代背景下,民间审计该如何发展完善以适应和满足方方面面的需要,是我国审计理论和实务界面临的重大课题。研究思路正是在这样的时代背景下,基于以上动因,笔者将“知识经济条件下的民间审计研究”作为毕业论文的研究课题,并沿着以下的思路展开:首先,通过简要回顾民间审计的历史来了解其重要变迁并找出其演变的特征和规律,目的是以过去为立足点来研究民间审计的未来发展状况;其次,研究在知识经济<WP=7>条件下,民间审计所处的宏观和微观环境发生了哪些变化,这些变化将给民间审计带来什么影响;第三,研究知识经济时代民间审计将会有何发展,具体内容涉及审计目标、审计重点、审计方法和方式、注册会计师业务范围、会计师事务所的组织和管理等方面;第四,针对我国民间审计的现实情况,给出发展我国民间审计以顺应时代要求的对策建议。以上几方面的逻辑关系是,第一部分本质上也属于影响民间审计发展的因素分析,着眼于找出影响其演变的各种因素以及其在变迁过程中一直持有的稳定特征和规律。以此为基础,第二部分具体分析知识经济条件下影响民间审计的环境因素所发生的变化,这些变化给民间审计带来了很大的影响,使得现行民间审计不能很好地适应新时代的要求,因而必须加以发展完善。第三部分则顺理成章地指出知识经济时代的民间审计应该如何发展。只有上述问题都得到较好的解决,我们才能够依照趋势并针对我国现实来发展我国的民间审计。主体结构及主要内容、观点文章共分五部分:(一)民间审计演变解析。本章第一部分简要回顾了民间审计的起源、形成及发展的历史。第二部分在此基础上,对民间审计的演变进行了解析,提出经济发展是民间审计产生、发展的动力源;民间审计与会计间存在着紧密的联系;审计效率和审计风险的矛盾决定了民间审计方法的变迁;民间审计具有客观、独立、公正的特征;民间审计具有“制度”属性。(二)知识经济与民间审计环境。本章重点分析知识经济条件下,民间审计的宏观和微观环境发生了哪些变化以及这些变化将给民间审计带来什么影响。第一部分进行宏观审计环境分析,主要通过表述知识经济的实质和特征来解决此问题。此部分在引述他人观点的基础上,提出了笔者自己的观点:所谓知识经济,是直接依赖于知识、信息的积累和利用,是建立在<WP=8>以网络为代表的发达的信息产业基础上的,强调生产的自动化及产品和服务的智能化的一种经济形态。知识经济所具有的网络化、创新化、持续化、信息化等特征意味着一个变化了的宏观审计环境,而这必然给现行的民间审计带来影响。例如,知识资源成为主要生产要素会改变民间审计的重点,信息技术的发展会改变民间审计的方式等。本章第二部分进行微观审计环境分析,着重阐述了知识经济时代的企业和会计变革。在“知识经济时代的企业变革”一节中,笔者分别从生产、经营、管理、组织结构四方面谈到知识经济条件下企业已经或可能发生的变化,并明确指出:知识经济时代,企业生产的自动化、管理的集成化、组织的网络化等无一不说明在发达信息技术的催化下,企业中将形成一个庞大复杂的网络化信息环境。企业内部各部门的协同,使审计人员面临的将不再是一个孤立的会计信息系统,而是一个集成的计算机网络系统。这些变化使得审计人员应更多关注企业的信息系统方面,而信息技术也将成为影响未来审计人员技能的最重要因素。在“知识经济时代的会计变革”一节中,笔者在综述国内外会计学者对此问题研究的基础上,得出结论:知识经济时代的会计系统将内化于企业网络化管理系统,网络化管理系统将根据分散到系统各结点中的数据入口来完成与会计部门相关的原始信息的采集任务,然后再根据用户需要?

【Abstract】 Research backgroundKnowledge Economy indicates the degree and the direction of the development of the productive forces, which the technology (especially is the communication technology) brings. It is a new age, which differs from the industrial age. It is a new civilization, which differs from the industrial civilization. In Knowledge Economy Age, the external auditing which exerts the attestation function will play a more and more important role due to the development of the economy. The appearance and the dissemination of network finance, electron money, and electron payment and so on challenge the external auditing. So the external auditing is likely to change. Knowledge resource becomes dominant element, which implies the external auditing profession in dire need of the renewal of old knowledge. So how to develop the external auditing to adapt to and satisfy the request of the new age is a very important issue with which the auditing literature and practice are fronted.Research thinkingUnder the background, I choose "the external auditing under Knowledge Economy Age" as the research topic. This thesis extends along the train of thought: The first part, emphasizes on the character and the regulation of the development of the external auditing via running back over the history of the external auditing. The part that stands at the foretime aims at looking into the future of the external auditing. The second elaborates on the changes of the audit environment in Knowledge Economy Age<WP=13>and the influence, which these changes bring up to. The third dissertates on how to develop the external auditing in Knowledge Economy Age, including the audit objective, the audit emphases, the audit method and manner, CPA’s operation scope, the form and the management of accountant’s office and so on. The fourth gives the countermeasures and the advices concerning the development of Chinese external auditing.Main content and structureThe thesis includes five chapters:⒈The parsing of the evolvement of the external auditing. The first part of this chapter briefly reviews the origin, the forming, and the development of the external auditing. The second part of this chapter parses the evolvement of the external auditing, puts forward: the economy is the power of the origin and the development of the external auditing, the external auditing contacts closely with the accounting, the contradiction between the audit efficiency and the audit risk decides the vicissitudes of the audit method, the external auditing has external and independent characters, the external auditing is a system.2.Knowledge Economy and the external audit environment. The chapter stresses what changes the macroscopical and microcosmic environment of the external auditing will be and the influence that these changes bring. The first part analyses the macroscopical audit environment via stating the substance and the characters of Knowledge Economy. The author defines Knowledge Economy as one depending on the accumulation and the using of knowledge and information. It is an economy modality based on the developed communication industry<WP=14>represented by the network. It emphasizes the automatization and the intelligence of products and services. The characters of Knowledge Economy suggest a changing audit environment that will influence the external auditing. For example, the communication technology will change the manner of the external auditing. The second part analyses the microcosmic audit environment via what transformations enterprises and the accounting will in Knowledge Economy Age. The transformations predict a compositive network system will come into being in enterprises. The accounting information system is not an isolated information system because it will integrate with the compositive network system. The external auditors will attend information systems, original information, system procedures, and communication procedures more. The communication technology will become an important factor that inflects the external au

  • 【分类号】F239.43
  • 【下载频次】166

