

【作者】 安鸿

【导师】 张宁俊;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 企业兴衰,潮起潮落,不断更迭。当我们步入21世纪,当中国加入WTO,我们才真正发觉中国企业与世界知名企业的差距是何等之大!中国品牌企业屈指可数,而中国集团公司平均寿命7——8岁,中小企业平均寿命2.9岁,又谈何品牌?有人说:入世后中国企业不需要品牌,最好成为外国公司的加工厂!让人恐惧。因此,如何让中国企业凝练品牌,最重要的就是要他们有旺盛的生命力! 其实,关于企业生命体的研究始于上世纪70年代的“生命周期理论”以及以后的“企业年龄”、“企业寿命”和“企业核心能力”。企业生态化管理不同于传统管理,它把企业视为生命有机体,而非机械组织模式;企业有他的思维中枢、神经系统、循环系统、消化系统、免疫系统,要经历诞生、成长、繁殖(裂变)、衰老及死亡的生命历程;企业适应市场的变化,在变化的环境中成长、进化;企业存在的目的是成长,而非利润最大化;企业得以存活的前提是为客户创造价值,而非生产产品;企业的发展战略应为与关系者共生进化,而非你死我活!企业生态包括企业生命系统、企业生态现象、企业生态系统。“从经济学观点看,动物的任何一种行为都是一种投资,同时又获得一定的收益,进化和自然选择有利于动物行为的净收益增至最大”。受自然生态思想的启示,文章从企业是有机生命体出发,描述了企业生命系统,特别是企业的思维中枢系统——决策、企业神经系统——信息、企业的血液循环系统——财务管理、企业的消化系统——市场营销、企业的泌尿系统——运营管理、企业的免疫系统——危机管理与预警、企业的养生——保健系统,并进一步研究了企业的进化、企业寿命周期及其管理。分析了企业生态现象,企业与环境的互动、与同质企业的竞争与合作。介绍了企业生态系统的结构与功能、形成与发展阶段,把达尔文趋异理论运用于商业中。海尔的成长符合生态化管理理论。在介绍了海尔集团生态化管理成就基础上,文章分析了海尔的成长环境,海尔集团的进化,特别是<WP=3>它的发展战略进化、经营进化过程(包括海尔流程再造(市场链进化)、海尔服务进化、海尔人力资源开发、海尔科技发展进化等)、海尔集团营销组合的共生进化,从生态化管理的角度分析其存在的问题并为其提出一些建议。企业生态化管理是一种系统管理的思维、观念,通过这种思路的分析,我们可以寻找到企业兴衰、存亡、长寿、夭折的一些原因;它又是一种体制和方法,运用生态化管理,我们可以使企业营运更加协调,成长更加健康,更加长寿,更加有价值。当前企业特别是中国企业管理实践迫切需要生态化管理来指导。

【Abstract】 After entering the 21st century, and joining in the WTO, we have found magnificent gap between the Chinese enterprises and the world famous enterprises. The average lifetime of Chinese group company is 7-8 years, 2.9 years for medium and small size enterprises, which are both far from establishing a long-lasting famous brand. Some say China need no brand after entering WTO while the best is to be the manufacturer for foreign companies. Therefore, the key to establishing a brand is prosperity and lifetime.The study on firm life started from the "life time theory" in 1970s, then continued by "firm age" and "firm’s core competence". Different from the traditional management, the ecological management regards firm a living organic unit, in which conceptual nerve, and systems of circulation, digests and immunity are all included. It experiences its birth, growth, reproduction, aging and death. The objective of a firm is to survive but not for maximum profit. The condition for firm survival is to create value for customers, but not for producing products. The growth strategy of a firm is co-evolution with its stakeholders, but not the mode of "you die or I live".This paper analyses the economic system form the view of the natural ecology between living creatures and environment. It discusses the structure, functions, process and growth of the firm ecological system. By using Darwin’s theory, it discusses the interaction, competition and cooperation of firm and its living environment while emphasizing the function of the "food chain". On the basis of focus on firm’s conceptual nerve-decision making, firm’s nerve system-information, firm’s blood circulation system-financial management, firm’s digest system-marketing, firm’s urological system-operation management, firm’s immunity system-crisis management and firm’s maintenance-care system.The growth of Haier is suitable for the firm ecological management theory. This paper puts forward some suggestions for Haier after analyzing its evolution, including its growth strategy evolution, operational process, service evolution, HR development, technological evolution, and its integrated marketing.<WP=5>This paper explores some reasons for firm’s growth, survival, long-life and death. The firm ecological management is a mechanism and a methodology, it makes a firm more harmonious, more health and more valuable. It needs more theorists participate for the further study and practice.

【关键词】 生态化管理环境互动成长进化价值共生
【Key words】 Ecological managementenvironmentinteractiongrowthevolutionvalueco-existence
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】723

