

【作者】 王涛

【导师】 王幼军;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国加入WTO和经济全球化进程的加快,市场竞争日趋激烈,市场环境更加复杂多变。进入21世纪,每一个企业都将面临严峻的挑战与考验,同时又都具有加快发展的机遇。不论企业愿不愿意,优胜劣汰的法则不可抗拒,只有那些能够对变化作出迅速反应的企业才能取得竞争优势。建筑业是国民经济发展的支柱产业之一,中国建筑市场是一个发展潜力很大、前景广阔并充满活力的市场。近年来,我国建筑业企业改革和发展取得了令人瞩目的成就,但总的来看,还不能适应经济发展和国际竞争的需要,主要表现是:传统建筑企业水平低、能力过剩、竞争能力差;企业发育不足,规模小,高新技术企业还很薄弱;大型企业不强,很难参与国际竞争,中小企业不专,分工协作水平不高,效率低下。因此,应当从实际情况出发,进一步改革和发展我国的建筑业。亚东建筑公司作为一家中型的股份制建筑企业,从仅有的5000元开办资金,壮大为现有资产上千万的集民建工程施工、房地产开发、开办综合贸易市场和自来水公司经营为一体的综合性企业,实现了一个个新的跨越,走出了具有自己特色的发展之路。亚东建筑公司在创立之初,抓住了国家深化社会主义市场经济改革,大力发展乡镇企业的机遇,承揽了许多乡镇企业的修建工程,从而挖到了第一桶金。当乡镇企业步入低谷时,公司又抓住了国家普及九年制义务教育的机会,承揽了几所学校的修建项目,因此得以不断发展壮大。但是,目前亚东建筑公司的经营活动遇到了一些困难。如亚东建筑公司由于沿袭旧的经营机制,在日趋激烈的市场竞争中获利能力逐渐减弱。其下属项目工程队整体素质差,技术含量不高,管理混乱,因而综合竞争力不强等等。亚东建筑公司面对机遇和挑战,必须及时调整自身的战略,增强核心竞争力,把劣势转变为优势,才能在激烈竞争中站稳脚跟,以求得公司的长远发展。本文就是在这种背景下提出的,其目的就是如何更好地利用外部机会和发挥公司优势来回避外在威胁及内<WP=3>在劣势。本文试图以当代战略分析框架和工具,如外部因素评价(EFE)矩阵、竞争态势矩阵分析、内部因素评价矩阵分析、TOWS矩阵分析、定量战略计划矩阵分析等,通过定量分析与定性分析相结合,对亚东建筑公司所处的宏观环境、行业环境及内部条件进行综合分析,并在此基础上,制定出公司的战略目标和适宜采用的整体竞争战略。本文共五章,第一章分析了亚东建筑公司的背景与目前的现状,提出了战略调整的必要性。第二、三章对亚东建筑公司所处的宏观环境、行业环境及公司具有的内部条件进行了详尽的分析。第四章归纳出了外部环境给公司带来的机会与威胁及公司自身具有的优势和劣势,并运用TOWS矩阵和战略地位与行动评价矩阵分析了亚东建筑公司内外部重要因素的匹配情况,从定量与定性两个角度来分析选择公司战略方案,从而得到了亚东建筑公司的备选战略。并运用定量战略计划矩阵这一工具对各备选战略进行了分析,确定了哪一种战略是适合亚东建筑公司的最佳战略。在此基础上提出了亚东建筑公司的总体发展战略。第五章对亚东建筑公司的战略实施进行了阐述,注重强调了战略评价与控制的作用。笔者期望通过本文的分析与探讨,有助于在内外部环境发生巨大变化的关键时刻,对亚东公司的战略调整能起到一些借鉴作用。使亚东建筑公司能够找到一条适合自身发展的正确道路,从而扬长避短,把握机遇,规避风险,在激烈的市场竞争中不断发展壮大。鉴于笔者的理论基础及行业背景尚浅,本文有失偏颇之处在所难免,望各位老师和同学们指正。

【Abstract】 As China has entered into WTO and rapid paces in the economic globalization, the competition in the markets is furious as well as the complexes in the environments. Entering 21st century, each enterprise has to meet the severe challenge and examination as well as opportunities in development. That The Fittest is Survived is the law for each one whether it prefers it or not, the survivor, therefore is the one that obtains advantages determining its rapid responses to the alterations. The trade in construction plays the key role in the national economics, which exists the great potential in the markets with a splendid promising. Although it has made the numerous achievements, the trade is unsuitable to the competitions in economic development and international at fairs. The reasons are concluded as follows: The traditional enterprise is fragile in proficiency with over-periodicity, underdevelopment, the small scale in size and weak competitions; The ones of large size are poor in international competitions; The ones ofmedium size are not professional and co-operative with poor efficiency. Thus, the reforms must be done for development in the national construction trade. Yadong Construction Cooperation share-holding enterprise with the initial capital of 5,000 RMB, which boasts of hundred millions of RMB in civil engineering and developments in real estate, comprehensive trades and a water company at the present, spans the achievements one after another with its own characteristics. At the establishment, it grasps the opportunity with the gold resources in the civil engineering by contractions in towns and rural areas. While the rural enterprise met the decadences in economics, it contracted several projects in the school civil engineering in the opportunity for the population in the compulsory 9-year-schooling. At present, it faces several difficulties such as the heritage old mechanisms in competitions, whose site teams are weak in qualities, technology, managements and competitions. It meets challenges as well as opportunities according to self-strategies and its own cohesion,<WP=5>changes the disadvantages into the positive ones, and get the solid foundations for lasting better profits in development. This essay propose the idea in the background of unitizations of facilities in frame analysis in the diagrams such as External Factor Evaluation (EFE), competition analysis in matrixes, internal factor evaluation, TOW matrixes analysis, stratagems analysis in quality and quantity. Through quantitative analysis and qualitative ones, alteration the stratagems is elementary for the Yadong Cooperation according to the macro environments, trade and internal conditions based of which the stratagems of the goals have been suggested adapting the competition stratagems.This essay consists of six units. The first chapter is necessary for the alteration of its stratagems. Then, the second and the third is on analysis in detail environments in macro, trade and internal for the Yadong Corporation. The forth chapter is on the opportunities and menaces from the external as the advantages and disadvantages as well in the corporation itself. The matrixes analysis is utilized to be discussed the factors inside or outside the corporation for its preparing stratagems through quantitative analysis and qualitative ones respectively following the real situations. The fifth chapter is on the optimum stratagems for the corporation through analysis through the tool of matrixes for the stratagems. The fifth chapter is on comprehensive development stratagems for the corporation. Last but least, the sixth chapter is set forth for on the implement in stratagems with stress attention for evaluations in stratagems and controls. The expectation from the author is that the functions in stratagems adjustment will be used for reference at the critical period while the alteration of environments between the inside and outside. The corporation will find a suitable route for correct development for itself. Its developments will be g

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】295

