

【作者】 张军

【导师】 曹德骏;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 自1992年党的十四大确立以市场经济体制为经济改革的目标模式以来,带有集权色彩的计划经济逐步解体,而市场经济体制则沿着渐进式的轨道逐渐确立。经济体制转轨最关键、最艰难的一环是国有企业改革。国有企业改革的实质目标,是使原本附属于政府并承担经济、政治双重角色的国有企业,转化为基本按照市场规律运作并以经济效益最优为目标的经济个体。随着国有企业改革的深入,使以往传统体制下由低效率所形成的大量隐蔽性失业显性化,以往包容在国有企业中的大量冗员变为社会性的下岗和失业。下岗失业人员再就业已经成为一个带有全局性影响的重大经济和社会问题。一方面这是深化改革和调整结构中遇到的突出问题。当前和今后一个时期,国有企业仍是整个经济体制改革的中心环节,仍处于攻坚阶段。不解决好再就业问题,国有企业改革很难深入。另一方面,这又是维护企业和社会稳定遇到的突出问题。下岗失业人员如果长期不能实现再就业,缺乏社会归属感和安全感,容易产生心态不平衡和消极情绪。这本身就是企业和社会不稳定的因素。下岗失业人员再就业问题是近年来学术界研究的焦点和热点,发表了很多这方面的理论性文章。本文借鉴吸收了国内这一领域的研究成果和观点,在此基础上融入了作者的判断、见解和建议。本文拟对宜宾市下岗失业人员再就业问题进行调查和分析,提出对策,以期能为促进宜宾市下岗失业人员实现再就业提供参考。本文共分为五节。第一节分析了职工下岗失业的原因和再就业的困难以及我国新时期的就业方针。国有企业富余人员过多,原因是多方面的,“下岗分流、减员增效”是国有企业改革的必然选择。下岗失业人员再就业困难,既有主观的原因,也有客观的原因。我国新时期的就业方针对促进下岗失业人员再就业的具有重要的指导意义。第二节主要分析了宜宾市下岗失业人员的现状和促进他们实现再就业的重要性。<WP=3>第三节阐述了宜宾市政府在再就业中的作用。要发挥政府职能促进再就业,包括积极开发就业岗位、完善社会保障体系、培育和发展劳动力市场等。第四节提出要充分调动宜宾市企业积极性,吸纳劳动者就业和再就业。企业要规范裁员,有条件的国有大中型企业要通过主辅分离,辅业改制,分流安置企业富余人员,服务型企业要积极吸纳下岗失业人员。第五节提出要激活宜宾市劳动者活力,通过自身的努力实现再就业。下岗失业人员自身要转变观念,积极自谋职业和自主创业,通过多种方式灵活就业。本文力求在以下方面有所突破:一、在论文选题方面,下岗失业人员再就业是当今社会的一个热点问题,这个问题解决得好不好,直接关系到国有企业改革的成败和社会的稳定,研究这一问题具有重大的现实意义。但是,由于解决下岗失业人员再就业在实际操作中非常具体,这个问题在写作上难度较大。二、在研究方法上,杜绝空泛的议论,紧密结合宜宾市的实际情况,通过调查研究、统计分析数据,提出有针对性的、具有可操作性的建议。三、本文的主要观点:随着国有企业改革的深入,不可避免地会出现部分职工下岗失业现象,解决好他们的再就业问题关系到改革发展稳定大局。解决下岗失业人员再就业重点应放在发展社区服务业、主辅分离安置富余人员、采取多种方式灵活就业上,这是一个社会系统工程,需要政府、企业、劳动者的共同努力。

【Abstract】 Since the module which aims at setting up a market economic framework was established when Party’s 14th conference in 1992, planned economy of centralized power has been disaggregating, and market economy has been established gradually. The key and most difficult thing in economic transition is reform of state-owned enterprises. The essential goal of state-owned enterprises reform is to transfer the state-owned enterprises that used to be attached to government and engaged in economy and politics into economic units, which runs according to market law aiming at maximizing economic returns. With the reform going deeper, a great deal of hidden laid-offs that came into being under low efficiency of conventional system now become obvious. A great many excess employees used to hide in state-owned enterprises now become socialized laid-offs. Reemployment of laid-offs now turns out to be a significant economic and social problem with great influence. On one hand, this is a big problem in reform and restructure. At present and a period after this, state-owned enterprises will still be the center of economic reform and in the state of assault fortified positions. Reemployment not resolved well, it would be hard for state-owned enterprises reform to go deeper. On the other hand, this is a prominent problem of enterprises and social stability. Laid-off people not reemployed over a long period, they will be lack of sense of belonging and safety. It is easy for these people to be unbalanced and passive. These are factors of instability for society and enterprises.This paper will penetrate into reemployment of laid-offs in Yibin city. It will bring forward measures for this problem for reference. There are altogether 5 sections in this paper. In the first section ,it is analysis of the causes of laid-offs . There are all sorts of causes for excess employees in state-owned enterprises. Laid-off and reduction of staff for great efficiency is the choice of reform of necessity.Analysis of causes for difficulty of reemployment is proposed. There are objective and subjective causes for difficult reemployment. employment policy at present has significance of guidance.. In the second section,analysis of present situations of<WP=5>laid-offs in Yibin city and significance of reemployment is proposed. In the third section, role of government in reemployment is stated. Government is to take action to advance reemployment, including creating reemployment positions, completing social security system, cultivating and developing labor force market, and establish community labor security platform, etc.In the fourth section, it is proposed that we should activate positivity of enterprises, encourage enterprises to absorb laborers into employment and reemployment. We need to scandalize enterprises in laying-off. Those large scaled state-owned enterprises are to separate their main and assistant industry. Assistant industries are to restructure and absorb excess employees. Encourage service enterprises to absorb laid-offs.In the fifth section, this paper proposes to activate labors’ energy. Laid-offs are to change concept. Encourage and support laid-offs to get employed by themselves or establish a business. Encourage and support laid-offs to take up an occupation in all sorts of ways.This paper tries to stand out at following:1.For subject, reemployment of laid-offs is a social hotspot nowadays. Whether this problem resolved well or not is of vital practical importance. It is concerned with success of state-owned enterprises reform and social stability.2.For research methods, avoid empty talk. Put forward suggestions of pertinence and practice on the basis of field research, statistic analysis, and actual situation of Yibin city.3.Main points of this paper: with further going of state-owned enterprises reform, laid-off is inevitable. This is a big problem concerning reform, development, and stability. Reemployment is a social system project, demanding cooperation of government, enterprises, and labors.

【关键词】 宜宾国企下岗失业再就业
【Key words】 Yibin state-owned enterpriseslaid-offunemploymentreemployment
  • 【分类号】F249.27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】290

