

【作者】 江永众

【导师】 陈永生;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 一、选题的意义股票首次公开发行(Initial Public Offerings,IPO)是指公司的股票(普通股)第一次在证券市场上向投资者公开发售的行为。国外研究表明,公司股票在首次公开发行后普遍存在长期弱势表现(IPO Long-Run Underperformance),即首次公开发行的股票在上市后的一段时间里能给其持有者带来的收益要比其他同类型的非首次公开发行股票的收益低。国外现有长期弱势理论的不足之处在于不能解释为何首次公开发行的股票与非首次公开发行股票之间的收益率差会长期存在, 因为这两类股票的收益率差的长期存在违背了有效市场假说。在我国,关于IPO长期收益研究的文献很少。目前我国学者的观点可以分为三类:第一类观点是IPO上市后的长期收益高于市场平均水平;第二类观点是新股长期收益与市场证券组合表现相当;第三类观点是新股存在着长期业绩不佳的特征。由于我国学者所使用的方法不统一,他们所得出的结论也各不相同。因此有必要对首次公开发行股票的长期收益进行系统的实证研究,从而回答这样的问题:我国首次公开发行股票是否存在长期弱势现象?为什么会存在首次公开发行股票长期弱势现象?影响首次公开发行股票长期弱势的因素有哪些?这样一方面可以为投资者的决策提供参考,另一方面可以为管理层提出相关的政策建议,以利于我国证券市场的健康发展。二、研究的基本思路自从二十世纪九十年代新股长期弱势现象被提出之后,西方学者给出了不同的解释。这些理论主要有以下几种:"多样化预期(Heterogeneous Expectations)"假说,"狂热投资者(Fads)"假说,"机会之窗(Windows of Opportunity)"假说,"价格支持(Price Support)"假说,"过度包装(Overpackaging)"假说等。<WP=3>由于我国证券市场是在新旧经济体制的转轨中逐渐发展起来的,具有我国自身的特点,必须将国外的理论与中国证券市场的特定环境相结合,才能够得出有解释力的研究结果。因此,本文充分考虑中国证券市场的具体特点,在进行实证研究的基础上,结合国外的理论导出我国新股长期弱势的成因。本文首先对国内外的新股长期弱势研究文献进行综述,指出已有研究的不足。其次对我国新股长期收益进行了实证研究,以检验我国首次公开发行股票是否存在长期弱势现象。然后结合我国证券市场的制度性约束条件,运用股票价值原理、"过度包装"学说以及阿克罗夫旧车市场模型(Lemon Model)来分析我国新股长期弱势的原因。最后构建经济计量模型来实证检验我国新股长期弱势及其影响因素之间的相关关系;基于实证研究结果,本文指出新股长期弱势不利于我国证券市场的健康发展,并给出了有关的政策建议。 三、主要内容及观点本文共分为四个部分。第一章为IPO长期弱势文献综述。主要介绍国内外关于新股长期弱势的研究成果。国外现有研究存在的不足之处在于:它们不能解释为何首次公开发行的股票与非首次公开发行股票之间的收益率差会长期存在, 因为这两类股票间的收益率差的长期存在违背了一个重要的金融学基本原理--"有效市场假说"。由于国内学者所使用的方法不统一,对于我国首次公开发行股票是否存在长期弱势现象存在争议,因此国内的结论有待进一步验证。第二章为我国IPO长期收益的实证研究。以我国深圳、上海两地股票市场1997年5月—1999年10月间上市的325只A股作为样本,通过计算样本股票的长期收益率,本文发现:从整体上看,我国IPO的长期收益率低于市场平均水平,而且上市时间越长,其收益率越低。IPO长期业绩不佳意味着对投资者而言,在二级市场投资新股并不能带来令人满意的回报。第三章为我国IPO长期弱势的原因分析。首先对股票价值原理进行阐述;其次分析我国证券市场的制度性约束条件;接着运用博弈论<WP=4>的方法,对企业的上市包装行为进行理论分析;然后提供了我国企业上市包装行为的实践证据,并运用"过度包装"学说以及阿克罗夫旧车市场模型来分析我国新股长期弱势的原因。本文的观点是:由于我国证券市场是在新旧经济体制的转轨中发展起来的,在我国证券市场的制度性约束条件下,我国上市公司存在"过度包装";但在首次公开发行后,上市公司经营业绩普遍下降;当投资者发现所购股票并非自己估计的那样好时,他们会降低对股票的预期水平,进而降低股票的支付价格;公司的真实财务状况反映在未来股票价格的变动上,表现为新股长期弱势现象。第四章为我国IPO长期弱势影响因素的实证研究。主要运用计量经济学的方法,以我国深圳、上海两地股票市场1997年5月—1999年10月间上市的325只A股作为样本,进行实证研究。首先对影响新股长期弱势的因素进行描述统计,发现我国上市公司上市三年后的经营业绩整体上是下降的,验证了我国上市公司存在"过度包装"。接着构建新股弱势影响因素模型,深入分析我国IPO长期弱势与其影响因素之间的关系,发现影响新股三年期收益率的因素主要有上市第一年每股收益、流通股比例、发行市盈率、总股本等。最后指出新股长期弱势不利于我国证券市场功能的发挥,因此有必要改善我国证券市场的信息供给状况,规范证券市场博弈主体的行为,以促进我国证券市场的健康发展?

【Abstract】 Ⅰ.Significance of the ArticleIPOs(Initial Public Offerings) is a behavior that a company sells its stocks(common stocks) publicly to investors on the stock market for the first time.IPOs long-run underperformance is the fact that investors buying IPO shares on the secondary market earn substantial negative abnormal returns over longer horizons.According to the Theory on Efficient Market,the excess earnings of new shares should not exist for a long time after listing,because many profit-seeking behaviors may cause the disappearance of excess earnings. But the overseas empirical studies manifest that the phenomenon of IPO Long-Run Underperformance of a new share widely exists in most countries’stock market. As for long-term returns of new stock on our stock market, there are different conclusions in our country. Whether IPO Long-Run Underperformance exists in China or not is still disputed. We need use both theoretical and empirical studies to reveal China’s IPO Long-Run Underperformance and its causes,thus we can provide useful suggestions for the investors on one hand ,and put forward the related policy suggestions for the government in order to promote the healthy development of our stock market on the other hand.Ⅱ.The Basic Clue of the ArticleAfter IPOs long-run underperformance was put forward in 1990’s,western scholars gave different explanations for this phenomenon. The main theories are Heterogeneous Expectations<WP=6>Hypothesis, Fads Hypothesis, Windows of Opportunity Hypothesis, Price Support Hypothesis and Overpackaging Hypothesis.China’s stock market now is in a special time of transition to "double-track system". Only under our specific circumstances can we use foreign models to analyze IPO Long-Run Underperformance.Thus, considering the specific institutional background and based on the theoretical analysis and empirical studies on Long-Run Yield Rate of China’s A shares, we are led to the fundamental causes of China’s Long-Run Underperformance.Firstly this paper reviews the available literatures and points out the main weakness of the present research. Secondly it takes an empirical study on China’s IPO Long-Run Yield Rate, and finds out the phenomenon of Long-Run Underperformance of new shares existing on China’s A share market. Thirdly, under specific institutional background of our securities market, based on the principle of shares pricing,“Overpackaging Hypothesis" and "Lemon Model", it analyzes the causes of China’s Long-Run Underperformance. Then, according to the results of data survey, this paper carries out multiple-factor regression research on Long-Run Yield Rate and its influence factors. Finally this paper points out that IPOs long-run underperformance is not beneficial to the healthy development of China’s stock market, and it gives related policy suggestions.Ⅲ. Contents and Main Ideas This paper is divided into four parts.The first part reviews the available IPOs Long-Run Underperformance literatures in the world and points out the main weakness of the present research.<WP=7>The second part makes an empirical study on China’s IPOs Long-Run Yield Rate, and finds out the phenomenon of Long-Run Underperformance of new shares existing on China’s A share market.The third part elaborates systematically the causes of China’s IPO Long-Run Underperformance. It points out that under China’s institutional environment, the listed companies usually have overpackaging behaviors;After listing, the financial standings of the listed companies widely descend; When the investors find out the bought shares are not so good as what they expected, they will give a lower price for the shares;Thus the real financial standings of the company reflect on the pricing fluctuation, and IPOs long-run underperformance appears.The fourth part makes multiple-factor regression research on China’s IPO Long-Run Underperformance and its influence factors, and gives constructive policy advice.Ⅳ.Main FindingsThis paper finds out that the phenomenon of Long-Run

【关键词】 首次公开发行收益率长期弱势
【Key words】 IPOsYield RateLong-Run Underperformance
  • 【分类号】F832.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】501

