

【作者】 戴珺

【导师】 李一鸣;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场环境的复杂多变,竞争日益激烈,可以预见在21世纪新的经济运作中,每一个企业都将面临着严峻的挑战和考验。在优胜劣汰的自然法则下,增强竞争力是企业生存发展的唯一选择,因此,制定一个成功的经营战略,为企业的发展设计一个良好的未来,是企业兴衰的关键问题。企业经营战略是一个体系,是建立在分析掌握企业的外部环境、行业状况和内部条件的基础上的,是为企业在市场竞争中求得生存和发展而做出的总体和长远的谋划或方案。它指明了在市场竞争环境中企业的生存态势、发展目标和发展方向,进而也决定了企业战略重点和战略定位。本文尝试从战略管理的一般原理入手,在第一章中,对GP公司从创立之初到现在的基本经营情况、人员结构、经营范围等做了一个简要的介绍。论文的第二章主要对GP公司面临的外部环境因素进行了分析。主要包括两个方面:宏观环境和行业发展状况。宏观环境主要分析了社会环境、政治法律、技术环境、经济影响、社会文化因素。行业分析中分析了行业的特点、市场需求的发展、技术的比较、行业竞争状况第三章主要针对公司的内部因素进行分析。包括公司的资源(有形资源、无形资源和人力资源)、公司的组织结构、公司能力(市场营销能力、产品竞争能力、生产能力、财务能力、应变能力)、存在的问题(人事机制和激励体制、管理人员素质、技术管理等)第四章在前几章分析的理论基础上,运用SWOT分析方法,找出了GP公司所拥有的优势和劣势,所面临的机会和威胁。第五、六章是本论文的重点。通过对GP公司的深入分析,在公司的现有基础上,提出了公司要进一步发展应采取的战略和采取的措施。根据上述的分析,结合GP公司在行业中现有的资源、地位提出<WP=3>了一体化的战略思想;依据公司自身的问题,提出了应采取人力资源战略的职能性战略;在行业中树立精品工程,占领行业高端市场的战略目标,突出自身的核心竞争力,并对战略选择和执行的具体方法,进行了详尽的阐述和说明。本文试图为GP公司在新时期的企业战略制定给予一些力所能及的建议,为其今后的发展提供一些思路。同时,也为当前处于市场激烈竞争状态中的我国其他环保企业提供一定的启示和参考。随着环境和技术的日新月异,本文的观点还需要在我国环保脱硫行业的发展过程中不断的改进和完善。

【Abstract】 Along with the complicated and changeful market environment and the intense competition, we can predict that every enterprise will face the severe challenge and test in the new economic operation in the 21st century. Under the natural law of the survival of the fittest, the only chance to subsist and develop is to strengthen the competitive capability. So, to make a successful operational strategy and design a good future for an enterprise development is the key point for an enterprise’s rise and decline.The enterprise operational strategy is a system and a general long-term plan, which is basic to the analysis and the control of the outer environment, professional situation and inter condition for the subsistence and development. It points out the survival situation, development target and direction of an enterprise in the market competitive environment, and decides the emphasis and orientation of the enterprise strategy.This thesis starts with general theory of the strategic management. In the first chapter, it makes a simple introduction for GP Company from the early establishment to the present elemental operational situation, personnel system and the limits of operation.In chapterⅡ, it chiefly analyzes the outer environmental factors facing GP Company. It consists of two aspects: macro environment and professional developmental situation. The macro environment mainly analyzes the social environment, political law, technical environment, economical influence and social cultural factor. While professional analysis analyzes the professional character, development of market demand, technical comparison and professional competitive situation.Chapter Ⅲ analyzes the inter factors of the GP Company. Included the company resources (the tangible resource, intangible resource and<WP=5>human resource), company organizational structure, company capabilities (the market sales capability 、 products competitive capability、 productive capability), financial existent problems (personnel mechanism、 encouragement system、 manager quality and technical management).Based on the former theoretical analysis, chapter Ⅳ uses SWOT analytic method, and finds out the superiority and inferiority of GP Company, the opportunity and threat facing the company.Chapter Ⅴand Ⅵ are the focal point of this thesis. Through the thorough analysis and present situation, this chapter puts forward strategies and measures for the further development. It advances an integrated strategic ideology with the combining of available resources, position of GP Company. Depending on GP Company’s own problems, it advances to adopt some professional strategies, such as human resource strategy . It explains and expounds minutely how to build extreme projects, occupy the upper market in the industry, emphasize GP Company’s own main competitive power, choose strategy and fulfill specific method.This thesis tries to give some advice of the enterprise strategic formulation for GP Company in the new century, and provide some trains of thought for the future development. Meanwhile, it also supplies a certain enlightenment and reference for any other environmental protection enterprise in our country which are under the intense market competitive situation. With the environmental and technical changing day by day, the opinion of this thesis needs unceasing improvement and perfection in the development of our environmental protection desulfurize industry.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】192

