

【作者】 黄一刚(黄刚)

【导师】 赵振铣;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 自1998年以来,中国政府持续实行积极的财政政策,加大基础设施的投资,以扩大内需。这段时期,政府投资的项目涉及行业广,数量多,规模大,极大地促进了国民经济的发展。但在当前向市场经济转轨的特定历史条件下,部分建设项目中存在许多问题。为规范重大建设项目监管、确保工程质量和效益以及进一步创新投融资体制,而提供决策依据和法纪保障,四川省监察厅和省计委受四川省政府所托,联合成立了《政府投资重大建设项目违规行为分析及对策研究》课题组,本论文作者有幸成为课题组的主要研究人员之一。课题组组织了问卷调查、座谈会、现场调研等研究活动,到本论文形成之日,课题组仍在进行相关研究。本论文使用了上述研究课题的部分数据、资料和成果,从项目管理以及政府对投资项目的监管等角度,对比并参考国外先进的项目管理经验,研究分析当前我国政府投资项目管理中的问题,并提出相应的对策及措施,以期提高政府投资项目的质量和效益、提高我国项目管理的水平以及我国加入WTO后参与国际竞争的能力。全文共分五个部分。前言,简要阐政府投资以及政府投资项目的功能和作用,论述了中国当前政府投资项目的战略意义,介绍了课题组实证研究的过程。第一章,政府投资项目管理概述。介绍了项目管理的一般概念及其基本目标;从政府投资项目的功用、简要定义、分类、投资主体以及管理等方面概述了目前我国的政府投资项目,着重阐述了中国政府投资项目管理的历史沿革,以及目前政府投资项目的管理制度等。第二章,当前政府投资项目管理现状及存在的问题。西方发达国家已经有200多年的项目管理历史,而我国上世纪80年代才开始了真正意义上的项目管理,1998年后才有真正的发展和进步,目前与发达国家相比仍有较大差距。当前政府投资项目管理模式落后、地方政府<WP=3>常常重视项目争取,忽视项目管理、项目的监管水平和效率低下、以及政府投资领域存在腐败现象等,这就是当前政府投资项目管理现状。而在项目管理过程中还存在许多问题,比如:项目前期准备工作不到位,不重视可行性研究、项目的质量、进度和成本管理效率低下、项目的管理制度未真正落实、项目竣工验收走过场,缺乏项目后评价等。分析项目管理存在的具体问题时,大量引用了问卷调查的统计分析数据。第三章,当前政府投资项目管理存在问题的原因分析。当前政府投资项目涉及行业广、数量多、规模大,是中国历史上前所未有的。这些项目在建设管理中,存在方方面面的问题,这些问题是由许多因素综合造成的:第一,政府投资项目是公有经济,其产权关系模糊,需要完善而强有力的法律体系为保障;其次,当前中国的社会正处于特定的转轨时期,经济发展已取得相当成就,面临市场经济的建立和完善、面临政治体制改革等问题。在这种情况下,市场经济条件下的许多法规和法令等不健全,政府和市场关系未理顺;第三,目前政府监管水平和效率不高,对出现的违规行为缺乏惩处力度;最后,中国的项目管理历史较短,现行的管理模式落后,管理水平以及相应从业人员的素质与发达国家还有很大差距。第四章,当前政府投资项目管理存在问题的对策及措施。借鉴国外先进的项目管理经验,结合中国的实际现状,针对当前政府投资项目管理存在的问题,从五个方面提出了对策和措施:第一,理顺政府和市场的关系;第二,完善法律、法规,加大对腐败行为的惩处力度;第三,改革政府投资项目的管理模式;第四,加大项目管理的宣传力度,加强政府投资项目管理队伍建设;第五,加强政府对投资项目的监管;加强信息化在政府投资项目管理中的运用。关于政府投资项目管理存在问题的原因。除上述外,还涉及许多深层次因素,比如;中国的政治体制改革、国企改革、民营经济发展问题等,由于篇幅有限,本论文未作讨论,尚需做深入的研究和探讨。

【Abstract】 Since 1998 the Chinese government has continuously carried out expansive financial policy, increasing the investment to infrastructure, in order to enlarge domestic demand. During this period, the projects invested by the government involve different businesses in large number and scale, which greatly promoted the development of the national economy. However there exist many problems in part of the projects under such particular historical conditions as the period transforming to market economy. The supervision and regulation of key construction project, the confirmation of their quality and profits, as well as the further innovation of investing and financing system, all of the above need decision evidence and legal security. Entrusted by Government of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Provincial Supervision and Inspection Office and Provincial Planning Committee combined and set up a project group of analysis and counter-measure research of violating behavior in key construction projects invested by the government. This dissertation’s author is honored to be one member of the project group. The group organized poll survey, colloquia, research on the spot, and so on. Till the formation of this dissertation, the group is continuing the relative research.This dissertation uses part of the statistics, materials and results from the research subjects mentioned above, and makes a comparison and reference to foreign advanced management experience from the view point of government’s supervision and regulation over investment projects. Directing at the present problems in the management of our government’s investment projects, this dissertation proposes corresponding counter-measures to improve the quality and profits of governmental investment projects, the level of our country’s project management, as well as our international competitiveness after China’s entry to the WTO.<WP=5>The whole dissertation can be divided into 5 parts.Introduction. It briefly explains government investment and the function of its invested projects. Also it demonstrates the strategic significance of Chinese government’s investing to projects, and introduces the process of the group’s empirical research.Chapter 1 is the profile of government management of its invested projects. It introduces the general concept and basic goal of project management. It gives a general picture of present government invested projects from the aspects of its function, definition, classification and the main body. In its introduction, Chapter 1 stresses the historical evolution of Chinese government management of its invested projects and the present management situation.Chapter 2 introduces the present management situation of government invested projects and its existing problems. Western developed countries have had over 200 years of project management history, while our country hasn’t started the real project management until the 80s in the last century. What’s more, only after 1998 did China have real development and progress. But there is still long distance between our country and developed countries. At present, the management pattern of government invested projects lags behind; regional governments often concentrate on contending for projects while neglect the management and the supervision and regulation level; there exist inefficiency and corruption.There also exists plenty of problems in the process of project management, such as insufficient preparation, less attention to feasible research, poor quality and low speed of the projects, inefficiency of cost management, dissatisfactory of the project management system, perfunctory attitude about check and acceptance of the project completion, lacking in after-project assessment, etc. During the analysis of the specific problems, a large number of statistics from the survey are quoted.Chapter 3 analyses the reasons that cause the existing problems in<WP=6>management of government invested projects. At present, the number and scale of businesses involved in government invested projects a

  • 【分类号】F832.48
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】1458

