

【作者】 谢峰

【导师】 尹忠明;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我们正处于一个变革的时代,在这个时代,信息技术给企业的运作和管理带来了巨大的冲击,许多基于信息技术的新管理理论和模式正在形成。研究信息技术对现代企业的管理带来的影响,不仅是企业成功的关键,而且是生存的必要。信息技术给新时代的管理带来了巨大的挑战,这种挑战表现在多个方面,多个层次,其主要表现如下:这种挑战首先表现在信息融合——这一信息时代最主要的特征上。正如电已经进入我们每个人的日常生活一样,信息技术正逐步融入我们的经济生活,成为企业战略决策的一部分。企业的战略决策,如投资、融资、开发新产品等,都是长期性行为,是有风险的。因此需要了解竞争对手,了解行业和客户,以发挥自身优势。要做到这一点就必须借助技术手段。比如商务智能就是这样一种新知识和新技术,它可以把信息技术和战略结合,它通过分析、决策手段帮助企业决定战略和经营目标。   另一个挑战是全球化。信息技术缩短了时间空间,导致企业的边界发生了变化,从而改变了我们对传统企业组织结构的认识。现在的企业可以遍布全球而丝毫不影响企业的运作,过去要求有厂房、有设备,而现在业务可以外包出去,将业务交给第三方去做,如第三方物流的兴起。以前外包仅仅是非核心、边缘业务,现在有很多企业将主要的,甚至是核心业务外包; 于是新的管理领域出现了,项目管理、文化、结构上的冲突等问题都是这个时代给我们带来的新的管理问题。 以上是从企业实行信息化的外在动因着眼。具体到分析企业实行信息化的内在动因,我认为首先要研究企业如何认识信息化带来的效果。信息化最大的好处就是提升了企业的敏捷性。企业通过信息化,使得企业敏捷性加强,也就是说适应变化的能力增强了。信息化是一种环境,慢慢就会成为行业标准,迫使企业必须信息化。不管是主动还是被动,最终都必须走到这条路上来。在进入WTO后,这个趋势已越来越明显,比如银行、保险乃至制造业都会遇到外资进入后行业标准提高的问题。随之还会出现业务上的重组、组织结构的变化、财务上利益分配的改变等等。它们是技术问题,但更多的还是管理问题,这些都是信息时代的管理所遇到的特殊问题。综上所述,信息化已成为企业提升竞争力的战略武器,故我认为应根据企业在成长中不同阶段的管理信息化需求,应用不同的企业<WP=3>管理套件(EAS),这包括ERP(企业资源计划),DRP(分销资源计划),CRM(客户关系管理),KM(知识管理),BI(商业智能)及EIP(企业信息门户)等应用领域。随着基于微软MS.NET电子商务技术平台推出和英特尔迅驰移动电脑广泛应用(其基于美国电气和电子工程师学会〈IEEE〉推出的新通讯标准802.16a即Wider-Fi),电子商务的远距离无线操作变得可能。这将为管理套件等本身内容充实和发展以及其应用提供了更加光明的前景和广阔的发展空间。同时,立足国际和国内现实,放眼未来,我们可以看到:根据联合国对工业化发展所做的有关前工业化、工业化一、工业化二、后工业化四个阶段的划分以及他们测算的结果显示,未来十年,中国整体将处于从工业化一向工业化二迈进阶段。随着经济全球化和我国的入世,我国已日益成为一个制造业为基础的大国。而制造业尤其需要像ERP这样的信息技术的支持。正如前所说,现代企业的竞争早就漫延到企业的整个供需链上。以后的竞争将是供需链与供需链的竞争,是纵向的竞争。以我国企业尤其是国有企业粗放式管理现状和离散型作战方式,如再不借助先进的管理思想配合信息技术手段来提高企业经营管理,那么企业将无法在残酷的全球市场竞争中立足。因而,引入先进的管理思想和信息管理系统是国内企业提高管理的水平和技巧大势所趋,是生存和发展的需要。本文共分六部份。第一部份主要论述企业在不同成长阶段采用的信息化战略。包括三个方面内容,即信息化将引导管理变革、ERP#信息化和企业成长阶段的信息化战略。这一部分的内容主要从战略层次着眼,通过划分企业成长发展过程中的五个阶段,即创业阶段、集体化阶段、规范化阶段、精细化阶段和合作化阶段,管理者怎样制定相应的企业信息化战略。第二部份主要论述对应企业不同成长阶段的信息化战略采取的管理变革。主要包括四个方面的内容,即企业成长发展中的五个阶段、企业成长过程中的组织惯例、企业的管理模式和变革策略以及信息技术创造变革的战略优势。这一部分的内容主要从战术层次着眼,通过以上四个方面的内容阐述把企业信息化战略具体落实到战术层次并予以解决。第三部份系统阐述当今世界最先进MS.NET技术平台和符合SUN的J2EE技术下的管理套件应用。介绍企业应用套件EAS(enterprise application suite)组成部份的应用部署、业务框架及技术架构,包括其技术平台BOS(business operation system)、ERP、CRM、KM、DPR、BI。该部分包括六个方面的内容,首先介绍EAS的思想,接着介绍EAS的特征以及其系统架构和技术架构,再谈EAS应用部署,最后简介EAS系统组成部分ERP、CRM、KM、DPR、BI。这一部分的内容主要从技术层面解决企业信息化战<WP=4>略和战术存在的技术问题。第四部份从两个方面介绍EAS最重要的构成

【Abstract】 We are in innovation period. At this time, information technology absolutely influences the business .so much new management theory and module based on new information technology come here at a fantastic speed. It is critical to business for success. It has carried so much challenge to the management in the new period.Step by step, information is the combination with our lives as electronic used to do, and also is it a part of business strategy decision. It is a long-term and risky action for business strategy decision which involves investment、finances、new product development and so on. So we must first know the advantage and disadvantage of our competitors ,and the demands of our customers ,and the tendency of business, but all these have to use information technology. Such as BI is a new knowledge and technology, which can be united with information technology and business strategy, and help decide strategy or target of business. Another challenge is globalization. Information technology has shortened time and space. It results in the change between the business boundaries, which contact with our understanding about the conventional business structure. Now Business spread all over, but conventional business could ignore the core competition. So we face new management problems that include project management、culture and structure conflict in new period. The intermotive has been analyzed, I consider first step how information come to the result. Flexibility is the advantage of informationazation, which means to strengthen the flexible capability of business. Informationazion is a kind of circumstance, and it will have been a business standard, no matter passive or positive, it will make business put to use. In pace with China’s entering WTO, the tendency has become more and more outstanding. While foreign capital has been entering, domestic manufacturing industry must enhance the levels of manufactures, so must the banks and the insurance. It will contact with business restructure and benefit change<WP=6>of finance. These are not only technology problem, but also involve in business management. All these come on through the informationazation, which we must face.Information technology has become strategy weapon, which could improve business core competition capability. I think business should adopt different business management suites, which include ERP、DRP、CRM、KM、BI、EIP and so on, in accordance with the different growing stages demand of information technology. Electronic Business has become true with wireless and distance control or operation based on ms.net electronic business technology platform of Microsoft and Intel mobile computer application that based on new communication standard of IEEE, in other word, 802.16a or wider-fi. UN divides industrialization into preindustrialization、industrialization one、industrialization two、postindustrialization. Authority predicts china should be between industrializing one and industrialization two phases in the ten futures. With world commerce integration and china becoming WTO member, china has been "world manufacture center". Manufacturing industry especially needs information technology, for example ERP (enterprise recourse planning). So competition among modernization enterprises no longer is between them, further between the supply-demand chains. It is vertical competition. It will be so hard to Chinese enterprises (especially for state-owned enterprise) to survive under future market competition unless they upgrade the irregular and disperse management by means of IT application. In other words, the introduction of advanced management idea and information management system such as ERP、CRM、BI、KM、EIP is the tendency of management upgrading and requirement of survival and development。In the paper, first the author will introduce business adopt different information strategy in different growing phrase. Secondly describe business should apply reorganization in different growing phrase. Thirdly talk about the management suite ap

  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】312

