

【作者】 王刚

【导师】 于建原;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在市场经济日益完善的今天,企业都是作为独立的法人实体直接面向市场进行竞争,一个企业要在激烈的市场竞争中获得生存和发展,那它必须处理好诸多方面的关系,如技术、财务、营销、会计、人事和采购等等方面的内容,其中营销作为一个重要的方面,往往为我国的企业所忽视,它们还停留在过去的“生产”观念上,殊不知,这一失误导致了众多企业在经营上的失败,甚至到了破产的地步,因为它们没有真正了解市场,没有了解顾客的需求变化,因而也未能开发出适销对路的产品。一个企业,如果有很强的管理能力,那么它可能拥有资源使用上的效率优势;也可能拥有较强的创新能力,能先于对手推出新产品,而这些产品能不能为顾客所接受,能不能实现它应有的经济效益和社会效益,则往往取决于它的营销能力,如企业的市场地位、品牌、市场的声誉优势等;通过营销,企业的利润得以实现,才能进一步的发展和壮大,因而,营销能力是一个企业的中心能力,在中国已经加入WTO的今天,营销工作对企业而言已显得尤为重要。在这篇文章中,笔者分析了当前机电产品市场中洗涤设备的营销状况、存在的问题及解决的办法,但在总体上仍然采用发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的思维方式;通过分析市场需求的变化,认识市场发展的趋势,拟为企业提供决策上的参考,以达到减少决策盲目性的目的,进而求得企业的生存发展。全文共分四章,每一章中又含若干个小节,并力求将各方面的问题陈述清楚。第一章,主要对成飞集团及机电公司的发展背景作了介绍,说明了航空工业的“一体两翼”的发展战略及扩大非航空产品的必要性,并简要介绍了成飞机电的总体情况;然后,对成飞机电产品公司的发展过程进行了分析,指出企业存在的问题,也就是本文将要研究的问题;最后对研究该问题的目的和意义给予说明。第二章,首先,着重介绍了洗涤设备的生产、输送和分配等过程<WP=3>的特征,并对这些过程中的一些要求也顺便给予了说明;通过集中程度的分析,说明洗涤行业所在产业链上的竞争情况和整个行业的经济性;同时,对产品的分类及使用范围作了一个简介,并对洗涤设备在经济中发挥的作用给予了肯定;其次,总结了洗涤设备产品在营销上的一些特征;再次,从宏观和微观的角度,分析了问题的成因(存在问题的细化),说明了营销状况的严峻性质。第三章,首先,分析了整合营销发展的历史渊源;其次,进行了整合营销研究的文献综述;再次,对整合营销的内涵作了详细的分析,并具体细化到产业链上各相关部分;最后,说明整合营销的特点和优势,因而产生了选择的必要性。第四章,针对成飞机电产品公司存在的问题及成因,选用了整合营销的方法;具体从这些方面进行实施:企业文化的建设,以统一员工和企业的目标;对员工进行有效的培训和激励;与供应商的整合;企业的产品、渠道和促销手段综合应用的整合;最后是客户关系管理和服务的改进。其基本内容据第三章第三节细化后的整合要求。

【Abstract】 Nowadays , the market economy is becoming better and better . The enterprises , which are independent corporative units , compete in the market directly . If an enterprise wants to win existence and development in the fierce market competition , it must deal with a lot of relationships well , such as technology、financing、marketing、accounting、personality and purchase etc.. Being an important part , marketing has been neglected by most of our Chinese enterprises , they still stay on the past conception of production . For the sake of this error , many of them got failure of administration in market , some of them have gone bankrupted at end . Because they do not know the market and variation of consumer’s requirements truly , so they do not develop products which fit the market correctly . One enterprise , if it has strong ability to manage , it will possess the advantage of resources-utilization ; or it may have very strong ability of innovation , and can produce new products ahead of competitors , but it does not know if these products can meet the needs of consumers and if it will realize its relative economic and social efficiency ,all of these will be determined by its marketing ability , such as its position in the market、its brand and its reputation etc.. By means of marketing , the enterprise will realize its profit , only in this way can it exist and develop , so the marketing ability of the enterprise is central ability . At present , China has been a member of WTO , so marketing will be more important for Chinese enterprises .In this thesis , the author analyzes some items including the marketing situation of laundry equipments ,which are being sold in the market of machinery and electron products at present ,then he analyzes existent problem and method of solution . But , the traditional analytical<WP=5>method of finding problem、analyzing problem and solving problem is still used in this thesis ; On the condition of analysis of market variation , we can know the tendency of market development , and the author wants to deliver reference for the enterprise’s decision in order to relieve blindness of decision , then the enterprise can exist and develop .The whole thesis is divided into four chapters , each chapter includes several sections , the author tries to state all problems as clearly as possible . Chapter Ⅰ: Firstly ,the author introduces the background of CAC(Cheng Du aircraft corporation)、the background of MECCAC(machinery and electron company limited of CAC)、the CAC’s developmental strategy of "one body , two wings" of aviation industry and the necessity of enlarging non-aviation products . Secondly ,the author analyzes the developmental course of MECCAC and points out its main problem ,which is the topic of the thesis .At end , the author introduces the aim and sense to research this problem . Chapter Ⅱ: Firstly , the author introduces characteristics of laundry equipment on production、transportation、distribution and specification of the requirements in these courses .By means of analysis of collective degree , we can know competitive situation of the whole industrial chain and economic efficiency of laundry equipment ; Secondly , the author introduces the classification of laundry products、their scopes of utilization and their functions in the market economy ; Thirdly ,the author sums up the marketing characteristics of laundry products ; At end , the author analyzes the cause of the problem from the macro and micro hands and explains the severe fact of marketing . Chapter Ⅲ : Firstly , the author analyzes historic origin of integrated marketing ; Secondly ,the author sets forth the document on integrated marketing research ; Thirdly ,the author analyzes the connotation of integrated marketing and details the relevant parts of industrial chain ; Finally ,the author explains the characteristic and<WP=6>advantage of integrated marketing ,so there is necessary adoption of integrated marketing .Chapter Ⅳ: To the existent problem and causes o

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】172

