

【作者】 唐旭

【导师】 蔡春;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展,特别是在已经加入WTO之后,我国经济融入国际经济一体化的进程也不断加快。同时,由于世界经济正在从工业经济向知识经济转变,信息技术发展突飞猛进,业主需求个性化、多变化和国际化趋势的加快,使得国际工程承包市场的竞争愈演愈烈。为了适应这种竞争环境的变化,国际工程项目的管理模式和管理方法正在发生着深刻的变革,符合国际惯例的项目管理思想和方法已经在我国国际工程承包企业中得到较为广泛的应用。国际工程承包企业作为一个独立的经济实体,要持久获得较高的赢利,工程项目的成本管理是根本途径。回顾我国传统的工程项目成本管理方法,基本上都局限于战术层次上,某些观点、方法已不适应规模越来越大、过程越来越复杂、国际化程度越来越高的现代工程项目管理的需要。正因如此,国际工程承包企业为了争夺市场和生存发展的空间,工程项目的成本管理就必须站在战略的高度,以培育自身长期的竞争优势,从而适应不断变化的竞争环境。本论文从剖析国际工程承包企业的成本管理环境变化入手,提出基于战略管理理论的目标成本管理方法,详细阐述该方法的理论架构,并且分析了该方法在某大型国际工程项目案例中的具体应用。文章分为四个部分:第一部分介绍了工程项目成本管理系统,明确了项目成本管理的三点内涵;同时分析了项目成本管理在国际工程承包行业中的应用背景和重要意义,并对传统的项目成本管理方法在成本管理的观念、目标、手段、内容等方面的局限性进行了分析。第二部分是本文的核心部分,作者重点阐述了基于战略的目标成本管理方法的理论架构。首先提出了基于战略的目标成本管理方法的基本原理,然后勾勒了基于战略的目标成本管理方法的主要内容框架,包括该方法的目标、程序、原则和特点,最后,介绍了该方法的<WP=3>分析工具。第三部分阐述了在国际工程项目中特有的五类成本构成及其控制特点。包括设备成本、材料成本、人工成本、管理成本以及财务成本。第四部分结合笔者参与管理的西电集团公司所承建的第一个严格按FIDIC土建合同条款进行施工管理的南亚A国亚龙水电工程项目的实际案例,从成本管理的预测、决策、计划、控制和评估等各个步骤详细分析了基于战略的目标成本管理方法在国际工程项目管理实践中的应用。本文的创新之处在于,在传统的项目成本管理方法的基础上,结合当代企业战略管理的最新成果,提出了基于战略的目标成本管理方法的理论体系,并且在工程管理实践中得到了比较充分的验证和应用。实践证明,这种方法对于帮助国际工程承包企业进行战略决策和战略实施,从而培育持久的竞争优势,具有极其重要的作用。当然,限于作者的专业理论水平,文中难免出现错漏和不妥之处,还请各位教授专家批评指正。

【Abstract】 With the continual development of the market economy, especially the entering WTO, the course that our economy integrated with the world economy is expedited. At the same time, due to the world economy is changing from industry economic to knowledge economic, information technology is developing swiftly, and the owner’s demand is growing individually and changeably. As the result, the competition in the international engineering contract market is more and more violent. To conform with such environmental change, the management mode and methods of international engineering project are innovated. The project management methods according with the international convention are introduced into our international engineering enterprise and are generalized among them.The cost management is the essential road of making persistent profit for international engineering enterprise which as economic substantive. Looking back to the traditional project cost management, we can find they are all limited in the tactical level. Some theories and methods have not met the engineering management’s requirement now. So the international contractor must cultivate their continual competition advantage on the strategic level.This thesis begins with the change of the international engineering cost management. After analyzing the limitation of traditional project cost management, the author puts forward a new cost management method: target cost management based on strategy. The author expounds the theoretic structure of this method, and analyzes its practical application in a certain international project.The thesis is divided into four parts:In the first part, the author illustrates the concept of the project cost<WP=5>management and explains it’s connotation, then analyzes the application background and the significance of the project cost management in the international engineering contract industry. The author also analyzes the limitation of traditional cost management in its conception, target, instruments and content.The second part is the key portion of this thesis. The author expounds the theoretic structure of target cost management based on strategy. Firstly, analyzes the principle of target cost management based on strategy. Secondly, expounds the contents of target cost management based on strategy, including its target, procedure, principal and characteristic. Last, introduces its analyze instrument.In the third part, the author expounds the proper cost management factors in the international engineering project and their control keys. Including equipment cost, material cost, labor cost, management cost and financial cost.In the fourth part, the author analyzes the method’s practical application in a certain international engineering project:Yalong hydropower construction project, including cost forecast, cost decision-making, cost plan, cost control and cost management evaluation.

  • 【分类号】F285
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】583

