

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 颜安;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现代社会已步入信息时代,信息技术迅速渗透到社会经济的各个领域,信息已成为继土地、资金、劳动等生产要素之后的又一重要经济资源。企业资源的整合与优化配置,企业资源计划(ERP)成为企业信息化建设的最终选择。随着企业信息化建设地逐渐深入,国家对中小企业的ERP建设的提倡和推广,在中小企业中实施ERP和有ERP实施需求的企业数量越来越多。但随着企业信息化建设的深入,ERP项目的不断实施,越来越多的失败案例也呈现在我们面前。众多中小企业在ERP项目实施的进程中似乎都遇到了一个巨大的"黑洞",使得企业大量的投入见不到任何回报。原因何在呢?本文通过对升达公司ERP项目实施的跟踪和总结,对该企业实施ERP项目中存在的问题进行诊断和分析,并得出相关的解决方法。论文主要使用了CSF(关键成功因素分析法)将公司的战略目标转化为对信息化建设的需求,利用BSP(企业系统规划法)、U/C矩阵来求解升达公司需要什么样的信息子系统,通过与ACCPAC系统功能的对比,诊断升达公司的ERP系统的选型是否成功;使用SWOT分析方法,分析升达公司在同行业中的竞争地位;使用项目管理的理论知识来分析升达公司ERP项目中存在的问题,并主要从企业领导的重视、企业流程再造、项目控制、企业文化建设等其他相关方面来进行解决方案的阐述。本论文研究的内容为:通过对升达ERP实施项目的实际跟踪,对该项目进行总结分析和诊断,得出要成功实施该ERP项目的解决方案。论文分为四个部分,基本研究框架是:第一部分:ERP理论进行简要的阐述以及中小企业ERP实施的现状(即第一章),从而得出ERP实施是中小企业以长远的眼光来看获得竞争优势的选择。<WP=5>第二部分:升达公司基本概况的描述及ERP项目实施的背景分析,即第二章。在本章中通过对升达公司的基本状况和战略规划进行简单介绍后,利用战略管理的相关理论对公司所处的内外部环境进行分析和评估,导出ERP系统的实施成为公司在现在阶段获得竞争能力的不可替代的手段。第三部分:ERP实施项目实际跟踪过程的描述和总结分析。这是本文的重点,在第三章中,笔者简要介绍了升达公司的项目实施过程,对此进行简单的总结,对升达公司ERP项目作了一个简单的评述。在第四章中,是本部分的核心内容之一。主要是对升达公司的ERP项目进行诊断分析,包括了对项目选型、项目管理各个环节和阶段中存在的问题以及升达公司本身在该项目中存在的问题做了详细的诊断分析。第四部分:根据升达公司在项目中出现的问题,提出对策。主要是从高层领导的重视、业务流程再造、项目管理以及企业文化知识管理方面提出对应的解决方案。选择升达公司的ERP实施项目这个方向作为论文的主题,一则无意作前沿的理论探讨,二则我不认为我的论文能够完整、准确地解答这些问题(毕竟专业的IT咨询公司顾问都无法给出最好的答案和解决方案),而只是希望能在老师的指导下对自己实际操作中所遇到的困惑作一些归整和探索,希望局部或一定层面的研究有所突破,并能对今后的工作有所帮助。同时通过对升达公司ERP项目实施的实际案例的研究,对项目实施过程中出现的问题进行总结和分析,能够找出一些规律性的东西,对具体从事ERP项目实施的中小型企业有一定的参考借鉴或启示作用。

【Abstract】 It is an information era. The information technology has rapidly entered into all fields of society life. The information has become another important economic resource after land capital and labor. The best choice of enterprise to acquire the advantage of competition is ERP( Enterprise Resource Planning).With the rapid development of information technology and the advocating of the middle and small enterprise’s informationlization building, the demand for the ERP system is come forth rapidly. But, with the ERP projects bringing into effect, the case of failure is more and more. What is the reason for these cases? This paper uses the SWOT method to analyze the competition station in floor board industry. And to use the CSF(Critical Success Factor) BSP(Business System Planning) and U/C matrix to sum up the information system which is filled in the demand of Shengda Corporation. Then, the information system compared with the ACCPAC system’s functions, and diagnose the choice of ACCPAC system is success or failure. The paper not only uses the theories of project management to analyze the problems on the Shengda ERP project, but also brought forward the solutions on attaching importance to the ERP project, the business process reengineering, the control of the project, the enterprise culture building, and so on. The thesis diagnosticated the problems of the Shengda Corporation ERP project during the process in the implement and brought forward the solutions of the problems through attaching myself to the project.This paper is made up of four parts.Part I: Expatiating on the ERP theory and the status quo of the ERP to put in practice. The thesis concludes the result that to choose the ERP<WP=7>system will take the advantage of completion. Part II: To introduce the basic instances of Shengda Corporation and the background to choose the ERP system. In this part, the paper introduces the basic surroundings of the Shengda Corporation, combines with the corporation’s strategy to analyze Shengda Corporation’s competition states. To use the theory of strategy management analyses and evaluates the Shengda Corporation’s interior and exterior environment. From it, the paper educes the ERP system’s actualization become the Shengda Corporation’s final choice to acquire the competition abilities.Part III: ERP project’s process and analyses, diagnose. This is the emphases of this thesis. In the Chapter 3, the thesis briefly introduces the process of the Shengda ERP project, and makes the conclusion that the Shengda ERP project is failure. The Chapter 4 is the core of the thesis, including the diagnoses of the project. It expatiates on the project choice ,project management of all the project phases, and the Shengda Corporation’s question in detail.Part IV: Through the problem analyzed, the thesis brought forward the countermeasures from the recognition of the superior leader, BPR, the project management and building the enterprise culture.

【关键词】 ERP实施项目管理选型ACCPAC信息化建设
【Key words】 ERP systemACCPACproject managementinformationcompetition abilities
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】295

