

Middle School Politics Classes Construction of Activity Research Development Teaching Mode in the New Curriculum Reform

【作者】 李金萍

【导师】 邱永渠;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化与新课程改革日益推行,人才培养的模式的探讨成了一个新的焦点。应该说,培养综合型的、有创新能力的、全面发展的人才成了新形势下教育的最高目标。因此,旧有的中学思想政治课教学模式必定地要发生改变。 一方面,本文以长期以来中学思想政治课教学中存在的问题以及新《课程标准》为由,以马克思主义实践论,列昂捷夫的活动心理学理论,主体性教育理论,建构主义教学理论基础为依据,从内涵界定,功能作用、实践的可能性与必要性,教学原则,教学程序,教学策略,实施的条件等方面,全方位地构建了中学思想政治课活动-探究-发展教学模式。通过小组间的自主探究活动,培养了学生的各种能力,提高了其综合素质,促进了学生的个性发展。 另一方面,文章还阐述了在构建此模式过程中得到的启示:即要加强对中学生德育实践能力的培养、注重中学生创新能力的培养以及中学政治教师角色的转换,以适应新形势下对师、生更高层次的要求。 本文的末尾还提出了几个在操作过程中制约本模式实施的因素与遇到的问题所带来的思考,以图能对中学思想政治教师的教学有所帮助。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization and the New Curriculum Reform,the discussion on the mode of how to cultivate capable students has become a new highlight. Cultivating comprehensive, creative and all-round students has been the highest goal for education in this new situation .Therefore,the old mode of teaching politics are bound to change.On one hand, according to the problems that have existed for a long time in high school politics teaching and the New Curriculum Standard, the thesis comprehensively constructs a high school politics teaching mode Activity-Research-Development teaching mode, which is based on the Marxian theory of practice, Leontjef s theory of activity, student oriented educational theory and constructivism learning theory. The construction of this teaching mode has also taken other aspects into consideration, such as connotation definition, function effect, the possibility and necessity of implementation, teaching principles, teaching procedures, teaching strategies and the conditions of implementation, etc. Through free research activities between the groups, the students can develop their capabilities, comprehensive qualities and personalities.On the other hand, the thesis also sets out the inspiration gained in the process of constructing this teaching mode, That is to enhance the training of students’ practical ability in moral education and focus on the cultivation of students’ creative ability and the role shift of middle school politics teachers so as to meet the higher requirements for both the teachers and students in the new situation.Finally, the thesis puts forward the meditation that comes from the problems met in the process of implementation, hoping it can bring about improvement of Politics teachers’ in middle school.

  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】955

