

A Preliminary Approach to the Model of Self-governing of Student in Secondary Vocational and Technological Schools

【作者】 高爱晟

【导师】 黄仁贤;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中等职业技术学校办学就是要按教育规律从学生的身心发展需要出发,从社会的发展需要出发,通过自主管理培养学生成为具有全面素质和综合职业能力的生产第一线的高素质的劳动者。本文对“中等职业技术学校学生自主管理模式”的涵义、理论依据、操作原则、培养目标及实施途径进行了详细探讨。笔者认为,学生自主管理是真正关注学生主体性发展,促进学生身心和谐发展,以适应未来社会发展需要的新型人才培养方式。

【Abstract】 The educational purpose of Secondary Vocational and Technological School is to train students to become the first line labourers with all-round characters and comprehensive career skills by means of self-governing according to the law of education, taking both the needs of students’physical and mental development and the needs of social development as a starting point. In consideration details of the meaning of the "Model of self-governing of students in secondary vocational and technological schools", the theoretical foundation, the operational principle, the objectives of training and the ways of implementation has been given in this paper. The writer takes the view that self-governing of student is an effective way to bring up new type of talents. It is indeed concerned about the development of students, the subjective and promotes students to co-ordinate their mental and physical development so as to meet the needs of social development in the future.

  • 【分类号】G717
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】675

