

The Psychological Health and Personality State of the Hygiene Middle School Students in Fujian Province and the Educational Solutions to Their Psychological Problems

【作者】 丁爱芝

【导师】 王东宇;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究包括两部分。第一部分运用SCL—90症状自评量表和EPQ艾森克人格问卷为测查工具,并结合问卷调查和访谈调查,对福建省5所中等卫生专业学校的538名学生进行现状调查,结果显示:48.0%的学生存在轻度心理症状,15.8%的学生存在明显心理症状,其心理问题主要表现为人际关系敏感、强迫、偏执、敌对等;与有关高中女生心理健康状况比较、与全国成人常模比较,卫校生的心理健康问题均较突出;卫校生人格状况与全国中学及师范女生常模比较,精神质维度(P)分值显著高于常模,神经质维度(N)与掩饰性维度(L)分值均显著低于常模;卫校生的心理健康与人格状况均存在年级差异;人格因素(N、E、L)、专业兴趣、年级、家庭经济、父母职业等是影响卫校生心理健康的主要因素。第二部分在现状调查分析基础上,针对福建省卫校生的心理健康状况及其影响因素,提出相应的教育途径。

【Abstract】 This paper has two sections:In the first section, the studies of the psychological health and personality of 538 students in 5 hygiene middle schools in Fujian province were conducted with the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). The interview and questionnaire methodologies were employed. The finding of the studies shows that slight psychological symptom exists among 48.0% of the total students and distinct psychological symptom exists among 15.8% of the students. The chief psychological problems are coercion, sensitive to interpersonal relationships, stubbornness and bias, hostility and so on. With reference to the relevant studies conducted on female high school students and adults nationwide, the psychological health of the hygiene middle school is a prominent problem; With reference to the studies conducted on personality state of the female high school and normal school students nationwide, the P score of EPQ of hygiene school students is much higher, while the N score and the L score of EPQ are much lower than the common level. The psychological health and personality state differ among hygiene middle school students in different schooling grades. The major factors affecting the psychological health of the hygiene middle school students are: personality factors (N, E, L), interest for her major, grade, family economics and parents’ professions and so on. In the second section, based on the analysis of the data collected, relevant educational solutions are proposed according to the psychological health state of the hygiene middle school students in Fujian province and its affecting factors.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】353

