

Construct the Aesthetics-based Mode of Morality Education in Middle School

【作者】 刘琼华

【导师】 王岗峰;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国改革开放的进一步深入,社会的政治、经济、文化等领域发生了一系列急剧的变化。社会转型时期产生的一些良莠不分的新事物、新观念强烈冲击着当代中学生。受其影响,中学生的思想道德状况表现出多元化和复杂化,出现道德失范和道德滑坡现象。长期以来,虽然我们不断加强思想道德教育,但德育的实效性并不高,这一问题已引起德育工作者的高度重视。中学德育低效的原因固然是多方面的,但传统的德育模式割裂德育与美育的联系,德育过程缺乏美育的参与是德育低效的主要原因之一。鉴于此,本文从美育的角度入手,探讨“以美育人”的理论渊源,分析德育与美育的辩证关系,发挥美育的德育功能,在此基础上,提出构建“以美育人”的中学德育模式,并在坚持德育为主导,切实提高德育实效性以及发挥美育的德育功能,实现德育过程美育化的原则指导下,从实践上作了以下几方面的探索:建立“以美育人”、促进学生全面发展的科学管理体系;提高教师的审美素质,增强师表美的德育功能;加强对学生的审美教育,培养其道德美感;建立美善相融的校园文化体系。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of reform and opening in China, a series of dramatic changes has taken place in such fields as politics, economy and culture. What’s more, new things and new ideas have exerted great influence on middle school students. All this has led to morality degradation of middle school students. Though morality education has long been strengthened, it hasn’t obtained desired result. The ineffectiveness of morality education, which has drawn educators’ great attention, has various causes. One of the main causes is that the traditional mode of morality education has cut morality education and aesthetic education apart and that it has excluded aesthetic education. This thesis traces the theoretical origin of aesthetic education, analyzes the dialectic relationship between morality education and aesthetic education, and on this basis, suggests constructing the aesthetics-based mode of morality education. The thesis believes that morality education should be the guideline and its effectiveness should be improved. Exert morality education function of aesthetic education; achieve the mode of aesthetic education in morality education process. The final part of the thesis also puts forward some suggestions to practice the mode of morality education: build up a scientific management system based on aesthetic education for the full development of students; enhance teachers’ aesthetic quality and strengthen the morality function of their conducts; enforce students’ aesthetic education and cultivate their sense of morality; help form school culture integrating good and beauty.

  • 【分类号】G631
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】952

