

A Research on the Status Quo of High School Students’ Employment of Lang. in Putian Municipality

【作者】 阮莉立

【导师】 刘永耕;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息时代的到来,社会语言文字生活在丰富多彩的同时,其规范化工作也正面临严峻挑战。莆田市地处东南沿海又是典型方言区,社会语言文字生活对于外来语、方言的吸收,无论是在速度还是在数量上,都较之其他地区突出。处于社会环境重重包围之中的学校不可避免地受到社会语言文字环境的影响。为此,本文试通过问卷调查、实践考察等方式了解中学生语言文字使用现状,揭示存在不规范原因,探求解决对策,以推动中学生语言文字更加规范的使用。 调查结果显示,莆田市中学生语言文字规范现状不容乐观,在语音、文字、词汇、语法、标点符号等方面都存在诸多不规范的现象。调查结果还显示,社会语言使用环境和学校的教学环境对中学生的语言文字的规范使用起了十分关键的作用。 为尽快扭转这种局面,笔者认为应该抓好以下几个方面: 一.营造良好的社会语言文字环境。二.突出语言文字教学的核心地位。三、发挥语文教师的积极作用。

【Abstract】 With the recent social development, social lang. has been much enriched, which means its standardization is now confronted with austere challenges. Putian Municipality is situated in southeast coastal area and typically characteristic of local dialect so that its social lang. stands out in foreign languages and local dialect assimilation both in speed and in quantity. The schools, encircled by the general social surroundings, are inevitably affected by changes in social lang. Taking these into consideration, the article attempts to make clear the status quo of high school students’ employment of lang., track down the causes of non-compliance with standardization, search for the solution and consequently promote standardization of lang.. in schools by means of questionnaires and field research.The survey indicates that the status quo of high school students’ employment of lang. in Putian Municipality is by no means optimistic, with much non-conformity to standardization in phonetics, spelling, vocabulary, grammar as well as punctuation. It also shows that language surroundings play a pivotal part in high school students’employment of lang..To restore the situation as soon as possible, the author deems it a must to enforce the following proposals: 1, to create favorable surroundings as far as the standardization of social lang. is concerned; 2, to give prominence to lang. teaching; 3, to bring Chinese teachers’ action into full play.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】645

