

Teaching and Learning or Mathematical Modeling in High Schools

【作者】 李林

【导师】 张胜元;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 教育乃至数学教育到底能给人带来什么?至少有更多的知识和能力帮助受教育者解决他们所面临的问题。传统的(数学)教育过分要求学生记忆书本知识或解决有固定答案可循的书本问题,只能对分析性思维有效果外,而对发生在受教育者身边的具体应用性问题所需的创造性思维和实践性思维却收效甚微(Sternberg)。这与数学的应用价值越来越得到大家的重视、教育界普遍关注用数学知识解决实际问题形成强烈的反差。培养学生适应社会且为社会解决实际问题做出贡献乃是教育的最终目的。其中利用建立数学模型解决问题的数学建模教学从国外到国内,从大学到中学,越来越成为数学教育改革的一个热点。 本文对中学数学建模的教与学作了一个简要的综述,重点在第四、五、六部分,围绕中学数学建模从内容、学生和教师即数学教育的三要素进行讨论:在引言中用两个例子说明了目前教育的部分弊病和原因;第二部分从国内外的数学教育改革引出中学数学建模教学与活动;第三部分介绍了原型与数学模型的关系、数学模型及有关概念;第四部分介绍了数学建模的定义、在中学的运用、数学建模步骤原则与方法、中学数学建模的内容与现状简介以及它和应用题的区别;第五部分从数学学习的心理认知理论角度讨论中学数学建模,并且把它扩大到问题的解决;第六部分详细讨论了中学数学建模的教学活动与教学模式;第七部分在小范围内进行跟踪实验及其数据分析;第八部分为结束语。 本文的写作得到了福建师范大学数学系张胜元博士的热心指导,在此表示衷心的感谢!

【Abstract】 What is the purpose of education, especially the mathematical education? At least, it should make people who accept the education more knowledgeable and more capable when they face to problems The traditional (mathematical) education method over emphasizes student’s ability to memorize the knowledge on the book or to solve the problems which have known solutions. This method may be a good way to train student’s analytic ability; however, it has little effect to enhance student’s creativity and practicality which are necessary for students to solve the problems that they face to everyday [Stemberg]. There is a big gap between the goals of education and what the traditional method could really achieve; especially now the value of applying mathematics to real problems gets more and more recognition. Indeed, it is the ultimate goal of education to train students to fit in with the needs of the society and solve the real problems for the society. Therefore, the Mathematical Modeling Training, which teach students how to solve problems by building mathematical models, is getting more and more attentions from educators worldwide. It becomes a focal point of education system reform, in universities and high schools, in China and other countries.This thesis presents an overview of the Mathematical Modeling Teaching and learning practice in high schools. The key parts of this thesis are Chapter Four, Five and Six, in which the three key elements of mathematical education in Mathematical Modeling, i.e. content, student and teacher, are discussed In the first chapter, two examples are used to illustrate the drawbacks of current education methods and the reasons causing such drawbacks. Chapter Two introduces the concept and activities of Mathematical Modeling Training through the practice of mathematical education reform worldwide. Chapter Three describes the concept of the mathematical model, the relation between the mathematical model and the prototype, and other relevant concepts. Chapter Four gives the definition of Mathematical Modeling; introduces the application of Mathematical Modeling in high school education; describes the principles, procedures and methods of Mathematical Modeling, summarizes the contents and current status of Mathematical Modeling in high school education as well as the difference between the Mathematical Modeling and the Application Problems. Chapter Five discusses the high school Mathematical Modeling Training from learning psychology point of view, and extends the discussion to the end of problem solving. Chapter Six details the educational activities and models of high school Mathematical Modeling Training. Chapter Seven presents the results of a small scale test and its data analysis. Chapter Eight is the conclusion and closing statementThe author wishes to thank Dr. Shengyuan Zhang of Mathematics Department, Fujian Normal University. Without his guidance, this thesis would not have been possible.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1312

