

A Cross-area Study on the Correlation between Personality Factors and L2 Achievements

【作者】 邓庆周

【导师】 檀东星;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 基于个性因素在二语学习的研究中很少引起重视(王立非,2000),国内更少有专题、系统的实证研究,也鲜见跨地区的对比调查研究,因此本研究试图在二语习得过程理论(如输入假设、情感过滤、输出假设等)的观照下,采用较适合中国学生的艾森克人格问卷简式量表(中国版)(EPQ-RSC)及自行设计的“英语学习情况(条件)”调查问卷,以探讨不同地区条件下学习者个性特征与二语学习的相关程度。 研究者选取我省三地市福州、泉州、龙岩(分别代表较发达、中等发达及欠发达地区)的329名高二学生进行了调查问卷实验取样,结合期末英语成绩(均转换为T分数),利用Excel5.0和Spss11.0统计软件,对各地学习者的主要个性特征:内外向(Extroversion/Introversion)、神经质或情绪稳定性(Neuroticism/Stability)进行分类(如内向、偏内向、中间型、偏外向、外向),并分别比较他们与二语成绩的相关性,结果发现: 1、学习者主要个性维度(E、N)与其二语总分无显著相关; 2、对全部有效被试(300人)的分析显示,E维度(外向)得分与听力成绩呈显著正相关,与阅读成绩呈显著负相关,但在各地市的相关程度存在差异,即福州未发现统计学意义上显著相关;在泉州呈中度相关(P<0.05);在龙岩呈显著相关(P<0.01)。 作者分析认为这种地区间差异主要是各地区教、学条件,二语练习机会,父母、教师期望及当地的外语地位等因素的影响而使用补偿策略的多寡而造成的,并提出小班化、选课制、教师期望、适度超载(overloading)以及习得环境的创设等补偿策略。

【Abstract】 Since the research on the influence of personality factors on L2 learning has received scant attention, few systematical, empirical or cross-area studies have been made and no convincing conclusion is reached, the present research attempts to explore the correlation between personality factors and second language achievement under the cross-area condition. By means of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised, Short Scale for Chinese (EPQ-RSC) and a self-designed " Survey of English Learning Conditions ", the author samples 329 students of senior high schools from Fuzhou, Quanzhou, and Longyan areas. Based on the research on the correlation between the main personality dimensions (E, N) and L2 achievements and the analysis about the survey of English learning conditions among areas, the conclusions can be revealed as follows:(1) L2 learners of different personality traits, as our evidence shows, differ in L2 achievement in our province, though the statistically significant correlation has not been exposed between learners’ E, N scores and their total marks of the final English examinations.(2) The two key personality variables-E, N dimensions are significantly related to learners’ listening and reading achievements. In detail, the L2 learners’ E scores are positively related to the listening obtainments and at the same time, negatively to the reading achievements. Besides, in Longyan area, statistically significant negative correlation between the learners’ N-scale scores and their listening proficiency is found.(3) The correlation between the L2 learners’ personalities and L2 learning varies among areas. Such correlation is lower in developed area (e. g Fuzhou) than that in developing area (e.g. Longyan)(4) It is mainly the differences of English learning conditions that make the personality-L2 achievement correlation different among areas. In other words, the personality influence on L2 achievement among learners can be, to some extent, reduced by subjectively and objectively compensatory efforts. The compensatory strategies include the following: small-class teaching and interaction enhancing, school-based curriculum and selected courses, teacher expectation and student portfolios for developing, and finally the efforts to create or strengthen the L2 learning and acquisition (especially L2 practice) environment.

  • 【分类号】G633.4
  • 【下载频次】739

