

An Analysis of the Causes for the Professional Students in Dread of Writing Composition and Study on the Measures Taken

【作者】 蔡桂琴

【导师】 陈晓云;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 社会对高素质实用型人才的广泛需求使得人们在大力发展职教的同时,对职校生的职业道德、智能、开拓创新能力等综合素质提出更高要求。写作是检验一个人综合素质的一个指标,它在提高职校生语文能力、促进其德、智、体、美、劳全面发展方面的作用举足轻重。但目前职校生普遍患有“写作恐惧症”,“写作恐惧症”缘何而来,有何对策?本文通过调查,从主客观两方面分析其成因:文化基础素质不尽人意使得职校生有先天性作文“营养”不良,耐挫EQ低、写作兴趣不高使得职校生写作能力严重“缺钙”,社会上人们对职教及职教中的文化课、作文课的冷落使得职校生写作环境严重“缺氧”。要矫正和消除学生写作心理障碍,社会、家长、教师要形成合力,营造重职教、重文化课、重作文的氛围,创造一个支持性的写作环境;应注重职校生良好写作心理素质培养,发挥非智力因素在写作中的作用,让不同程度的学生在写作中体验成功;应遵循职教专业性、适用性原则,找准突破口,架设沟通写作与专业学习的桥梁,在写作中提高职校生的专业兴趣和能力,为提高其适应职业变化能力打基础,争取双赢;应发挥教师在作文教学中的主导作用,努力探寻适合职校生特点,使其乐学作文的途径。

【Abstract】 While the extensive need of the society in high-quality personnel of practical type makes professional education widely developed, it puts forward the higher request for students’ overall qualities such as their professional values, intelligence as well as creative abilities. Writing, as an index of testing one’s overall qualities, plays a major role in strengthening students’ ability in Chinese and all-round development in virtue, intellectual education, physical education, esthetic education and labor. But nowadays students in professional school are commonly in dread of writing composition. Why? How can it be? What’s the cause? And for that what measures should be taken? Here, This article is to tell the causes with an analysis from both subjective and objective views through the investigation. Owing to the basic cultural quality being unsatisfactory, students in professional school are usually poor in "nutrition" for writing work and low in E.Q, with little interest in writing, these students become seriously short of "calcium" in writing capability. And also, people’s cold attitude toward the cultural courses and writing activities makes the students in professional school lack of "oxygen". In order to clear up students’ mental barriers in writing composition, First, the society, students’ parents, and teachers are all required to form a joint force, giving an eye on professional education and cultural courses, creating an ideal cultural atmosphere for writing. Secondly, we should emphasize in culturing a good mental quality for the students’ in writing work, developing the possible factors besides those of the intellectuals, so as to let students in different levels experiences their success in writing. Thirdly, we should follow the principles of professional practical usage, and exactly find out the way to a breakthrough point and then build a bridge between the writing courses and professional study. On the writing activities, try to arouse students’ interests-their profession and their ability in it as well, in order to make a firm foundation for their ability to be used to the professional variation so as to win the both. Furthermore teachers should play a leading part in composition teaching, meanwhile, look into the ways which are suitable for the specialities of the professional students with great efforts and then make them easy and willing to learn composition writing.

  • 【分类号】G633.34
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】461

